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Niagara Bill

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Posts posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Their are 228 million people in this country and so many around that world that DREAM to have a crack in the NFL. So many people out there with more talent than Karlos that could not make it due to ACL's and other health issues. Karlos made it to that dream! Even more, was making a positive strive to be a grinding starter or even the next Bettis in the NFL. Karlos decided to do the dumb thing and not use his brain. You want to earn that big payday? No problem in the NFL, stay out of trouble and maintain your figure..... Same as I had to do to stay in the military for 20 years and retire..... I dont feel bad for his dumb ass at all, because Im one of those guys who could not play college hockey because of my left knee and was damn good enough to have Boston and Pennsylvania take a sniff at me. Enough said...... Piss on Karlos

    get your facts straight or you will get attacked by the " Magnificient 7" experts on this board. The last count is actually 217,657,812


    Please don't. No one is interested in what you think.

    and you have no thoughts worth printing...all you do is find what others say and post it...you do like others Pressers ( such lazy English for someone who thinks they want to report) ....

    I will send that medical report that I pulled out of my orfice, I am sure you would like a good meal, since you quote everyone else's sh??

  3. Given the history, half a season is about what he can withstand physically. Hopefully he's in shape and ready to contribute.

    half a season....he will not last a game...he was not in shape when he played full time...or his headache (I understand this serious situation) caused him to miss games.

    this is not a half season solution, just a step to add confusion and another situation to have to deal with in another week


    what exactly refers to Jauron?

    I think this post is brilliant and has Jauron all over it. See point # 8.

    He was the 2nd worst Head Coach this team ever had. He was so far behind in his on field organization vs Belicheat.

    Remember the fight he had Vince Wilfork start just before half time on the Pats 3 yard line and we took the bait and ran out of time so we never scored a FG or tried for a touchdown as we didn't call a timeout of throw an incomplete pass to stop the clock.

    Belicheat laughed as he jogged to the exit (same end of the field) and Jauron quietly stopped and asked the ref politely about the clock running. The fans booed Jauron for being an idiot and Jauron still doesn't get it.

  5. This is an organization issue. The players did not show up for 2 games in a row, but the coaches failed to have a plan to win.

    We had the edge in most stats even in time of possession. However, our plan only allowed us gains not scores which shows that coaches did not have a plan to win only to play and be productive.\

    Hogan beat us, Gronk beat us, and we beat ourselves again.

    We need players who have the will to be at the top of the game and win.

    We need coaching staff that is not competitive but knows how to win.

  6. This board used to be a lot more confrontational back in the day...now it is controlled like soccer moms control little Ryan at the park. Like the soccer moms say everyone gets to play and we do not keep score. We always end in a tie.

    Have a chocolate covered strawberry and get in the mini van.

    Tomorrow know one remembers.

  7. Must be great for Bryant and Douzable to hear all the crap about Dareus and be waiting for their cut

    agreed 100%

    26 CB is part of the ongoing BS that we are fed to make Dareus and others look good.


    The NFL and the Bills and the reporters want us to love Dareus and accept his failings and feel sorry for him, buy his jersey and read their opinions.


    I am not a fan of Jerry Sullivan but at times like this we need more honest commentary rather than commentary that supports the NFL machine


    Bill Clinton gets lucky once in the Oval office and never stops hearing about it...these reporters want us to IMMEDIATELY forget Dareus has continued to be unreliable for our team. And how many of us would have done exactly what Bill did but yet not taken the illegal drugs Dareus did. What Bill did was not illegal. (thank goodness)



    Two sources tell me Marcell Dareus did not get suspended for missing one test as he claimed. He had multiple drug-program violations.


    and you want to be the big reporter what do you know about this situation other than to quote other reporters.


    This information is old stuff


    real reporters should stop rehashing and find the truth.


    you are part of the problem feeding the public the line of cra? that Dareus and his agent spill to keep his jersey sales up.

  9. Things that have been discussed


    - Tyrod not making changes at the LOS

    - Play calls COMING IN TOO LATE

    - Lack of Rythum to the offense


    They are trying to fix it.....will it work? I dont know....im willing to wait and see


    you admit it has been discussed yet you frown on others discussing it unless you are the leader of the discussion and now you are tired of the debate...

    this sounds like you should stay off this site until the season works itself out then you can report on it.

    I hope you do just wait and see and stop taking shots at others who wish to debate the possibilities before they happen.

  10. The irony of this post


    So it only ok for you and your punchbowl pisshers to sit and speculate what is happening behind scenes (as if you know jack ****) in the interest of "discussion" but it is not ok to quote people in the know in their pressures (and WHO CARES i they are telling the truth....YOU are not telling the truth...your just spewing nonsense.)

    didn't say it was not ok to report what others said, but it is also ok to debate the possibilities and the real truth.

    just because it is reported Rex said something does not mean what Rex said is the truth. Discussing that is what this site has always been.

    Except of course if it comes from you and and then it is not discussion it is the gospel according to St.John

  11. Always find it interesting that these things are reported by national media and the local scribes (actually scribblers) never get the inside scoop.

    does not one of the many BNews guys, or Dunn or GR or KB guys ever get a heads up from a player, coach, trainer, secretary, GM, scout, water boy/girl or parking lot attendant....


    What you or I believe isn't the issue. Proof is in the pudding, so we'll begin to see on Sunday.

    the purpose of this site is to discuss and share information and share opinion. Reporting "pressers" is not discussion.

    When did a football coach ever speak direct truth the week of a game. Maj makes a good point...and I would think many would agree.

    Why not do some real reporting a get the inside information to share rather than post what BS Rex and his boys tell the Buffalo media for spin.

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