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  1. ⬆️ I wonder what L Ron fuk.c stain has to say about gay porn filming in the Senate? Wait...no I don't.
  2. It's almost as if Lron fuk.c stain is a useful idiot only worthy of a full ignore.
  3. L Ron fuk.c stain has a hard time with the facts of the mass trespassing. The guy with the eye patch who "led" the insurrection was Stewart Rhodes. Interestingly, he never entered the Capitol. He was sentenced to 18 years. You know who else never entered the Capitol and we were told that was reason enough to leave him alone? Ray Epps. But Stewart Rhodes planned and encouraged others to go into the Capitol! You know who else pre-planned and encouraged others to storm the Capitol? Ray Epps. It's all so confusing keeping the narrative straight as to who the bad guys are and why...
  4. Don't take Billsfuk.c bait and let it derail another thread. Ignore function please. Again, imagine that this idiot is actually an MD. Further there was not a single person here who defended J6 rioters who actually broke the law. Yet this ***** stain uses his false narrative to justify martyrs who will kill in the name of politics. Sub human scum.
  5. I mean I'm just completely shocked here. In the OP I stated this SHOULD be something that we all agree on. Swatting Bad. But I also predicted that some of our delusional commies wouldn't find the need to condemn this dangerous tactic. And who steps right up to the plate? 'Ol Quack, MD!!! Never change you miserable fuc.k stain.
  6. Nothing can make useful idiots out themselves as useful idiots quite like twisting themselves into pretzels defending the indefensible. Maybe we can get L Ron !@#$ stain to defend gay sex in front of his kids at school? Oh it doesn't have kids? Tell me something else shocking.
  7. Finding Qanon. I've known about the light anti viral therapy trials for years. Because I'm in the field and it's my job to know about such things. You might even call me an expert. But since Trump gave a typical ham handed explanation of what his scientific advisors told him, coupled with your unquenchable TDS, we're left once again with you and your ilk coming off as the fuk.c stains that you are. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-99917-2 The delivery of safe, visible wavelengths of light can be an effective, pathogen-agnostic, countermeasure that would expand the current portfolio of SARS-CoV-2 intervention strategies beyond the conventional approaches of vaccine, antibody, and antiviral therapeutics. I'm also a legal expert btw. Just like Julie Kelly Because I have declared it so. Boom. Simple as that.
  8. The King and LRon ***** stain are commies. It should surprise absolutely no one that they take zero issue with commie concepts and principles. I too used to work for a large international corporation. When I took diversity training someone posed a basic scenario to the instructor: Two candidates are up for an internal promotion for a management position, one a white male the other a minority woman. The white male is clearly superior to the minority woman in every metric the job description specifically calls for. Who gets the promotion? The course instructor did not hesitate in saying that the minority woman gets the promotion every single time. I was shocked. Not that this was the policy, but that the instructor openly admitted it publicly with zero hesitation. Commies.
  9. What this calls for is some more King handwaving, Finding Qanon finding more qanon, JFR projection, and billsfuk.c /Tib-stain standard douchebaggery.
  10. ⬆️ PPP ***** stain. More hard reality... ⬇️ Meet the female Ray Epps, Megan Paradise. Encouraging others to go into the Capitol... Actually goes into Capitol and Pelosi's office.... Is on most wanted list and is then removed... Never been charged. Remains free.
  11. ⬆️ And then there's this fuk.c stain.. Don't worry Finding Qanon, you don't have to aspire to be court jester. This fuk.c stick has a lifetime tenure.
  12. ⬆️ Louder please. I have trouble hearing useful idiot fuk.c stain wastes of skin....
  13. Does anyone, even a conspiracy theory fueled protester, deserve to be beaten when lying unconscious and prone on the pavement? Because that's exactly what happened and what L Ron fuk.c stain's masters won't tell it about.
  14. Here's the link to the OIG report if you never read it. Executive summary is less than 20 pages and every single intellectually honest American citizen should read it at minimum. So that leaves out our two *****stains @BillStime and @Tiberius https://oig.justice.gov/reports/review-four-fisa-applications-and-other-aspects-fbis-crossfire-hurricane-investigation
  15. I didn't merely refute them. I destroyed them. And in the process outed him as an unquestionable troll. Imagine holding onto a post from 6 weeks ago, constantly at the ready to pounce, while trying day after day hoping that I will actually read and respond to one of his trolling posts. Pretty sad indeed. The truth is I've actually read four of his posts since that time. One when another poster referenced one and I was curious enough to see if what I claimed was true. it was. And today, as I was naïve enough to believe that he might be trying to add something to the honest debate between @ChiGoose and myself. My bad. ***** stains gonna be ***** stains.
  16. And moronic ***** stains like @BillStime and @Tiberius continue to swallow that CNN load all day every day.
  17. Cued right up to the point that proves beyond all doubt that @BillStime is a despicable liar, nearly five years later. Not that it will make a damn bit of difference to the disgusting *****stain that he is. Why anyone still interacts with this a-hole is astonishing to me.
  18. The OP of course is a despicable ***** stain and self admitted troll, so there shouldn't be any surprise at all with this thread. Obama follows suit.
  19. Let me guess a ***** stain who knows less than zero about virology has responded. Hey @BillStime ***** off!
  20. I do it everyday here? Really? I call specific ***** stains such as @BillStime out in this thread and in this thread alone, and only when I am forced to read their ***** drivel because others unfortunately choose to quote them. Otherwise I'd never read a single worthless word that these a holes "contribute" here. I keep the profanity, censored btw, to this thread alone and only directed at three specific worthless posters. @BillStime however apparently does it every day and in every thread. Now ***** off again @BillStime
  21. Any of our resident ***** stains care to comment? Wait, nevermind you can just keep ***** off.
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