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Could all of the fans Boo Drew out?


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I really and truly hope it doesn't come to that.

I don't want to see him taken out on a stretcher again, but his career is O.V.E.R.

He probably can't wait for the elk hunting season to begin in Montana.

What a sad case he's become.

The fire in his eyes went out years ago.

He's a hollow shell now. It's sad, really but he is not a leader anymore.

Is it any wonder that the offense hasn't gotten on track with him at the helm?


Goodbye Drew.

Don't make us boo you.


TD - you may be a legend in your own mind, but to me you're the captain of the Titanic.

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I think JP should be fast tracked and perforce that Drew is done but you will not hear me booing Drew. He is and will be a class act. He took his demotion at NE with the teams best interest in mind. He will do the same here. His last hurrah should not be boos. MM or TD should deserve our lusty displeasure for trotting him out there.

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Boo him.


Every missed pass...Boo him.


Every dumb throw...Boo him.


Every sack...Boo him even more.


We have every right to do so and not doing so would show our apathy for the situation. Being a class act has nothing to do with booing him for his poor play. If you respect him as a person, dont trash him personally as a man in the press or when you see him. But booing his ON FIELD performance while he is ON THE FIELD is our right as fans and completely within bounds.


Drew needs to hear our displeasure.


Donohoe needs to.


And Mularkey needs to.

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GFY.  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  I may not think he's the answer anymore but I'll never boo the guy. The change will happen soon enough.




YES boo his ass off of the field. look it isn't against Bledsoe, but tons of seats not sold out, Bledose booed every snap....they will get the point.

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I say everytime Bledsoe does anything but handoff, boo him.  After two games, I'm pretty sure TD and MM gets the picture.  Too many girls wearing Bledsoe jerseys.  Hey 40,000 booing fans is still louder than any game in the Desert, or Miami.



I don't think the fans are that classless.

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I don't think the fans are that classless.



Well you keep kissing their asses. Most of us are tired of the stevestojan we are being fed. It is about the time to do whatever it takes to force a change. RW NEVER Steps in unless the fans make things BAD. He never has. It's time to start now.

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I wish that I could be up there to see the TBD crew and cheer the entire team to a win.




Yes Bill, I too wish we had real fans in the stands cheering for a win. Thanks ICE, I will still support the team and buy my tickets. It's nice that I can think of you sitting in front of your TV booing in your kilt. TH

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Yes Bill, I too wish we had real fans in the stands cheering for a win. Thanks ICE, I will still support the team and buy my tickets. It's nice that I can think of you sitting in front of your TV booing in your kilt. TH



I'm sure you will continue to support them... even if ralph had sold the team years ago to Jim Jones and moved the team to Jonestown, Guyana.

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I'm sure you will continue to support them... even if ralph had sold the team years ago to Jim Jones and moved the team to Jonestown, Guyana.



As for me, there are players on the Bills that I dont think very highly of, but when the whistle blows, I root for the Buffalo Bills.

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This thread is a great example of how classless some bills fan has become. Nice job.



At least nobody's said they hope Bledsoe gets injured like they have in other threads. :rolleyes:


And to think, Bills fans used to be considered cream of the crop. Apparantly Bledsoe's not the only one who isn't doing as well as in the past. :D



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Let's not stoop to the level of fish fans.I'll never forget the stadium wide chant of 'Sammy sucks' at Joe Robbie Stadium after Sammy Smith fumbled a ball during *the previous game*

Drew is a beaten man.He will be history (along with his friggin' $8 mil. bonus) soon enough.



Well Sammy Smith did suck! Back to back games with a goal line fumble........yeah he sucked. :D:rolleyes:

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I don't think the fans are that classless.



Heh, heh...that's funny.

You've been reading these threads, right?


I'd put the figure at about 90% here, which will

translate to about 60 - 70% at the Ralph.


The red meat is out and the piranhas are snapping.

The much ballyhooed "JV Loserman era" is nigh.

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