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Niagara Bill

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Posts posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Stop it already. We do not have excellent players not even close. This is the biggest myth perpetuated on this borad. Our team sucks. Even our most ovehyped players are mediocre at best.

    is this Rex in disguise fighting for his job.

    Pro bowlers are not over hyped.

    The lack of coordination, is systemic throughout the full team.

    Whether DW and Rex picked the wrong players is certainly part of the puzzle....but it all leads back to them.

    So Stop already with it is the players.....if it is, they did not draft themselves. Reggie Bush did not sign himself. The players did not choose Gronk ( the local boy) over Felton.

    The players did not go and get Tyrod. The players did not trade up for a wide receiver who cannot make a difference.

    This coaching staff cannot even get the plays into the game quick enough.

  2. I still support Rex. I am pissed and catatonic about the game, but I still support Rex.


    As I was watching the Jets offense, I could not help but think about how many people here ran Chan Gailey out of town (or had Fire Chan as their name).


    Negativity breeds negativity. We have some specialists in negativity here. I need to take a break from here for at least a day or two. I really don't enjoy being around a lynch mob.

    how can you support this a?? who spews lies and coach speak every day...he has no idea how to stop the useless crap that comes from his mouth....lies and crap.

    Players coach my a??.... he is a total spin doctor and it is obvious that players have no respect for him

  3. no possible way to win more than 4 games this year.

    Rex is done. There is no leadership stepping forward.

    This is clearly a coaching issue...and has been for years.

    I can not see one player who is up coached, not one player who out performs his potential. Now we have excellent players playing poorly. (that is coaching and decision makers not controlling the team)

    Not one unit that is playing well.

    When you have one side of the ball playing well and others not then you can see you need some better players or better attitude on that unit.

    When you see all 3 units bad...that is systemic and starts at the top....likely DW then Rex and below must go.

    Pegula can say 17 years or 2 years...both are too long to miss the playoffs and worse than that.....be embarrassed for too long.

  4. it is not Rob that calls the plays.

    On GR 55 Schoop and Bulldog he said he calls all the D plays and that when Duke got beat he called that alignment as he calls all the plays


    What the he!! is a head coach doing calling all the D plays when he has 2 coordinators.

    Either he is an idiot or does not tell the truth.

  5. the tight end who misses as many games as Goodwin.

    he tries to be a player....not on the field and it catches up with him.

    I am sure he will have a Presser ( 26 blitzers favorite made up word) to explain how jogging on the beach with some starlet caused his hammy to extend.

    IMHO he has forgot about what got him there and Belicheat is close to dumping his butt

  6. Any locals got some insight or tidbits on how the area feels about the Ravens heading into the season opener?


    I hesitate to read the national stuff, simply because I know how inaccurate it is with respect to the Bills.

    you think the National media is unreliable...., you would trust Jerry Sullivan, Vic Carruci , Tim Graham, Gaughn, Gleason etc. (maybe Sal and Joe are a better source)

    Every important story that comes out about the Bills comes from the national media, like Ian Rappaport.


    You don't have to believe it, but the courts are already declaring that and strikinsg them down.

    Why even have elections, the courts make all the decisions so let the Sup Court run the country then the disenfranchised who can get a drivers license, health care, welfare, food stamps, a job, navigate the internet, buy on line, purchase a car, buy a house, rent a house, and maybe even find a drug dealer will not have to worry about the inability to get a voter ID.

    This lack of voter ID is more about feeling under privileged, either by choice because historically their families have not placed importance on it or lack of confidence in being involved. I refuse to accept that in the most democratic of all countries in the world that a person who wishes to vote cannot.

  8. does anybody give any thought to the hiring practices of the police forces

    the appear often to hire people who already have been predisposed to pulling the trigger or are being trained to pull the trigger. They need to be more selective in the personalities they hire.

    Modern police forces are armed with weapons most armies would cherish, but the issue is most of the confrontations that police have are with it's own citizens and not a foreign army.

    don't come back with the police have the right to protect themselves (we know that is true) but all this leads to is police training. They are taught to be aggressive. They are not taught to be non violent solution orientated.

    Police are not on patrol in Afghanistan, they are in a US city. I dislike the Black Lives Matter organization....I understand it I think but I see the issue is that impoverished lives matter,

    If the cop is a racist his boss should pay the penalty for allowing him on the force. If the cop is too aggressive his boss should pay the penalty for allowing him on the force.

