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Fewell does the unthinkable!!!

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You really did defend Dick endlessly. And now you want Fewell after one game.


I actually like Perry but I'm not sure if he's worthy of retaining the position. Let's see how the rest of the season plays out before we anoint him the next one.


I did defend Dick, endlessly. And shamelessly so. It was an endorsement I maintained until just a few days before OBD canned him. Can't help if I have a finger on the FO pulse (for better or worse).


But I wouldn't go so far as to say I want Fewell. I'd be okay with him as HC, and unlike the torch-and-pitchfork variety among us, I wouldn't throw a hissy fit if they extended him an offer, at least not at this point.

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I did defend Dick, endlessly. And shamelessly so. It was an endorsement I maintained until just a few days before OBD canned him. Can't help if I have a finger on the FO pulse (for better or worse).


But I wouldn't go so far as to say I want Fewell. I'd be okay with him as HC, and unlike the torch-and-pitchfork variety among us, I wouldn't throw a hissy fit if they extended him an offer, at least not at this point.


* Looks up guiltily from sharpening his pitchfork*

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I did defend Dick, endlessly. And shamelessly so. It was an endorsement I maintained until just a few days before OBD canned him. Can't help if I have a finger on the FO pulse (for better or worse).


But I wouldn't go so far as to say I want Fewell. I'd be okay with him as HC, and unlike the torch-and-pitchfork variety among us, I wouldn't throw a hissy fit if they extended him an offer, at least not at this point.


After one game? Considering all of the candidates???


I don't know man. I like his intensity but he'll have to show me a lot more before I even consider the idea of extending him an offer as our head coach.

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After one game? Considering all of the candidates???


I don't know man. I like his intensity but he'll have to show me a lot more before I even consider the idea of extending him an offer as our head coach.


Right. But, as I re-posted from IndyJay earlier in this thread, he's everything Jauron isn't (at least at this point). So, if we're equally unsuccessful under Fewell, then perhaps the blame really does fall on the players and finding a coach isn't as much of a priority as revamping the roster.

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Right. But, as I re-posted from IndyJay earlier in this thread, he's everything Jauron isn't (at least at this point). So, if we're equally unsuccessful under Fewell, then perhaps the blame really does fall on the players and finding a coach isn't as much of a priority as revamping the roster.


I agree, Big Cat. He is everything Jauron isn't, and I mean that in the most positive way.

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Right. But, as I re-posted from IndyJay earlier in this thread, he's everything Jauron isn't (at least at this point). So, if we're equally unsuccessful under Fewell, then perhaps the blame really does fall on the players and finding a coach isn't as much of a priority as revamping the roster.


I tend to think were just not that talented. I mean looking over our roster I only see a few guys you can build around. Byrd,Evans,Wood.. Every one else is pretty league average or else they're talented but older or younger and unproven.

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I tend to think were just not that talented. I mean looking over our roster I only see a few guys you can build around. Byrd,Evans,Wood.. Every one else is pretty league average or else they're talented but older or younger and unproven.


You can't have a team of all-stars. You just need a quarterback, and a damn good one at that.

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You can't have a team of all-stars. You just need a quarterback, and a damn good one at that.


Yea but you also need some above average players here and there. And I tend to think as long as you have a dominating interior Defense and a good qb you'll be fine. It's worked out well for the Giants anyhow.

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Nobody complained when the SB Bills routinely practiced in the bubble during the golden years. Those players couldn't be accused of being soft and Marv rarely, if ever, practiced in inclement weather. It was more important for the team to have quality practices with good execution of the game plan.



Right? Maybe Fewell should also let them go out and booze it up before the Superbowl, too. Yeah marv and his band of selfish !@#$s are a great example. You do remember they LOST all four in a row, right?



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lol, me too, but we're going to have a new OC next season regardless


I tell you what makes me vomit in my mouth is the number of QB/RB tandems we've had this decade. RJ/Antowain, Bledsoe/Henry, JP/McGahee, Edwards/Marshawn.....holy CRAP, that's nuts. That's obviously not even a comprehensive list.


We need some frickin stability!


You're right, but I think that the real problem is no stability along the O-line. Only Bledose/Henry had something resembling a quality NFL line to work with. QB/RB tandems work better when the QB isn't getting drilled into the turf on pass plays and the RB isn't getting hit behind the line of scrimmage on running plays.

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Yeah, having an indoor facility really hurt the Giants....AND the Steelers.....AND the Patriots...... ;)


Andf that Brett Favre...whos from the hottest part of the Country and HATES the cold...hes a "soft player, too.


Great thought process meathead.

I'm not implying the Bills need to practice outside all week in pads regardless of temperature or weather conditions.

At some point, you need to pad up outdoors and practice in more than spandex.


Is it safe to assume you never played a down of football in your life?

You sure as hell don't practice in the gym all week.

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Honeslty though, I like what Fewell has done so far in terms of making these guys football players again. But Fewell totally blew the game management at half and in the 4th, then in his press confrence he admitted he was playing for 3 at half, not a TD. That my friends is a LOSER any way you cut it. FGs lose games in the NFL because they mean you didnt score 7, and are just a sign that the other team will beat you in the end. Add in the little buddy cover two, I am not a fan.

Have you seen the offense he's working with? He should have said he was hoping for a field goal...

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Wow. People are really settling on Perry Fewell as head coach after a single game??


Why is it a wonder that this team has sucked for so long? The people expect so little that they are very easy to please.

have you ever posted anything positive? and if so, please provide some proof. i got a real big chuckle out of this one, because it's become evident that you'd find something wrong with winning the lottery on a sunny day, right after you inherited a beer factory and married Ms. Scarlett Johansson before rushing off to Europe to accept a Nobel Peace Prize.


it's football. Perry did an ok job for one game. why such negativity?



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have you ever posted anything positive? and if so, please provide some proof. i got a real big chuckle out of this one, because it's become evident that you'd find something wrong with winning the lottery on a sunny day, right after you inherited a beer factory and married Ms. Scarlett Johansson before rushing off to Europe to accept a Nobel Peace Prize.


it's football. Perry did an ok job for one game. why such negativity?




You know, some people aren't happy unless they are miserable.

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have you ever posted anything positive? and if so, please provide some proof. i got a real big chuckle out of this one, because it's become evident that you'd find something wrong with winning the lottery on a sunny day, right after you inherited a beer factory and married Ms. Scarlett Johansson before rushing off to Europe to accept a Nobel Peace Prize.


it's football. Perry did an ok job for one game. why such negativity?




On the New England boards, I bet he posts tons of positive stuff.

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I'm really liking this guy so far. It's nice to see someone who remembers that this is FOOTBALL


I agree...Fewell wants to be the HC and he is demanding and hungry. His players play hard and he holds them accountable.

Can't help but think of this quote from Gordon Gecco in WALL STREET


"Most of these Harvard MBA types - they don't add up to dog****. Give me guys that are poor, smart, hungry - and no feelings. You win a few, you lose a few, but you keep on fighting."

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