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Second to last post wins - Since Dev's Thread is Close to Being

Steely Dan

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Since Dev started a thread that's impossible to win unless you're a mod or Dev himself I've started a contest that is fair. Also, I'm guessing that thread will be shut down soon. Anybody can win this, except John Wawrow since he's banned from this thread. Seriously John don't even try. This thread is guarded by. 'Nuff said.


So in honor of Dev the first comment will be directed at him.


Dev drinks hypnotoads urine. :worthy:




Wawrow has already posted so I guess this thread won't last long either. Some guard Gangsta Kitty turned out to be :D


And remember, this is the second to last post wins thread. Think about that, second = #2


Your thread will always be number two

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Dude GK is a cat. When isn't he napping?


Getting drunk doesn't help either!! :D



Too bad Gangsta Kitty can't talk like these cats can http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhgVIbO83o4...player_embedded



I like the drunk mexican one at the end.




My brother in law will say "out" to their cat when he's going outside and he's letting the cat join him. The cat goes over to the door if he walks by it and says what sounds like "out".

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Getting drunk does help a lot :doh:







My brother in law will say "ouch" to their cat when he's in bed and he letting the cat join him. The cat goes over his backdoor and violates his crevices.


:thumbdown: sounds like your brother in law has less issues than you, you NAMBLA member :D

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as my friends like to say, "wawrow: rhymes with sorrow."

and yes, Lori, you're now on the list!




Ruh-roh. :wallbash:


'S funny. I'd never heard you on the radio, so the first time you called (forget what it was about now) and introduced yourself, I thought, "Huh? War... War ... oh, so THAT'S how it's pronounced..."


Don't taunt the mods :P

He's allowed, with this one, anyway. You're not. :lol:

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