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  1. A And Jim - you just want to focus on the racist elements - YOU won’t touch or acknowledge the power grab - which is exactly the most important elements of this bill.
  2. Oh, no matter what you say, Jim - this law does target a specific group of voters - there is no other reason why this new law exists. You call it whatever you want that helps you sleep at night. And if you don't think the legislature's specially chosen Election Committee isn't going to exercise their right to RIGHT SIZE and disqualify votes - you're dreaming and minimizing the impact of this law - because we already know historically (esp in the South) that they will disenfranchise a very targeted group of voters in very specific (blue) counties. And as proud as you are that the law addresses long lines - there is NOTHING those points can do to counter the fact that ruling party closed over 200 voting sites in the past four years with no intention of replacing them. I appreciate how hard you try to dispel the racist intent in this law but it is clear that EVERYONE is entrenched in their perspective and no one here is going to sway those opinions.
  3. Jim, I've been participating on this board for over a year now. I have never seen anyone like you get so defensive and so outspoken about RACISM. Nothing fits YOUR DEFINITION of RACISM Nothing meets your criteria of racism; especially when your party is accused of it Nobody can convince you that systemic racism exists Just look at your posting history here - you are a broken record - we have 8 pages totaling 188 entries of you pushing back on racism - maybe it IS time to look in the mirror, Jim? https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/search/?&q=racist racists racism systemic racism&author=Chef Jim&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy
  4. I’m still waiting to hear what is in accurate @Big Blitz? None of you racists will even touch or acknowledge the power shift because you know it’s fraught with potential fraud. Hilarious to watch you guys try to sweep your racism under the rug and put this to bed.
  5. Jim - I don’t have time today (Happy Easter) to fight about the racist intent of the bill but this NYT article highlights and links specific passages of the bill that could be interpreted as limiting voting that would target specific counties and its residents. What Georgia’s Voting Law Really Does Outrage? Like Trump and his lemmings biching about fraud months before the actual election and not being able to prove any of it? Hiring a bunch of incompetent “lawyers” to run around the country planting law suits to give the impression of widespread election fraud? If Trump had actual evidence the GQP would have hired the best.
  6. Desperate for attention, Jim? You haven't been able to prove that these changes make Georgia's election more secure and accessible. You haven't even shared why these changes are necessary. Why Jim? What has prompted all these GQP legislatures to make these changes? Say it Jim. You haven't acknowledged the fact that the law strips the power to run Georgia elections from the Secretary of State and local counties and transfers it to a state board that is dominated by conservative Republicans. Why Jim? If this law is about securing GA's election, how does this bill address the non-trivial risk of foreign or domestic bad actors interfering and hacking the voting systems? Does it address any proven pitfalls in documenting and paying for an acceptable ID? Some states apparently accept a hunting license as valid proof but not other reasonable forms. Or the ID can only be gotten by standing in line at a bureau 2 hours away, which full time workers, homebound people and non-drivers aren't likely to be able to do during business hours? How does this bill deal with last minute voter roll purges and stealth purges? Does it provide the ability to easily verify voting status ahead of election day and a way to quickly appeal an unfair purge? Nope. Any attempt to deny this is just plain depraved mendacity on the part of the GQP who know that their anti-democratic, anti-American racist, nativist, death-promoting party as currently constituted is ripe for the dust pin of history.
  7. Yea, it's nice to see Republicans target Georgia's largest private employer, with 33,000 employees statewide and directly responsible for $43.5 billion in economic impact each year in the state... all because Delta called out their racist bill. The firm I work for is currently reviewing investments in Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee and Texas for their recent sting on voting rights and lgtbq.
  8. CRYING? ME? LMAO nut job And of course you wouldn't acknowledge the racist content.
  9. Nah - you’re either w America and our republic or you're with fascist and racists like Donald Trump. There is no GRAY area.
  10. Yeah it’s pretty big deal - you don’t miss ANy opportunity to put out this fire. There is a reason why he didn’t do it the other night - racists make up a good percentage of his base. How sad.
  11. OK @B-Man Trump is a racist and so are you!
  12. A very sad night for American democracy. An unhinged and desperate President, totally out of control, calls for neofascist white supremacists to "stand by"... Tens of millions of Americans and the world witness a desperate, terrified man humiliated by his opponent as a "clown", "liar," and a "racist."
  13. Ladies and Gentleman - our racists freaks on PPP. Trump couldn’t denounce his followers. Sick PHUCKS
  14. Yes, indeed - we have a racist in chief Trump said he could not "understand why" his wife Melania "would want to go" to Africa: report
  15. See? You are so deranged you don’t even see it. Trump closed our border because he is racist and you pigs get off on that. Canada closed our border because of science.
  16. Trump has successfully destroyed the GOP Trump calls QAnon GOP primary winner a 'future Republican Star' And no doubt, in the remnants of the GOP, once the party of "Family Values" now the party of racism, misogyny, greed, corruption and hypocrisy, the Party of Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene will indeed be a star, and one more nail in the GOP coffin. Thoughts and prayers. POLITICO uncovered hours of videos where she demeans blacks, Muslims and Jews. New GOP headache as candidate condemned for racist videos wins Republican primary
  17. I didn’t project anything dear. You just didn’t like the question. I don’t think you are racist - I *know* it!
  18. Oh, the biggest advocate of Trump - outside of DR - hellll yea - @GG and all of you who fail to denounce Trump's racist tweets and support for the Confederate flag - yea - you are all indeed RACISTS.
  19. Let's risk our kids for Trumps reelection. ? Racist PIG. Drives home HARD his lack of leadership on COVID.
  20. I'm arguing that Donald Trump is a racist. And you praise Donald Trump because he validates your racism and xenophobia and that means everything to you. Not surprised you support mediocrity.
  21. I remember how sensitive most of you were when anyone would call you racist. Why don’t you address this behavior from the President? Why aren’t you defending him on his praise of the confederate flag? He is literally race bating - non stop. So are you ok w being called a racist?
  22. The Race-Hustler-in-Chief “1) He is purposefully instigating racial tensions because he believes that it will help him politically if there is a race war. 2) He is a racist with no self-control and is engaging in self-sabotage. 3) He is too stupid to realize what he is doing and he is just recklessly tweeting anything that he sees on Fox & Friends or that his racist buddies said to him in a recent phone call.” ALL OF THE ABOVE?
  23. Maybe if Trump shared his intelligence from November 2019 others would have a better understanding of the severity of the issue and make better decisions. Oh, and Trump *IS* a racist - and that’s probably why you Trumpholes support him.
  24. Jack Kemp would argue throughout his political career to reach out to minority voters and immigrants. Donald Trump: Mexicans are racist and WHITE POWER. Don’t sugar coat what Trump is doing today and compare that to the legacy of Jack Kemp.
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