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  1. The shift to 24/7 in your face pride month has nothing at all to do with pride. It has everything to do with demoralizing the country. If the marxists behind this ever wrestle complete control in this country, then the LGBTQ community will be among the first groups that are persecuted. And those useful idiots will stare slack jawed wondering how those who are "on their side" could ever come for them.
  2. @ChiGoose same guy who read the IG report on crossfire hurricane and came to the obvious conclusion that those were all just innocent errors! Useful idiots can go to very great lengths to be useful.
  3. They knew they were lying and continue to know it does not matter at all to continue doing so. They know they can continue to lie with impunity because activist media and useful idiots. All that's left is to get the election "fortification" infrastructure in place for 2024. And presto! A cadaver is POTUS for four more years, unless he assumes room temperature first that is.
  4. Trust proven liars corrupting the FBI and DOJ? That's for useful idiots alone. @The Frankish Reich @ChiGoose
  5. I know. He's at least a top 3 useful idiot on PPP. Therefore a far superior useful idiot than most.
  6. Remember too that Epps encouraged people to go into the Capitol because he believed it was open to the public that day, despite the police barricades indicating otherwise. And useful idiots nod away in agreement.
  7. All the useful idiots going on record today in the thread dedicated to them. I wish I knew what they're saying..
  8. A useful idiot guesstimates on the number of morons in the country. Priceless. @redtail hawk
  9. I'm sure Hunter tapped out this 22 point email outlining in astonishing detail US strategy in Ukraine, all on his own, between rounds of hookers and blow. And if you believe that, you just might be a useful idiot like @ChiGoose. For Hunter, it was an uncharacteristically lengthy email, listing 22 points about Ukraine’s political situation, with detailed information about the upcoming election and predicting an escalation of Russia’s “destabilization campaign, which could lead to a full-scale takeover of the eastern region, most critically Donetsk. In point 22, Hunter instructed Archer to buy a “burner phone,” presumably to keep their conversations private. “Buy a cell phone from a 7/11 or CVS tmrw and ill do the same.” It’s a prescient and very well-informed email, unlike anything else Hunter wrote in the nine years covered in the laptop, and it has the distinct flavor of an official briefing, perhaps even a classified one.
  10. Classic tactic of far left commies. Also used in the ongoing trans narrative. 1. Get a far left marxist organization like SPLC to create a list of "far right" hate groups. 2. Use said marxist created list to cite, as proof positive, that groups are indeed far right, extremist, domestic terror organizations. 3. Useful idiots parrot away.
  11. This is why I ignore the commies on this board and why you should too. They ignore the mountains of evidence showing the 2020 election was rigged... then you can show them this video evidence of tampering with voting machines that ultimately failed at a 60% clip on election day in AZ and what do you get? More denials. They will never, ever see what is happening right in front of their eyes. They are the useful idiots. They will not see until they themselves get eaten by their "own". History is very clear on this.
  12. Actual avowed communists who have been at work for decades right here in the US to undermine our government, media and institutions from the inside. Also the useful idiots who assist them, blissfully unaware, which at this point is nearly the entire democratic party and half the GOP. If you haven't seen this interview of KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov who describes ideological subversion, in the 80s, I encourage you to do so. There's no denying that we are well down this road already, for those who aren't already brainwashed at least. This also speaks to the conversation @SoCal Deek and I were having yesterday. Bezmenov described this process as “a great brainwashing” that has four basic stages. The first stage is called “demoralization” which takes from 15 to 20 years to achieve. According to the “A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him [a] concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it, until he [receives] a kick in his fan-bottom. When a military boot crashes his balls then he will understand. But not before that. That’s the [tragedy] of the situation of demoralization.”
  13. Nope. See other thread. Some are commies. Most are the useful idiots who support them.
  14. Are any of them experts on Marx and the communist manifesto? Of course not. But many of them are on record as supporting... BLM. An organization founded by marxists. The Hunter Biden laptop story being censored, despite being verifiable and true, in the weeks before an election. A tactic straight from the Pravda manual. Soros elected DAs who look to charge and punish their political opponents while not prosecuting actual dangerous criminal activity. Locking down American citizens and denying basic freedoms for over a year. Prior to 2020 had someone told you this would play out and asked you to guess what country it would happen in, the USA or China.... Government agencies working in concert with "private" companies to censor speech in the digital public square? Etc... These are all the types of things that you find in authoritarian communist regimes. So no you don't have to be an ardent Marxist soldier to be part of the problem, just a useful idiot who ignores the obvious.
  15. If you can't see the commies who have taken over the left then I can't help you. And again, you may not be a card carrying commie, but when you support leftist commie crap you are a useful idiot for commies. Just as bad. Sorry, not sorry.
  16. Documented liars are telling you the 2020 election was the most secure in US history. To useful idiots this means that the 2020 election was the most secure in US history. To everyone else it means we are being lied to....again.
  17. They expect the useful idiots to buy it and that's all they need....for now.
  18. This. It's a basic marxist/commie tactic. Get you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears to truly believe in the patently absurd. It's then that they know that they have another useful idiot joining their ranks.
  19. Yes they ***** will. Along with all of the useful idiots who were eager to comply with idiocy.
  20. They told us what they were going to do. Now they're doing what they said they would do. Useful idiots believe what they're told. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
  21. Why Julie? Because they're commies and their useful idiot minions cheer this crap on.
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