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  1. Pervy Cuomo Isn’t Going Anywhere Hey ladies, Governor Cuomo is single and ready to mingle… It was big news on Tuesday, but it’s not Tuesday anymore. It’s Thursday, and by the weekend, any push to remove grabby, groping Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York will be completely memory-holed by the left. So if you were thinking that grabbing subordinates' butts or boobs was a surefire way to exile in the Democrat Party…you haven’t been paying attention. There really isn’t anything for which they’ll hold their own accountable, unless it ultimately benefits them in the immediate, and holding Cuomo answerable for his actions does not. Former Democrat Governor of Louisiana Edwin Edwards famously joked with reporters before one of his elections that “The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy.” He wasn’t caught with either and won, though he was eventually convicted on 17 counts of corruption and did some time. Things were different then, way back in late 1990s and early 2000s. Back then, Democrats couldn’t count on uniform party loyalty to look past anything anyone of them did. Believe it or not, there were many Democrats who were critical of former President Bill Clinton committing perjury and obstructing justice, at least at the start. By the time Clinton and the gang dragged out the process with lies and distractions, the party did get back in line and was uniform. That kind of set the mold for today – if they’re on “your team,” they can do no wrong for which they should be punished. This isn’t uniform, of course, sometimes sacrifices must be made. Al Franken was forced out the Senate not because Democrats cared that he was a handsy douche, but because the “Me Too” movement was rolling and they’d hoped to weaponize it against Republicans. It didn’t really work out, it mostly ensnared Democrats, but they had to continue to pretend Republicans were waging a “war on women!” so he and a few others had to go. What Andrew Cuomo is alleged to have done is way worse than Franken, it’s on par with what Joe Biden was credibly accused of by Tara Reade. Neither allegation interested the media when they were made, only being covered grudgingly so they could say they’d done it and quickly forgotten. Actually, what Cuomo is accused of is only as bad as Biden based on volume, the specifics of Biden’s assault on Reade are worse. It didn’t matter, no one in the media cared. The Biden story was barely a sparse week of casual reporting where it was mostly dismissed. Cuomo’s allegations were numerous, with attractive accusers, all of whom support liberal politics and policies. They were serious, professional women who had no political axe to grind, they were on team Cuomo…until. They were made for TV. But TV wasn’t interested. The people who happily put someone like E. Jean Carroll, who called rape “sexy,” on their airwaves because she was accusing Donald Trump of assault 25 years prior had no interest in young women telling how Cuomo grabbed, kissed, or propositioned them recently. “Believe all women” became “Yeah, yeah, now just shut up.” Cuomo was the media’s creation – they made him their anti-Trump. His daily press briefings were followed by refractory periods pretending to be analysis. They ignored his slaughter of 15,000 senior citizens from his COVID nursing home order. They ignored his abuse of staff to write his book while he raked in more than $5 million. And they moved on from his accusers’ stories every time a new one came forward. They don’t give a damn. Calls for his resignation faded. The “impeachment” inquiry that was talked about when the allegations emerged simply disappeared. There is no reason to think this time will be any different. The Attorney General of New York announced Cuomo was guilty of many crimes, then announced she’d charge him with none of them. If the chief law enforcement officer in the state won’t enforce the law, who will? Biden said he should resign, but that’ll likely be the only time he ever speaks on the matter. So the employee lounge isn’t awkward, CNN won’t cover the story for more than a couple of days. The New York Times ran an editorial calling on him to resign, so they’ve checked the box and will quickly move on too. Virginia still has Governor “Blackface” Ralph Northam, and all these same people called for him to resign when his past was exposed. The Lt. Gov. of the state, a guy named Justin Fairfax, is still on the job too, after he was credibly accused by two women of rape. If those two can survive by simply outlasting the outrage (which, frankly, thanks to their party affiliation only lasted about a week), Cuomo will easily survive. If you’re a Democrat and politically useful to the party, you can pretty much do anything you want and get away with it. More at the link: https://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2021/08/05/pervy-cuomo-isnt-going-anywhere-n2593595
