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OT: Pistons-Pacers


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That might be true, but like I said, don't start trying to put 2 different things together. The fans I saw, one was a big black dude throwing punches, and the vast majority were a bunch of white guys in the stands and on the court throwing punches, challenging players and throwing beer.


You happened to agree with that other post  where he made it seem like it was all b/c of the black males.





Honestly, I dont see this as a race issue. I see the connection between the vibe awards and the disgrace tonite as a group of classless, crude, and uninformed people. (including the white fans) It was a sickening display which gives the nba yet another black eye.




p.s. Rob Ray would beat any of their asses, I dont care how big they are. :D

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Ron Artest wasn't wrong at all.  I wish he had gotten a few other punks before it was over.




Wow, may I say you have a rather bizarre way of looking at things....


As a die-hard Bills fan I am trying to imagine say Lawyer Milloy or Nate Clements getting splashed with a beer and jumping into the stands at lets say New England and knocking the crap out fans 1/3 their size....


I would feel embarrased and ashamed to be a Bills fan the next day and I certainly wouldn't be proud of players from my favorite team in the whole world acting like barbarians...


The NBA is a J O K E . Aside from a few bright spots, its just a sport dominated by thugs and is going downhill QUICK.


The NBA better hope players like Carmello Anthony and Lebron James stay on the right side of things.

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Wow, may I say you have a rather bizarre way of looking at things....


As a die-hard Bills fan I am trying to imagine say Lawyer Milloy or Nate Clements getting splashed with a beer and jumping into the stands at lets say New England and knocking the crap out fans 1/3 their size....


I would feel embarrased and ashamed to be a Bills fan the next day and I certainly wouldn't be proud of players from my favorite team in the whole world acting like  barbarians...


I was actually hoping that would've happened, then I would've known they actually showed up to the stadium.

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Wow, may I say you have a rather bizarre way of looking at things....


As a die-hard Bills fan I am trying to imagine say Lawyer Milloy or Nate Clements getting splashed with a beer and jumping into the stands at lets say New England and knocking the crap out fans 1/3 their size....


I would feel embarrased and ashamed to be a Bills fan the next day and I certainly wouldn't be proud of players from my favorite team in the whole world acting like  barbarians...


The NBA is a J O K E .  Aside from a few bright spots, its just a sport dominated by thugs and is going downhill QUICK. 


The NBA better hope players like Carmello Anthony and Lebron James stay on the right side of things.



It's no different than real life. If someone threw a beer on you you would beat the hell out of them. Why should Ron Artest be held to a different standard? If you can't even go to your place of work and have to worry about being assaulted that's horrible.

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He didn't look too scared to me.  You sound like you wish you could get some from Ron too.  I'm sure he would be more then happy to oblige.



I would B word slap him.

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It's no different than real life.  If someone threw a beer on you you would beat the hell out of them.  Why should Ron Artest be held to a different standard?  If you can't even go to your place of work and have to worry about being assaulted that's horrible.



Fine, then if you want to hold Artest to the same standard then he should be prosecuted for assult just like the fan. Don't you agree?

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It's no different than real life.  If someone threw a beer on you you would beat the hell out of them.  Why should Ron Artest be held to a different standard?  If you can't even go to your place of work and have to worry about being assaulted that's horrible.


Everybody keeps talking about a plastic cup. When those big plastic cups are full and hits you right in your face, it can be quite painful. I'm the size of a pro athlete, and if I was Artest, I would've went in there and done the same thing.


If the fan had any decency and respect for the sport he's watching, nothing would've happened.

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Let me break it down to real life for you for a minute.


Let's say you are walking down the street and some idiot threw a beer on you.  What would you do?  You would do exactly what my man Artest did.  Kick his ass.  Those other fans that wanted a piece got what was coming to them too.


Like I said, I wish a few more of those punks had gotten what was coming to them too.



If I'm walking down the street and someone throws a beer at me, I wouldn't kick his ass. If I'm at a Bills game, and someone throws something at me, I wouldn't kick his ass, because I would face legal consequences. Ron Artest climbed into the stands and attacked someone that was not threatening him in any unusual way. He is paid millions of dollars to play basketball. The fact that he was stupid enough to jeopardize this salary by punching a man for throwing a beer at him is grounds for a lifetime ban from the NBA as well as legal consequence. I don't care how many fans are throwing beers. Those players should have left the court and gone to the locker room. If the game was resumed, they could have come back out. To glorify Ron Artest's behavior is absolutely ridiculous, regardless of the hostility of the crowd.

