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Jerry Jabber

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Everything posted by Jerry Jabber

  1. Diggs is on fire tonight. That back shoulder throw is almost impossible to defend.
  2. Bills should be up by a lot more. Glad the defense has been lights out so far. Allen looks really sharp tonight.
  3. I have to turn off the Extra Point show when Joe DiBiase is on for those reasons. Sal is great, but when Joe is on by himself, it’s awful!
  4. You’re welcome! Glad the Bills are doing so much better. I remember those conversations during the drought. Loved the Bills and Buffalo discussions, but the political talk drove away so many posters. One of the author’s, Anthony Bialy, now writes for BuffaloFamBase.com. Dean Kindig [Astro] is one of the authors as well.
  5. Curious to see who Jimmy Spagnola is and who the guy in the mugshot is on his profile picture.
  6. Looks like all of the episodes are free on youtube on AMC's channel.
  7. RealFootball365.com. There was about eight of us left when the site went caput. About five or six of us will email each other during the season, otherwise, I only keep in touch with Goose on Facebook. Amir Fasaad passed away from cancer. No clue to what happened to the one poster “No longer Doomed to be a Bills fan.” I enjoyed the talk amongst the posters as we talked about anything Buffalo related. Just didn’t care for the political stuff (you’re right, it did get out of hand at times). There was a poster with a funny name “Mike Oxhurtz” on TBD. Not sure what happened to him.
  8. It looks like she gets in a hot wing contest vs Cooper in the season finale. You need AMC+ in order to watch episodes 3-6.
  9. I just watched two episodes of a new show called “Coopers Bar,” mainly because Rhea Seehorn [Kim Wexler from Better Call Saul] is in the show. The main character in the show is Buffalo actor, Louis Mustillo. Louis plays “Cooper” who works in Hollywood and is a former bartender from Buffalo. In the first episode, they mentioned the Bills greatest comeback against the Oilers. The second episode is heavily Buffalo area focused (discusses Buffalo weather, bars, chicken wings, etc.) Direct TV lets you watch the first two episodes for free, then you have to pay for the rest. So far, I enjoy it and it’s nice to see Buffalo getting a lot of love in a TV series. Also love seeing Rhea Seehorn!
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