  2. WHY ANDREW CUOMO HAD TO GO: What CNN, MSNBC, and their party, the Democrats, won’t discuss is their genuflection last year before Andrew Cuomo’s press conferences. He’s a smart talker, no doubt, and they gobbled it up. Cuomo even won Emmy Awards for his performances, perhaps because Michael Avenatti was indisposed. What these news organizations didn’t do was investigate the medical disaster that was actually happening in New York state nursing homes while they were drooling at Cuomo’s press conferences. CNN went even further. They allowed the governor’s brother, Chris, who has a prime-time show on the network, to act as a political fanboy, turning his program into a nightly advertisement for his brother. Letitia James’s report reveals that Chris later worked as a clandestine political adviser to his brother while still on-air at CNN. At any other network, Chris might want to get his résumé ready. At CNN, who knows? Here’s something else that should bother all journalists: if 11 people came forward to AG Letitia James to testify about Gov. Cuomo’s harassment, plus at least two more since the report was issued, isn’t it highly likely that journalists in the tight-knit political world of Albany already knew about the problem before it surfaced publicly? Isn’t it likely that they kept silent because the governor was from their favored party and because they feared retaliation if they spoke out? Put differently, when journalists fail to do their job and are already marked down as political partisans, perhaps the two are connected. Here’s another question we should ponder: would Albany Democrats have pushed Cuomo out of office if his successor would have been a Republican? That was the problem faced by Virginia Democrats after they quickly condemned Gov. Ralph Northam for a blackface photograph, only to find his lieutenant governor, another Democrat, also facing serious #MeToo problems. That meant Northam’s removal could pass the office to a Republican. Upon that unhappy discovery, Democrats began saying that they’d been too hasty in seeking to remove Northam. He was able to wait it out. Cuomo took Northam’s survival strategy as a model. But the differences were too stark. The evidence against Northam was much weaker and older than the evidence against Cuomo. Equally important, the consequences for his political party would have been much worse. Once Virginia’s black political leaders, all Democrats, decided Northam’s blackface offense was tolerable, under the (current political) circumstances, he could survive. No such luck for Cuomo. https://spectatorworld.com/topic/andrew-cuomo-resigns-new-york-metoo/
  3. New photo of Justin Trudeau in blackface released on eve of election... https://www.yahoo.com/now/photo-justin-trudeau-blackface-released-155800511.html 4 hours ago — Another photo of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in his infamous blackface costume was leaked Sunday, being circulated just a day ...
  4. From the comments: “School districts have been issuing students laptops that have cameras on them that can be turned on remotely by School District employees. If they think that it’s okay for them to observe what’s going on in my home, they can s t f u about me wanting to observe people who I’m paying working in a building that I’m paying for.” NOW: back to the actual thread topic...........Democrat Part unity..........or lack thereof. FORMER VIRGINIA GOV. DOUG WILDER COMING IN HOT: Gov. Wilder: Virginia Democrats Have Condemned Themselves. https://www.audacy.com/podcasts/jeff-katz-20795/gov-wilder-virginia-dems-have-condemned-themselves-514568980 More from Wllder here: https://www.facebook.com/GovernorWilder/posts/2928408407401686 The People Deserve Answers As I related to WRVA’s Jeff Katz in a recent interview, I have been the beneficiary of much that has been done to eliminate the effects of racism in our state and nation. Sacrifices beyond compare and description were made by those, mostly unnamed, unknown, regardless of race, to promote equality of opportunity and enhance possibilities. The statewide election this year in Virginia presents questions which require answers from those seeking to lead. Two years ago, Terry McAuliffe called for all three persons occupying the offices of Governor, Lt. Governor, and Atty. General to resign. Governor Northam had been shown pictured in his school’s yearbook in “blackface” and subsequent revelations by A.G. Mark Herring acknowledged appearing in “blackface” in 1985. The media ran the story of two women accusing Lt. Gov. Fairfax of sexual assault, denied by Fairfax, but former Governor, McAuliffe, within minutes thereafter, proclaimed the accusations to be credible. Today, McAuliffe is asking people to vote for that A.G. who served as his attorney general, and seeks the continuing support of Northam. No reasons have been given to the voters as to Terry’s change of mind. Nor has any reason been made why McAuliffe felt compelled to violate Virginia’s long standing precedent by choosing to run again, against persons who had far more experience than he, as he had never held elected office of any kind when he ran. All of the candidates he opposed except one, were Black, including two women, whom he felt not qualified to be given the chance that he had been given. At last report, Northam has withdrawn his apology for “blackface.” Is what Northam and Herring did…alright by any standard? Is McAuliffe going to tell the voters of the “credible” evidence that he has relative to Fairfax? Or does this suggest that if you’re a Black person in Virginia, if you’ve got to think about who you are going to vote for then “you ain’t Black.” Stay tuned. .
