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Conans 'swan song'

The Poojer

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I'm surprised nobody has commented on Will Ferrell. Is there a more unfunny person to have closed the show with? And he even pulled out the cowbell! How fresh! Conan is great and I agree he got screwed in this mess, but that last bit was unwatchable.



Did you even watch it? He had Ben Harper, Billy Gibbons, Max Weinberg, CoCo, and Beck backing him up. Conan did a sweet guitar solo during the bit. The cowbell thing is 10 years old and stale, however, the entirety of that bit was a masterful way for the show to end.

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Did you even watch it? He had Ben Harper, Billy Gibbons, Max Weinberg, CoCo, and Beck backing him up. Conan did a sweet guitar solo during the bit. The cowbell thing is 10 years old and stale, however, the entirety of that bit was a masterful way for the show to end.


You left out Elvis the C. I agree the band was excellent and the song choice inspired, but Ferrell's tired out of key act ruined it for me.

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i don't think that was elvis...pretty sure there is a guy in conan's band that looks similar to EC....i thought it was him too at first....


You left out Elvis the C. I agree the band was excellent and the song choice inspired, but Ferrell's tired out of key act ruined it for me.
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Wow I stand corrected. He looked a lot like Elvis.

I was gonna say if that was Elvis Costello he put a lot of weight on.


As for Conan's bit about wasting NBC's money, that's actually true. No, he did not spend $65M on a Sloth skeleton defiling a Picasso with Beluga caviar, but he did spend over $500K on the 9 second clip of The Beatles "Lovely Rita" as Tom Hanks walked on. He also spent a similar sum when he played the Rolling Stones "Satisfaction" for Adam Sandler's walk-out.



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that and the 'alleged' spending on a bugati, and on bringing out Kentucky Derby winner Mine that Bird wearing a mink snuggie and watching restricted nfl programming....all very funny


I was gonna say if that was Elvis Costello he put a lot of weight on.


As for Conan's bit about wasting NBC's money, that's actually true. No, he did not spend $65M on a Sloth skeleton defiling a Picasso with Beluga caviar, but he did spend over $500K on the 9 second clip of The Beatles "Lovely Rita" as Tom Hanks walked on. He also spent a similar sum when he played the Rolling Stones "Satisfaction" for Adam Sandler's walk-out.



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I blame both NBC and Leno for this mess. When Leno took over the tonight show back in the early 90s, he lost to Letterman in the ratings for some time before growing his show into #1. When Leno cited Conan's poor ratings as one of the reasons why this move was being made, I thought it was douche-worthy. I blame NBC because they pegged Conan and Jay's successor, and they should have followed through on that for a helluva lot longer than 7 months.

That is a pretty slim reason to pounce on Jay. It's not like he declared Conan a failure. NBC did that. All Leno said that was the reason NBC had for making the change.


The #1 douchenozzle in this affair is Jeff Zucker, program chief of NBC. A man who, by some bizarre circumstance, is still employed by NBC. No man in the history of TV made a decision that caused this much carnage for his network, and yet the man still has his job.


To me Conan is a victim but brought some of this on himself. Leno probably should have retired to Las Vegas to do stand up instead of taking the 10pm gig but to blame him for what's happened is just wrong. Jimmy Kimmel is hilarious but he's an asscrack, especially for ambushing Leno on his own show.


And Letterman is a bitter old fart who should spend less time commenting on Leno/Conan and more time making his show relevant again. His show is simply painful to watch. His crack about Kevin Ewbanks being the "guy in the band paid to laugh at Leno's jokes"??? Gee, that is nothing like Paul Schaeffer. :wallbash:



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That is a pretty slim reason to pounce on Jay. It's not like he declared Conan a failure. NBC did that. All Leno said that was the reason NBC had for making the change.


The #1 douchenozzle in this affair is Jeff Zucker, program chief of NBC. A man who, by some bizarre circumstance, is still employed by NBC. No man in the history of TV made a decision that caused this much carnage for his network, and yet the man still has his job.


To me Conan is a victim but brought some of this on himself. Leno probably should have retired to Las Vegas to do stand up instead of taking the 10pm gig but to blame him for what's happened is just wrong. Jimmy Kimmel is hilarious but he's an asscrack, especially for ambushing Leno on his own show.


And Letterman is a bitter old fart who should spend less time commenting on Leno/Conan and more time making his show relevant again. His show is simply painful to watch. His crack about Kevin Ewbanks being the "guy in the band paid to laugh at Leno's jokes"??? Gee, that is nothing like Paul Schaeffer. :censored:





Well, you have to understand the context of my remarks...I hate Jay Leno lol

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Jimmy Kimmel predicted that this would end badly. At the upfronts (a pitch to advertisers) noted that even NBC knew this was a bad idea:


Mr. Kimmel then took a verbal swing at his own network, reminding the audience that ABC had attempted to hire away Mr. Leno when his tenure ended at NBC’s “Tonight Show.” But, according Mr. Kimmel, NBC said it would not give up Mr. Leno, “even if we have to destroy our own network to keep him.”


Too bad the original video was removed from YouTube. It was pretty great.


Bill Simmons also predicted that NBC was going to put on this 10 o'clock show that will bomb and give Conan a bad lead-in which will make his ratings suffer, too. This will then allow NBC to get rid of Conan and put Leno back on at 11:35. Simmons thought this would make Conan quit and NBC wouldn't have to pay him... so he got that part wrong.


I love a conspiracy theory*, so I'd say this is exactly how Zucker thought it would play-out and he's happy to be thought the idiot.


*Actually I hate conspiracy theories, but whateves.

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