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I don't get it...


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Well that would be because even in Oklahoma we have more to do in life than get drunk and pay money to a multimillionare.  So the next person that feels they need to take a shot because I am an 'Okie'  You had best take a look at your pathetic life first.



Wow, hopscotching across Ice's nerves, it seems.

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whoa, whoa, whoa...


FOCUS people... I get bashed in other threads... let this remain a "ICE is a retard" thread...




No, Ice, you're not a retard, but I do think these comments about a boycott are ridiculous.


The NFL is set up in such a way that teams will go through HUGE cycles of good times and Bad (I know, its been since 95 since we've been good, but just look at the Seahawks, or the Cards, or Lions). We are one (or two) years away from being near the top again. I know, I know, we've said it before. But, now we will finally have youth on the team, and TALENTED youth.


I mean, if you want to boycott every time we are bad that's just assinine. Look at the SF 49ers. They still sell out. But they should be boycotting, right?

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