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Niagara Bill

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Posts posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Both are considered players coaches

    both had teams that had too many penalties

    both played to outsmart the other team and thus faced huge numbers of injuries from lack of aggression

    both seemed to be out coached and rarely made half time changes that made a positive difference

    both has terrible O Lines

    both had defenses that appeared to be better than performance showed

    both were defensive gurus

    both protected their players from the press

    both were controlled by the Gen Mgr on many player decisions (see Langdon Walker and Cassel)

    both found a .500 record to be a good season

    both had teams with no visible sign of player leadership


    well maybe the differences are not so common as the similarities


    Jauron deserved to be fired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  2. This is the most dissappointing season I have ever experienced. Expectations were high as a result of a great defence last year and the Shady trade to help the offense.

    This poor showing is 100% on Ryan's shoulders. Remember his promise to be a bully defence. Remember his promise to use tight ends to ground and pound. remember the need to have an elite fullback for the run game.

    Do we have injuries.....yes and that is often cause by being run over as we retreat on defence. People get hurt more often getting hit than doing the hitting.

    This team is not getting better in week 13 of this NFL season, it is slipping away. Our own home record tells all of us that.

    Ryan's talk is cheap. Maybe Jests fans were right,

  3. This whole argument that he did not know what the punishment would be is nonsense. Why did he have the 2 idiots do it if he did not know that some punishment would be handed out. Why did he destroy his phone. Why not just do it on the sidelines in plain view. This judge should be impeached for wading into a labor issue he has not business being involved in the. The parties agreed to the CBA.

    There is jurisprudence in Labor Law that either party cannot gain in arbitration what they could not negotiate at the bargaining table. This decision violates that law.

  4. So now the CBA is not under control of the league or the PA that judges have the power to change or ignore whatever they want. I suggest that the Bills should violate the number of players on the rooster rule and keep as many as they want. What will the commish do, fine the team, suspend the team, we can then go to court and win.

    Judges have NO place in labor issues.

    This will lead to a challenge of the draft system again and freeagency rules

    IMHO, if the 2 idiots who did deflate gate knew TB liked the ball softer than regulation and they took it upon themselves to do this, it also tells me this is NOT the first time. Why would they have taken it on themselves to screw TB it such an important game for the first time in 10 years.

    Brady is a lying SOB. Gutless and let the little guys take the fall.

    By the way if he needs someone to take his place in bed with GisBun I volunteer.

  5. Good. China was going to be the primary beneficiary of the pipeline regardless (along with India, Canada and the Saudis). Let them take on the enormous ecological risk of transporting the crude across Canada rather than expecting Americans to take that risk for a project that does not benefit Americans.

    you have a pipeline now from Nebraska to the south coast. So by your point that should now stop?


    Just because the OP is inane doesn't mean you need to double down. With or without the pipeline, the oil will be produced and shipped to the ultimate buyers. Are you happier with that oil moving over 2,000 miles of railroad track?

    you are missing the whole point....give your enemies strength...makes no sense and Iran is an enemy. Giving Iran the power to put sanctions on the US economy one day is not smart

  6. rumors are swilling that Obama will end the potential oil pipeline (known as XL) from Canada when congress takes vacation in August.

    As a Canadian what appears to have happened is he has chosen the oil from Iran (and the terrorists and enemy of Israel) over his friends from Canada. Well, Canada will then have to build the pipeline to the west coast and sell it to China.

    I certainly hope Obama gets his second Nobel Peace prize, (he did nothing for the first) and is remembered fondly when the middle east blackmails the US again, as it most certainly will. (sarc).

  7. Van could make me feel I was at the Ralph or where ever the game was even if I was sitting in a chair at home. I often listened to Van and not the TV feed. I was at the Ralph (Rich at the time) for the comeback but I never tire of listening to his broadcast of that day. Fandamonium.

    Van, get well soon, you are part of who we all are, you helped create these crazy Bills fans.