  5. CBC GOING ALL-IN TO PROTECT JUSTIN TRUDEAU: “This is jawdropping. Man makes photo of World leader in blackface public. Immediately, CBC is on the case… …doorstopping the man who made the photo public at his home and bringing you live footage of him backing his ‘luxury SUV’ into his garage.” To slightly paraphrase Jim Treacher’s great line about old media, “Modern journalism is all about deciding which facts the public shouldn’t know because they might reflect badly on Liberals.
  6. Justin Trudeau stands exposed as phony like the ‘cancel culture’ left Original Article Justin Trudeau turns out to be even more of a vapid idiot than we’d thought. But what price will he pay for his idiocy? Canada’s ultraprogressive prime minister stands exposed as having donned black- or brownface at least three times in his younger years — the most recent occasion apparently being in 2001, at age 29. The first image to surface came from a private school’s “Arabian Nights” gala where Trudeau was also kitted out in turban and robe. He apologized for that one Wednesday, then owned up to singing “Day O” in blackface at a high school talent show. (Apparently, no one was checking his old yearbooks until now.) .
  7. The funniest part of the Trudeau thing is how it has exposed the silliness of our woke liberal news outlets . Saying we must confront racism, but they can’t bring themselves to type BLACKFACE............ because of what it may mean for Canada’s election Hilarious. .
  8. WHY ARE VIRGINIA DEMOCRATS SO RACIST? VA House Democrats Storm Out As Black Pastor Prays Against Abortion and Gay Marriage. Okay, I guess Virginia’s Democratic Governor posing in blackface/a KKK outfit might have been a tipoff. Meanwhile in Indiana. Hundreds Join Indiana Attorney General to Bury Thousands of Dead Babies Found at Abortion Doctor’s House “These babies deserved better than a cold, dark garage or the trunk of a car.” .
  9. I too cannot run for office, as I actually was in blackface once........................yes it's true. In 1962 or 63, my dear sainted mother could not think of a last minute costume for my brother and I to be in the "old Home Week" costume parade. We were around 7 years old. So, in desperation, she blackened our faces, put us in gym shorts, and sent us as Floyd Patterson and Sonny Liston ! I am not aware of any surviving pictures, but I cannot take that chance ................... .
  10. Baby Killing Is Fine. Yearbook Photos Are The Problem. By Ben Shapiro Last week, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam was hit with a shocking blast from the past: a photo on his medical school yearbook page of a man in blackface and another man in a Ku Klux Klan outfit. Northam quickly apologized for the photo, then said he wasn't in the photo and then admitted he had once worn blackface and dressed up as Michael Jackson for a dance contest. He nearly moonwalked at a press conference before his wife gave him a look that could curdle milk. For this sin — the sin of an old, disgusting, racially insensitive photo — Northam now finds his political career on the skids. As of this writing, he's hanging on by his fingernails, even as his lieutenant governor struggles with dicey sexual assault allegations. The same week that Northam found himself in hot water, he endorsed a Virginia bill that would have broadened the ability of women to obtain an abortion up to the point of birth. Virginia Delegate Kathy Tran, a sponsor of the bill, stated in defense of her legislation that women would be able to obtain an abortion during labor. Northam then defended the bill, adding that if a baby were born alive during such an abortion — he assumed that the abortion would be due to "severe deformities" or "a fetus that's not viable" — then the baby could be "kept comfortable" while the family and the doctor decide its fate. Even in the least appalling reading of his comments, Northam clearly endorsed infanticide. Yet these comments did not merit his ouster. In fact, they didn't even merit an argument inside the Democratic Party about the extremism of the pro-choice position. Last month, Democrats in the state of New York cheered wildly for a law that opened the floodgates to third-trimester abortion, with Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordering state sites to be illuminated in pink in celebration of the potential murder of the unborn. The Democratic governor of Rhode Island endorsed a similar bill; Democrats in Vermont attempted to pass an even more extreme bill that would enshrine abortion as a "fundamental right" for the entirety of the pregnancy period. More at the link: https://www.dailywire.com/news/43159/baby-killing-fine-yearbook-photos-are-problem-ben-shapiro
  11. No point in waiting, media/Left/dems are already criticizing the speech over 48 hrs. beforehand..........? Theme Of Trump’s State Of The Union Speech: “Choosing Greatness.” In the midst of the understandable backlash regarding the abortion bills put forth in New York and Virginia, along with Wreck-It Ralph’s KKK/Blackface debacle, the White House has been working on Trump’s State Of the Union speech. It’s overarching theme is a positive one. “Choosing Greatness” I’m sure the Democrats and media are already working on the spin regarding the theme and anything he’ll have to say during the speech. In fact, ABC News is already trying to spin one of the excerpts that was shared with them. Well guess what? The Democrats ARE the party of abortion, crime, high taxes, and open borders. .
