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  1. Again LRon !@#$ stain like all the other useful idiots ignores that even a commie jury found the orange dude NOT liable for rape. Not. Liable. For. Rape. But that won't stop a useful idiot like Lron fuk.c stain....
  2. ⬆️ Useful idiot fuk.c stain. Now, back to the thread.... 🎯
  3. Tib-stain, Quack, MD, The King, Billsfuk.c, Finding Qanon... Are in the minority of their own party. Why? Because they're useful idiots / commies.
  4. Commie poster report: L Ron Fuk.c Stain Join date: 7/12/21 Total posts: 2149 Days since join: 1036 Posts per day: 2.07 Posts containing "Alex Jones" 11 Posts containing "Josh Allen" 7 Posts containing "Diggs" 3 Conspiracy theorist obsession index: 11/7 = 1.57 TDS posts containing Trump or MAGA: 177 TDS index: 177/2149 = 8.2% Analysis: Another commie poster who joined TBD within last four years. Data suggests moderate TDS infection. Preliminary data also suggests weird obsession with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Previous studies have revealed strong correlation with strict adherence to iron law of woke projection in these cases.
  5. Yet another thread by fuk.c stain that will get what it deserves.. Nonsense.
  6. It should have been banned in 2020. It's obvious it's only here to spam PPP about Trump. It began doing so from the very first day it joined the board. Now of course it will point out that in recent months I have adopted a posting style that semi-mirrors it's own, with the biggest difference being that I don't interact with ANY OF ITS POSTS DIRECTLY. Thus leaving a lot of unnecessary clutter off the forum. Additionally, I've been here since since 2002, longer than Billsfuk.c, Tibstain, Roundy and Lron- ***** stain....COMBINED, with an extensive posting history on the main forum that it of course can't point to. At all. Having said that, I don't have much faith in anything being done about Billsfuk.c. But if something is done and they decide to ban me as a balance from "the other side" Well, then you're all welcome.
  7. Lronfuk.c stain is like the school board administrators who freak out and silence pissed off parents who show and read from these pornographic books at meetings. The parents get silenced at school board meetings for pointing out this crap is made available to their kids. Yet it's just fine to give it to 8 year olds. This crap is all by design, just a different finger of the same commie fist.
  8. ⬆️ Lonely in here, as it should be, with just me and a PPP fuk.c stain.... Quite comfortable living in the vast open area of its barren brain case....
  9. Again, The King and Finding Qnaon still don't get it. "We know because we trust the REAL experts and read the primary source documents authored by those same REAL experts!!" 😂 Newsflash again for you fuk.c stains. Trust the experts got completely flushed during COVID. That was the final straw when the public was repeatedly lied to by supposed "experts" So now, because of that massive miscalculation by the commie left...EVERYONE is an expert while NOBODY is an expert. This is the bed you and your political heroes made. Lie in it and then fuk.c right off.
  10. The King and Daz-stain wallowing in Billsfuk.c's sandbox. How apropos. You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by ChiGoose. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by daz28. Options You've chosen to ignore content by ChiGoose. Options You've chosen to ignore content by daz28. Options
  11. ⬆️ Commie ***** stain. And now back to reason 4,569 why you don't go to MSM for their commie propaganda narrative.
  12. So Lron !@#$ stain and Billsfuk.c support an American journalist and citizen dying in a foreign prison because he reported things the current regime didn't like. How authoritarian of them. Who's shocked?
  13. In 2020 only racial justice protests were allowed. Because those of us who "follow the science" know that only BLM protesters express ACE2 receptors on airway epithelial cells at low enough levels to not allow binding of covid spike protein and therefore no infection. MAGA? Super spreaders! And then we woke up under a blue sky..... ***** off to you moronic science ignorant !@#$ stains.
  14. ⬆️ Pro swatting fuk.c stain. Imagine being under the medical care of this lunatic. Quack, MD indeed.
  15. And Lron fuk.c stain with the solo shot. Combined with the Finding Qanon inside the park home run last inning that makes the score.. Useful idiots 4. Sane people 0. In this crucial Who Is Out Of Touch With Reality World Series action.
  16. @ dazstain sure has a lot of water to throw on the ridiculous idea of why the CCP would funnel millions to the Biden family. Take a stab then Daz stain....what products or services did the Biden's deliver to the CCP to warrant the millions in payments? What's a plausible explanation? Since Joe had no influence and only a slim hope of future influence why pay his crackhead son millions and not do so directly? BTW, I love the downplaying of a paper trail of $40k of CCP money going directly into Joe Biden's bank account. First it wss...so what if Hunter used foreign oligarch money to make Joe's car payment or home repairs. Now it's $40k in CCP money? Meh. Imagine if a trail of bank records showed that Russian sources, in 2013, had funneled 40k through a web of shell companies owned by Eric Trump and eventually directly into the personal bank account of the Great Orange Menaace? Can you say hotter than the sun leftist hair on fire?
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