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Nope, it's not assault.  It's self defense.



Wrong. My best friend is a NY state trooper, he was at my apartment tonight. The average guy would have been in the back of his cruiser with cuffs for the same response. Try again to rationalize.

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Nope, it's not assault.  It's self defense.



No it's not. If that happened on the street and you punched someone for throwing a beer on you, you are BOTH guilty of assult. It's not as if Artest was in physical danger from liquid or the cup.


But see, you are dodging the issue because you know where I am going. Artest SHOULD be treated differently because he is different. He is a multi-million dollar athlete who is being paid to play ball. If a fan throws a cup at you, you get mad, you yell, you B word, you cry, you do anything BUT go into the stands. You get security and allow them to do their job.


What Artest did crossed a line (a line which the fan crossed to of course) and damaged the reputation of his employer (the NBA) and put a huge black eye on all of sports. None of this happens if the fan doesn't throw the cup, but Artest could have prevented it from escalating into total chaos if he was more of a man.


It would be different if the fan came onto the court...but he didn't. What Artest did was flat out wrong. What the fand did was wrong. No one was innocent. And you taking glee from it is shameful, it's a sad day for sports, not just the NBA.

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It's no different than real life.  If someone threw a beer on you you would beat the hell out of them.  Why should Ron Artest be held to a different standard?  If you can't even go to your place of work and have to worry about being assaulted that's horrible.





I deal with a lot of drunken idiots all summer long. You just get their vessel in the chamber, close the gates, and they spend alot ot "quality" time figuring out that they are trapped like a rat. By the time the marine unit or USCG shows up, they realize that they made a bad "boo boo." Mix in the other 30 or so vessels being detained... People really let them hear it. People tend to get the message.


It is not worth losing your job on the "braindead."

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Actually assault is raising a fist to someone and when you make contact with the person that is battery.


So artest would be convicted of assault and battery of a minor. put the POS behind bars for a little bit.



The letter of the law states that it's self defense if you feel threatened with physical harm.


I certainly think it's open and shut. The deputy police chief basically stated that himself. He said if Artest felt threatened he had every right by the letter of the law to defend himself.

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Nope, it's not assault.  It's self defense.


Exactly, it's the same thing with JO. The fan came on the court with his friend looking for a fight, Jermaine didn't know if this guy was crazy and/or had a weapon, so he took him out.


BTW, I need to find a vid of JO knocking that chubby bastard out. :D

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No it's not. If that happened on the street and you punched someone for throwing a beer on you, you are BOTH guilty of assult. It's not as if Artest was in physical danger from liquid or the cup.


But see, you are dodging the issue because you know where I am going. Artest SHOULD be treated differently because he is different. He is a multi-million dollar athlete who is being paid to play ball. If a fan throws a cup at you, you get mad, you yell, you B word, you cry, you do anything BUT go into the stands. You get security and allow them to do their job.


What Artest did crossed a line (a line which the fan crossed to of course) and damaged the reputation of his employer (the NBA) and put a huge black eye on all of sports. None of this happens if the fan doesn't throw the cup, but Artest could have prevented it from escalating into total chaos if he was more of a man.


It would be different if the fan came onto the court...but he didn't. What Artest did was flat out wrong. What the fand did was wrong. No one was innocent.  And you taking glee from it is shameful, it's a sad day for sports, not just the NBA.



I don't agree with ANY of that. We're so far apart on this it's not funny.


Ron Artest was in the right tonight.

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The letter of the law states that it's self defense if you feel threatened with physical harm.


I certainly think it's open and shut.  The deputy police chief basically stated that himself.  He said if Artest felt threatened he had every right by the letter of the law to defend himself.



How coudl you possible argue there was a danger of physical harm? Arest was safe behind TWO rows of media benches and THREE rows of empty stands.


Artest put HIMSELF into physical danger by climbing over those safety barries to confront the guy.


You're wrong.

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