  12. How Leftist 'scandals' go............ ● Shot: Ralph Northam admits he’s in “clearly racist” photo; vows to serve out term amid calls for resignation. —The Virginia Pilot, yesterday. ● Chaser: Oof. Hearing during Governor’s meeting with black caucus tonight he could not remember if he was in the blackface or in the KKK hood. —Tweet by Ben Tribbett of the Washington Times, yesterday. ● Hangover: Total Fiasco: VA Dem Gov Northam Retracts Apology, Says That’s Not Him In Blackface, KKK Photo. —Matt Vespa, Townhall, today. A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has declined to resign from office. He asserts that he was mistaken when he said yesterday that he had appeared in his medical school yearbook photograph in blackface or under a hood wearing Ku Klux Klan garb. “In the hours since I made my statement yesterday, I reflected with my family and classmates from the time and affirmed my conclusion that I am not the person in that photo,” he said. Isn’t he still guilty of the bad taste that resulted in the photo’s placement on his yearbook page? He conceded that he did darken his face in a separate event in San Antonio when he dressed up as Michael Jackson as part of a dance contest. Where, oh, where is the photo of Northam in blackface doing the moonwalk? While we wait for the visual confirmation of the governor desecrating the figure of Michael Jackson, Democrats may want to call on the team at Forensic Files to deploy all available resources to check the governor’s changing memory against the available evidence. Democrats want him gone. Standing up for himself, the governor is a man alone. It takes a certain crazy willfulness for him to defy the mob when he has become such an inconvenience to his party’s vested interest in deploying the race card at will. Northam’s fellow Democrats badly want him to disappear. So long as Northam’s memory remains cloudy and the evidence remains less than conclusive, Democrats deserve Northam’s continued tenure in office. He fairly represents the (black)face of the Democratic Party. NORTHAM NOW IN THE DENIAL PHASE OF THE KUBLER-ROSS MODEL. Report: Northam now not sure it’s him in the photo, wants to use facial recognition software As Allahpundit deadpans, “Killing babies on the table is one thing, but an old blackface photo is where America draws the line.” .
  13. We are done as a civilization.............. Katy Perry's shoes pulled after 'blackface' backlash https://nyp.st/2E4RB9W You do realize that actual offensive blackface has to be done with some sort of bigoted intent ! Not anything black with eyes......................good God we're stupid. I BLAME THE DEMOCRATS’ CULTURE OF HATE: Dozens of bullet holes found in Ohio synagogue.
  14. RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Virginia official: Governor tells top staff he will not resign over racist photo, despite pressure to step down. '...................? Have Virginia Democrats paused to consider the implications of a statewide blackface/KKK scandal that somehow results only in the resignation of the black guy?
