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Jamal Williams Soon To Be Free Agent!

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Now its not official but PFT is reporting that another Charger's player is reporting Williams is as good as gone. This would be a HUGE acquisition for us if we can act on it and bring him in. I think this guy is one of if not THE best 3-4 nose when healthy. The only thing that would prevent us would be his health. Dont know what his injury was, but think it had something to do with his arms (triceps maybe). Buddy used to be around this guy, so I think this is very much possible!

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Now its not official but PFT is reporting that another Charger's player is reporting Williams is as good as gone. This would be a HUGE acquisition for us if we can act on it and bring him in. I think this guy is one of if not THE best 3-4 nose when healthy. The only thing that would prevent us would be his health. Dont know what his injury was, but think it had something to do with his arms (triceps maybe). Buddy used to be around this guy, so I think this is very much possible!


To me this is a no brainer signing. He fits a need....is known by the man making the decisions.....etc etc


That would leave that 2nd round to pick up another need.


I would also look at Troy Smith for only a 5th

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If this is true, he should be the first guy we target once FA starts. No doubt this would save a higher draft pick.


We should still draft a DT but not with our 2nd pick like it looks like we might now.

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We should still draft a DT but not with our 2nd pick like it looks like we might now.

Or, package that 2nd pick w/ Whitner for Baltimore's OT Gaither. if that's even possible.


Teams can trade tendered players as they wish, right?


If so, there's gotta be some potential to deal w/ Baltimore, with Gaither & now Troy Smith as tendered FA's.

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Or, package that 2nd pick w/ Whitner for Baltimore's OT Gaither. if that's even possible.


Teams can trade tendered players as they wish, right?


If so, there's gotta be some potential to deal w/ Baltimore, with Gaither & now Troy Smith as tendered FA's.


I believe that is the point of tendering them, seeing as how they put a round grade on them. Essentially saying, "Hey, if you want em, this is what you gotta give us."

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Now its not official but PFT is reporting that another Charger's player is reporting Williams is as good as gone. This would be a HUGE acquisition for us if we can act on it and bring him in. I think this guy is one of if not THE best 3-4 nose when healthy. The only thing that would prevent us would be his health. Dont know what his injury was, but think it had something to do with his arms (triceps maybe). Buddy used to be around this guy, so I think this is very much possible!



It's official. He was released

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I believe that is the point of tendering them, seeing as how they put a round grade on them. Essentially saying, "Hey, if you want em, this is what you gotta give us."


I haven't kept up with this, so Gaither has a 1st round tender on him?


Give this man a blank check to sign here. Gaither, Smith and Jamal Williams would be an awesome offseason.


I would agree except it looks like that would mean we lose our 1st rounder which I definitely don't want.

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He was released for a reason. He has played for 12 seasons at nose tackle and is pretty beat up. I don't think he could hold up- and if you are getting him to use a draft pick at another position, you are short changing the NT position. You don't get everything at once. It doesn't work that way.

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I haven't kept up with this, so Gaither has a 1st round tender on him?


Yes, he does, but I am not sure if what you said is allowed. As in, changing the round given because a player is added. The NFL rules are so quirky, anyone know?

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Williams is going to turn 34 this offseason and while some of the big noses have their best years in their 30s (Pat Williams and Ted Washington to name a couple) he's had a lot more wear than most other nose tackles. That said, I still think he could be a good stop gap for a 2 year contract til we can get the 3-4 settled.

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Beat writer Kevin Acee reports the Chargers have released NT Jamal Williams.

Acee predicted the move a week ago, so it wasn't a surprise. Williams, turning 34 this offseason, was due a $1M roster bonus on top of a $5M salary in the final year of his contract. He'll be a health risk on the free agent market after missing most of the 2009 season with a torn triceps. With Darren Sproles now in his pocket, GM A.J. Smith can target a nose tackle in the first round.

Source: Kevin Acee on Twitter




On Saturday, the Chargers announce that they were placing DT Jamal Williams on Injured Reserve, thus ending his season.


Williams has had a history on knee injuries, but this off season he lost 25 pounds and came into camp saying he felt better than he had in years. But this time it was not his knees that failed Williams, but rather a torn tricep that is causing him to sit out the remaining fifteen games of the season.


He was injured in Sept. I wonder if he can be ready by training camp?

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I haven't kept up with this, so Gaither has a 1st round tender on him?



I would agree except it looks like that would mean we lose our 1st rounder which I definitely don't want.

that's why I was theorizing/asking if possible to send package to Balt including Whitner, to make that 1st rnd for Gaither a 2nd.

Here's what Im thinkin:

we ship- Whitner, 2nd pick, 5th pick (or something like that),

balt sends us- Gaither, Smith


no idea if that's all possible or feasible, really.

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He was released for a reason. He has played for 12 seasons at nose tackle and is pretty beat up. I don't think he could hold up- and if you are getting him to use a draft pick at another position, you are short changing the NT position. You don't get everything at once. It doesn't work that way.



hey, you don't sign him unless he passes a physical, right? And this does not preclude the Bills drafting a NT - playing NT is hard when you are 22 years old. Up until their first game in the NFL, they usually were by far the biggest guys on the field. Now they are facing guys their own size or bigger all the time. I am interested BTW to see if Kyle Williams can bulk up. He is still really young.


my 2 cents...

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