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Fewell does the unthinkable!!!

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If it was 5-7 years ago, even maybe 4, I'd love to consider giving Fewell an opportunity to prove himself like Singletary or Raheem Morris. He's already doing things the way I'd love the Bills head coach to do them.


Unfortunately, we HAVE to sign a big name this time around, but maybe Fewell will get a chance somewhere else if he does okay down the stretch.


Why do we "have to"?


The last time the Bills "had to" turned out to be a disaster.


You remember, it was after the 2005 season, the last time Wilson "cleaned" house.

The Bills just finished going through their second first time HC. Knee jerk fans started running around screaming how the Bills just "had to" sign an experienced HC this time. No more first timers. They were disasters waiting to happen.

And Ralph agreed.


How about we hope the FO picks a competent person to run the football operations, who in turns hires a qualified competent HC, regardless if the coach is a first timer, experienced, well known, or not.

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So am I the only one who would be okay with them retaining Fewell as the HC?

You aren't the only one. Nothing is guaranteed, but I think this guy is destined for great things as a head coach. It's hard to see it happening in Buffalo, though, since the fan base, myself included, has been screaming for Mr. Wilson to spend for one of the proven veteran coaches and it is going to take time to heal the injured and redress the many wealnessed in the depth chart. Fewell wouldn't have the time to grow into the job here.

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You aren't the only one. Nothing is guaranteed, but I think this guy is destined for great things as a head coach. It's hard to see it happening in Buffalo, though, since the fan base, myself included, has been screaming for Mr. Wilson to spend for one of the proven veteran coaches and it is going to take time to heal the injured and redress the many wealnessed in the depth chart. Fewell wouldn't have the time to grow into the job here.


Under normal circumstances I'd call you a delusional narcissist. But given Dick's firing was a blatant fan appeasement/marketing move, I don't know what to believe anymore. It's the GD Wild West at OBD.

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You aren't the only one. Nothing is guaranteed, but I think this guy is destined for great things as a head coach. It's hard to see it happening in Buffalo, though, since the fan base, myself included, has been screaming for Mr. Wilson to spend for one of the proven veteran coaches and it is going to take time to heal the injured and redress the many wealnessed in the depth chart. Fewell wouldn't have the time to grow into the job here.

That's the pity. We won't let ourselves find a good new coach. We have to recycle one just the placate the fans. As for Fewell, it's too early to say what his future will be, but if he starts winning with these sad sacks and rejects it will be hard to deny him.



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That's the pity. We won't let ourselves find a good new coach. We have to recycle one just the placate the fans. As for Fewell, it's too early to say what his future will be, but if he starts winning with these sad sacks and rejects it will be hard to deny him.

As a former player, Fewell can relate to the players, and starts off with their respect. They're going to play harder for a guy like that. However, Fewell didn't exactly distinguish himself as a defensive coordinator. This season, his defense has faced a lot of injuries, but also a lot of offenses with lousy quarterbacks/other players. It's easy for a defense to look good when it's playing Derek Anderson. Throughout Fewell's tenure as defensive coordinator, his defense has been noted for an inability to get off the field on third down, for a tendency for DBs to play soft coverage, and for the defensive scheme to be vulnerable to throws over the middle of the field, as well as to "death by a thousand small cuts" offenses.


Think of the best current or former head coaches in the NFL. All of them which come to mind had been brilliant coordinators before becoming head coaches. Bill Walsh had been a brilliant offensive coordinator for the Bengals before becoming a head coach. Bill Belichick had been a brilliant defensive coordinator. As you start throwing other names around--head coaches whose teams achieved more than their talent levels should indicate, over prolonged periods of time--you'll realize that these head coaches had almost always been very smart coordinators first.


Perry Fewell was never a very smart coordinator. He's more in the Mike Ditka/Jim Haslett mold: a former player who, as a head coach, can get his team riled up/angry/intense for a few games, but who has done nothing to indicate that he can hold his own against a Bill Belichick in a mental chess match. We don't need a guy like that as our next head coach, no matter how well Fewell does at getting people riled up over the next six games.

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Nobody complained when the SB Bills routinely practiced in the bubble during the golden years. Those players couldn't be accused of being soft and Marv rarely, if ever, practiced in inclement weather. It was more important for the team to have quality practices with good execution of the game plan.



Thats not true...they practiced in there when the weather was at its absolute worst...meaning a inside practice is better than no practice at all. But when it was just cold out or snowing some marv had them outside.

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As a former player, Fewell can relate to the players, and starts off with their respect. They're going to play harder for a guy like that. However, Fewell didn't exactly distinguish himself as a defensive coordinator. This season, his defense has faced a lot of injuries, but also a lot of offenses with lousy quarterbacks/other players. It's easy for a defense to look good when it's playing Derek Anderson. Throughout Fewell's tenure as defensive coordinator, his defense has been noted for an inability to get off the field on third down, for a tendency for DBs to play soft coverage, and for the defensive scheme to be vulnerable to throws over the middle of the field, as well as to "death by a thousand small cuts" offenses.


Think of the best current or former head coaches in the NFL. All of them which come to mind had been brilliant coordinators before becoming head coaches. Bill Walsh had been a brilliant offensive coordinator for the Bengals before becoming a head coach. Bill Belichick had been a brilliant defensive coordinator. As you start throwing other names around--head coaches whose teams achieved more than their talent levels should indicate, over prolonged periods of time--you'll realize that these head coaches had almost always been very smart coordinators first.


Perry Fewell was never a very smart coordinator. He's more in the Mike Ditka/Jim Haslett mold: a former player who, as a head coach, can get his team riled up/angry/intense for a few games, but who has done nothing to indicate that he can hold his own against a Bill Belichick in a mental chess match. We don't need a guy like that as our next head coach, no matter how well Fewell does at getting people riled up over the next six games.

Couldnt of said it better. There have been a few really good coordinators that have flopped as well...mike martz comes to mind

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I did defend Dick, endlessly. And shamelessly so. It was an endorsement I maintained until just a few days before OBD canned him. Can't help if I have a finger on the FO pulse (for better or worse).


But I wouldn't go so far as to say I want Fewell. I'd be okay with him as HC, and unlike the torch-and-pitchfork variety among us, I wouldn't throw a hissy fit if they extended him an offer, at least not at this point.

Heres the thing, they arent going to offer fewell anything. Sure, they will interview him...but this is all about putting fans in the seats. And the majority wants a big name coach. Do I believe fewell deserves a shot...maybe. But he really needs to become a better coordinator first and learn a new system because..well the Tampa 2 is a dinasaur defense that gets ripped apart by the big boys. I do think fewell has the desire and will to one day be a quality HC...he just isnt there yet.

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