  15. NEW YORK TIMES ON NEW ABORTION LAWS: RALPH NORTHAM WHO? Catch that description? That the President is making “false statements that Democrats would ‘execute’ newborn babies.” And right there this story becomes a jewel of an example of left-wing journalism by omission, in this case from the New York Times. Missing entirely from the article was the name of Virginia Democratic Governor Ralph Northam. It was Northam, appearing on a radio show, who stirred the hornets nest by saying this about aborting babies when the mother is in labor. The direct quote was this, as reported here at National Review Online: REMINDER: this isn't just another loudmouth politician, he is a pediatric neurologist Here’s video of Northam uttering those words shortly before his medical school era blackface scandal erupted. Speaking of the latter, as a Times headline noted in early April: ‘‘It Just Went Poof’: The Strange Aftermath of Virginia’s Cascade of Political Scandals. The passive tense in the headline is telling. The Times can keep a story alive when it wants to, such as when the Gray Lady ran nearly 100 stories on the Augusta National Golf Club between 2001 and mid-2003. Similarly, the paper in Northam’s backyard ran approximately 100 stories in the fall of 2006 on George Allen’s “macaca” gaffe. The media’s selective amnesia on Northam’s blackface and endorsement of infanticide might lead a cynical person to conclude that they’re Democratic Party operatives with bylines, or something. . 52Posted a
  16. KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Trudeau and Liberal Hypocrisy About Race Survive in Canada. “Justin Trudeau won re-election, but it wasn’t easy for him. His party’s struggles provided some great early-week entertainment. The internet responded swiftly to the news that a politician who has most recently been plagued by a blackface scandal would now be forced to form a ‘minority’ government.” Heh. .
  17. The Walls Really are Closing In . . . On the Elite by Kevin Portteus Original Article Whenever the Left makes a characterization of the Right, it’s safe to be that it’s probably projection. “Projection” is when someone attempts to mask one’s own negative attributes or characteristics by attributing them to others. Christine Blasey Ford accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, but the Left—from Hollywood to Jeffrey Epstein to drag queen story hour for kids at public libraries—is a putrid cesspool of rape and pedophilia. Conservatives are labeled as racists, but the Left features such luminaries as recently fired anti-white New York Times editor Sarah Jeong and blackface aficionados like Virginia governor Ralph Northam and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
  18. Did mainstream media just make a decision to downplay the protests? Was there some poll? Did the ratings come in? Did the events in Madison, Wisconsin — with the toppling of a statue to the abstraction of progress and a statute of an antislavery hero — suddenly wake everyone up to the downside of encouraging chaos? I'm looking at The NYT and The Washington Post, and all the top stories are about Covid19 — the big story that the protests had overcome and submerged. Covid is back with a vengeance. On the WaPo home page, the "above the fold" area is full of Covid19 headlines. Then there are a few things about the 2020 elections, something about Michael Flynn, something about the Palestinians, and — this is the closest we get to the protests — the defeat of Tim Scott's police reform bill. Scrolling past the top screen, there's "Trump lashes out at Black Lives Matter in two tweets/The president accused one of the movement’s members of treason and lamented alleged plans for a new mural in front of Trump Tower in Manhattan that honors the cause" and "Blackface has long been an issue in comedy/Look no further than SNL" — both racial but still not about whatever protests/riots might be happening. Scrolling further, I'm reading many many headlines, but nothing about the protests. Finally, near the bottom, in tiny print, I see "Perspective/Toppling more statues isn’t working when there’s other work to be done." That's all there is right now, I believe. On the NYT home page, the entire "above the fold" space is devoted to Covid19. After that, there is one protest-related story — "How the Philadelphia Police Tear-Gassed Trapped Protesters" — but it's focused on police tactics and grouped with a couple other stories about police tactics that happened outside of the protests. There's also a set of 3 headlines about "The Debate on Statues." That's the sober issue of whether they should they be removed, not the exciting drama of a mob tearing them down in the night. There are 11 headlines for opinion columns, and only one is at related (and not directly — "We Know How George Flynn Died"). Again, it's about the police. Further down, there's stuff about Louisa May Alcott and Leo Tolstoy and Biden's VP. There's nothing about what's going on any "autonomous zones" or where anybody marched or rioted. I really think a big decision was made to stop talking about it! I'm just going to guess that word got around that the ongoing protests were hurting Democratic Party candidates.
