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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I'm hoping they choke on that food. Seriously though, BillSlime was just being a total ass last night continuing to post the same crap in a thread that was quite busy.
  2. Why would you have to delete threads because I supposedly posted racist crap, Gary? If I remember correctly you may have deleted a thread or two because you were embarrassed with your initial premise.
  3. I've admitted no such thing. You constantly post the same memes and crap without shame. Thanks though for admitting you're a crusader.
  4. So, you're freely admitting that you were crusading, eh?
  5. Oh, the irony. You might want to be a little more contrite. After all, you posted the same statement in this thread probably 15-20 times last night. Have whatever opinion you want but clean up your game and quit posting the same crap over and over. You are not trying to discuss anything, you are trying to just bring the level of discourse here down.
  6. I don't think any Trump had anything to do with the New Black Panthers and their special kind of poll watching in Philadelphia.
  7. No, but he rarely looks presidential. You Lefties always miss the point though. How he sounds or if his mop of hair is all messed up isn't what matters. He's a man of action and should be judged on what he actually does. He's a Git-Er-Done President who has methodically addressed problems and has either solved them or put them on the way to being solved. The best analogy I can think of is the old baseball adage of "get them on, get them over and get them in". That's Trump.
  8. The biggest question to be asked is in light of the coming pitched battle with China, who do you think you'd rather have leading our country, Biden or Trump? Biden routinely makes statements like "I've gotta end this (5 minute) press conference before I get in trouble with my staff". Today, on an Amtrak tour he ended one brief question and answer session when someone asked him a tough follow up question with "I have to end this now or I'll get in trouble with the conductor". He's been asked many times how he'd handle the Covid-19 crisis and he always says that he would listen to the scientists and do what they told him to do. Seriously, this is not leadership, it's acquiescence.
  9. Why don't you actually quote what was said? You present this as a transcript but left part of it out? BTW, last night you posted the same crap over and over again. I have never reported anyone or called for a ban, but if you do that again I'm going to report you and I've got the feeling that many others will too.
  10. The October trophy for stupidity here at PPP has Tiberius and 3rd Chair as odds on favorites to come in first and second place. Upstarts like this Plano guy don't have the gravitas to compete with the superior stupidity of those two. I'm not saying that he isn't stupid enough, but he just hasn't proved himself.
  11. No, it is not. For the first time ever here at PPP I've considered reporting someone. This is a habit of his.
  12. Why did that happen? Was it because Canada was colluding with China and allowing themselves to act as a middleman for their aluminum and steel? All for China to avoid the tariffs? Mexico is stealing the border wall?
  13. The feds told him that he lied when he didn't but then they brought the full force of the government against Flynn. He went broke defending himself.
  14. Seems like the feds pretty much tortured Flynn monetarily though.
  15. We used to hear that becoming energy independent was impossible because it would take us 10 years to do so. Today the USA is energy independent because we not only set out to do so but were fortunate to discover and utilize fracking. Fracking has been a Godsend to our country and possibly the world. You are dead set against it but praise renewables that have made very little difference in reducing carbon emissions. In your own words you claim that solutions don't have to be perfect but the least crappy one. Here is an article from Slate that is 8 years old. I searched using the words fracking, reduction and carbon emissions. I quit perusing the different articles after 3 pages but chose one from a notoriously liberal source. https://slate.com/technology/2012/09/thanks-to-fracking-u-s-carbon-emissions-are-at-the-lowest-levels-in-20-years.html It is my understanding that we here import much of our lumber. I could imagine a government/private industry partnership that would allow logging on federal/state lands along with simultaneously cleaning, thinning our forests and creating fire breaks. Returning to paper bags instead of disposable plastic bags might be a solution for some of the deadfall along with standing timber. We need to daily bitchslap faux environmentalists that protest against trimming tree branches around electrical lines while whole communities burn down. Our energy independence, along with our ability to export energy products places us in a position to dictate outcomes around the world. The Middle East has given us trouble and blackmailed us for decades because they had the oil. Russia, clearly not our friend, relies on oil and natural gas for their main income. We can use our energy independence to shape outcomes around the world. While many may dislike hearing this and I don't find it a perfect solution to the world's problems I see it as the "least crappy one". As far as California goes it is an overpopulated irrigated desert without enough water to support its residents. Their efforts would be better spent looking for solutions such as desalination plants rather than bullet trains. The problem though is that they have given away their ability to actually make bold decisions because of their deep seated government pension deficits. They are the perfect example of failed liberal policies.
  16. There was a secret memo changing the rules and allowing the defender to have his foot in the crease.
  17. Ok, every game this year I've lost reception for at least part of the time and the Bills have of course won them all. Should I disconnect my cable for part of the next game?
  18. Tom Ridge caved to the teachers union in PA 20 years ago by increasing their pensions by 50% and reducing their vesting time from 10 years to 5. He's just another RINO, trying to ingratiate himself and his consulting firm to D.C. insiders.
  19. I beg to differ with you. In order for a person to embarrass themselves they must not live up to expectations. Nobody has any expectations of Slime beyond the spewing out of vitriol and the inadvertent fun he makes of himself. Try as he might, he hasn't as of yet learned to slither.
  20. https://www.whec.com/politics/nypd-should-stop-making-traffic-stops-attorney-general-says/5874695/?cat=10056&fbclid=IwAR1lOEPjV7O91CLLE2KnWm8sf4apit7nonOPaDeJ9O_PEVvfaueQ6TH5xgI What a dumbass idea.
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