  8. In the words of Biggie Smalls, "Mo money, mo problems". I know pretty much everyone in this world would like to have that on their plate, but not many get to see it from the inside looking out at the world around them. Happy for Albert, that he is content with the life he has.

    Content with life. No way, that is why he craves attention and writes such drivel. He must have an IQ of 45. His whole existence seems to have been based on sacks. His coach took that away and he has whined ever since. A leader and good player and good person would have followed direction and showed teammates how to do your assignment.

    And where is Biggie Small today??

  9. I am not as easily influenced by this letter as many have been. I saw Haynesworth as an overpaid selfish guy, who because he was now rich was incapable of taking direction and working hard to prepare. He did not play well in any aspect after the money came. He was a bad teammate. He had no effort.

    Yes players are more effective in certain systems based on schemes.

    If he worked in a bank, and he did not like where his desk was located does that not mean he should be in the office early, work hard, be as effective as he can be , earn his pay, stay later than others, help his mates, bring in the coffee sometimes and be a leader.

    Haynesworth is a whining privileged athlete. I see this letter as a minor step on his road to becoming honest, but still along way to go.

  10. Let me say first I am thrilled with hiring Rex R as our coach, but some times a little doubt sneaks in when I see all these old Jests being considered and brought into camp...players the Jests don't want and seemingly having some warm connection to Rex. I then remember the bravo talk when Rex actually considered that Maybin could play and how long it took him to realize that Maybin was a fraud.


    I know he is a players coach but loyalty can also be a major block to success.


    Anyone else have these anxiety feelings about old Jests players? :cry:

  11. A terrible incident for sure and hope no one is seriously injured BUT, is it really necessary to have it be the lead story on the news around the country. Is it really necessary to call in the State Police to investigate. Is it really necessary to find a person to charge and blame when 30 kids bounce on a wooden stage and it breaks.

    Likely the governor will ban all stage productions until a full review can be done, all stages are checked and someone goes to jail. Hilary should be there soon to express her outrage. Cruz will blame the illegal immigrant policy.

    Will helmets now be required for anyone on stage so little Jonny and Alicia will be safe or will singing in groups of more than 5 be stopped.


    Sarcasm for sure by me but why the over reaction. Does it really need to be on the front page of USA Today and find it's way to the courts.

  12. I was the first to bring this subject to light. After posting the ideal I was lambasted and ridiculed. Since we have not been able to land any of the top o-line FA (have been trying), there has been plenty of media talk of the move. Cordy is a good left tackle, but an All-Pro guard. During the preseason Seantrel Henderson played much better at LT than at RT. With a year of experience under his belt the time to which is now. This year draft is stocked with talented o-line help. Cordy will make very good money as an all-pro guard as opposed to an ok left tackle.

    after 10 posts already you think you have been lambasted and ridiculed....or so young and naïve you are, sorry your feelings were hurt

  13. And this would go with Marv as well.


    We hear our new staff talk about offense & defense & special teams have to be on the same page philisophically in order to win.


    Our Superbowl years had a top high octane scoring offense.


    Opposing teams like the Giants could only negate that by long controlled drives.


    Why in the world did we allow our defensive coordinator to play a bend but dont break defense given the offense we had?

    We were defending a against a long ball that was never going to be thrown.

    We were giving up short yardage/move the chain plays which is all the offenses ever wanted.


    It was incredible poor strategy and cost us at least the Giants Superbowl.


    To add insult to injury our defensive personnell of Bruce and Bennet and Leonard Smith were built for an attacking style.


    I loved Polian as much as anyone but allowing your team to operate so out of synch between offense and defense was a killer to us.


    In basketball terms - its like having a high powered UNLV runnin rebel type offense and then sitting back in a zone against a team that only wishes to milk the clock


    Both Marv & Polian should have to answer to the disconnect

    It took you 496 posts to show your true intelligence. While we are at it lets suggest how bad the Steelers O was with Bradshaw and 4 Superbowls. Obviously Franko Harris was too slow to be an NFL Running back and imagine what they could have done with Tony Dorsett.

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