  19. CHRISTIAN TOTO: Hollywood Erases Blackface, Whites Voicing Black Roles, But It’s Not Enough. “Woke Left is never, ever satisfied, and it’s happening all over again.” Give in to the mob, get more mobs. Boston University joins the woke movement by addressing racism AND offensive mascots by…targeting the name of a dog His name is Rhett. Has been for decades So (obviously) in New-Think, this MIGHT offend someone. Liberalism is a mental disease.
  20. IS THIS JOE BIDEN’S BLACKFACE SCANDAL? Strong Echoes of Ralph Northam: “But campaigning in Alabama in April [of 1987], Biden talked of his sympathy for the South; bragged of an award he had received from George Wallace in 1973 and said ‘we [Delawareans] were on the South’s side in the Civil War.”
  21. ‘This is political blackface’: Not everyone appreciated Congressional Dems wearing kente cloth
  22. It doesn't matter Jimmy........................NOTHING will appease the Leftist mob......................stop apologizing. Jimmy Kimmel announces summer leave amid blackface controversy ABC's Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday announced he will be taking the summer off after facing criticism over wearing blackface in a recurring skit he performed while working on "The Man Show" on Comedy Central. Kimmel, as a co-host of the "The Man Show," performed a recurring skit that included him dressed in blackface as then-NBA star Karl Malone. Videos and photos of the skits on the show, which ran from 1999-2004, have been circulating online recently with calls for Kimmel to apologize. "I'm taking this summer off to spend even more time with my family," Kimmel said on Thursday night from his home studio. "There's nothing wrong. I'm healthy, my family's healthy, I just need a couple of months off." "While I'm gone, a cavalcade of very kind and capable people will be filling in for me," the 52-year-old added. The announcement from Kimmel comes after rival "Tonight Show" host Jimmy Fallon recently apologized for a blackface skit he did on "Saturday Night Live" in 2000. “In 2000, while on SNL, I made a terrible decision to do an impersonation of Chris Rock while in blackface,” Fallon said on Twitter in late May following the police killing of African-American George Floyd in Minneapolis. “There is no excuse for this. I am very sorry for making this unquestionably offensive decision and thank all of you for holding me accountable.” (Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...
  23. A tweet from the Virginia Democrats was called to our attention this morning, and it promotes a speaker for the party’s “virtual convention” coming up soon: Yep, that’s really something, especially considering what that same organization said just last year. How’s this for a shot & chaser? I mean just so we’re all clear here: everything from college mascots to syrup logos are being cancelled because Black Lives Matter and the @vademocrats are honored to welcome a guy who made a hobby out of wearing blackface, and our media is *DEAD* silent on it. https://twitchy.com/dougp-3137/2020/06/18/and-our-media-is-dead-silent-on-it-virginia-dems-announce-speaker-for-partys-virtual-convention-and-inspire-a-shot-chaser-for-the-ages/
  24. “WE ARE ALL SOCIALIST NOW,” THE WASHINGTON POST* ADMITTED IN 2009, AND THE PAPER’S MAOIST STRUGGLE SESSIONS HAVE NOW BEGUN: WashPost Exposes Its Own Cartoonist Tom Toles Lying About Friend in Blackface at His House. The Post goes on to note that the woman who wore the blackface has since been fired after being outed by the paper: Exit question from Newsbusters’ Tim Graham: “Now the PC Police have come for Toles, and his lady friend who upset the minorities – and the Post is outing the whole thing. Will he get fired after the newsroom erupts in outrage? If an editor can lose his job for a mere headline of ‘Buildings Matter, Too,’ why not Toles?” * Via the cover of its then-subsidiary publication, Newsweek. UPDATE: Democracy dies in doxxing:
  25. What better example of the craziness prevalent this week in the U.S., then arguing about racism in a D-Day memorial Thread......... Quick correction for all: The blackface clip posted was actually actor Larry Parks, who was a big liberal, one of the first Hollywood stars to be blacklisted. Additionally, Al Jolson was not remotely a racist. He assisted black performers throughout the twenties, thirties and forties, when it actually counted to stand up. So Little Greg's knee-jerk reaction of "racism" was especially illustrative. Despite his promotion and perpetuation of black stereotypes, his work was often well-regarded by black publications and he has been credited for fighting against black discrimination on Broadway as early as 1911.
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