    Stop and frisk was dumb, but stop and talk was not. Many impoverished people are by nature aggressive, many in the poor neighborhoods are aggressive, the cops have the keys to stop this cycle. Aggression vs aggression is not the solution.

  9. I never meant to imply I was OK with him going out. Not for a second! Just that it didn't shock me. Disappointed? Absolutely! Shocked? Sadly no. And I have zero idea what his real deal is, and never meant to imply I did. It certainly looks horrible. I just hope he figures it out and gets back on the field to help us win some games!!!

    Agree 100%

    if he really is going to get rehab he does not appear ready....or this just a ploy.

    In either case being there was totally wrong as a place to start rehab or he is stupid if he is trying to fool the NFL and the Bills

  10. Dope, are you for real??? Clearly you have absolutely no experience in this whole drug/depression epidemic. I do have professional experience in this field and you are so far from reality it's not even comprehensibe to me. If MD was on dope (if you even know what the term dope refers to) he would never have made it to practices, let alone making it to training camp in the first place. You should really keep your thoughts on this to yourself because you are obviously clueless.

    you need some anger counselling Bubba

    I never said he was on dope, I said some people on this site said that.

    We have no idea what if anything he is on...he missed a test and that is all.

    We do not know if the rehab thing is real or to cover for him with the NFL and the team and now that he is out on the town (reported here if that is true) we know even less.

    So my fine rehab knowledgeable friend read before you react.

    ps I have lots of experience in this counselling field through my employment and as such I know NOT to accept what addicts or people in this condition say, only rely on what they do...

    So keep your comments to yourself until you learn to read.

  11. This thread is rediculous....this very rich youmg man is probably entering rehab for something serious...not marijauna, or depression....he did not test positive....he skipped his drug test, he said he forgot so that was a lie that half this board bought...he and some professional bloggers on this board said dope, but it takes only a little deduction to know it is stronger than that.


    The Bills will not tell you if he had a hangnail or broken toe so why would they mention the truth on this...


    the only fact we know if MD is suspended for 4 games for missing a test. He may or may not be in rehab...for real or for a cover up.

    too bad they didn't send Karlos with him

  12. Let's get this straight.

    As a good pro bowl type player and a university grad. I have the opportunity to earn the respect of teammates, fans, family and can use my fame to do good things for my family,and the community.

    Conservatively I could earn $2,000,000 per year for 4 years, then $10,000,000 per year for likely a maximum of 5 years and if I am really good another $6,000,000 for 2 years.


    I can lose 10% or 25% or 50% of that if I continually smoke pot, take illegal substances or beat up my spouse....or I can collect the total $70,000,000 if I don't do these dumb things, keep my respect, help others and never look behind me and deceive those around me.


    Marcel is a useless person. He does not deserve cheering for, or buying his jersey, or being a Bill. He has had his gimme.

    Don't need to hear about his poor life, where he came from or how the NFL should allow pot. Lots of good people in the NFL came from the same place.




    Of course Rex is responsible. But the players share that responsibility. These are paid professionals. They're not little leaguers.

    yes players are responsible but the coach and GM have the power to make things happen...Rex is called a players coach...they love him...that is BS, they love that he is too soft and when he falls for a player the player is safe....

    the coach is also a motivator and teacher...and that goes for motivating off the field as well, teaching these spoiled employees how to be a professional.

    Marv's success was based almost totally to the respect he earned and gave to his players...the lessons he taught them on and off the field, they were not angels as we all know but team and family soon came first beside selfish and boorish activities like we see now....say good bye to Marcel again....we will see what kind of a coach Rex is now....


    Make no mistake - it is much more complicated than the average system. But it's on the players to be willing to learn it. They're professionals too and should be held accountable as well.


    I think the players underestimated how complicated and different it was in last year's training camp and weren't prepared going into the season and lost confidence in themselves as the season progressed.


    You seem to have an emotionally-charged agenda.

    Agenda...you must be kidding. Emotional of course, this is the Bills....passionate...yes

    I am not one of the bloggers/professional writers hiding on this sight Just a fan.

    I only call it as I see it with Rex...if the student hasn't learned the teacher has not taught.... going from a top 3 D to near bottom is Rex's responsibility.

    he is responsible.....for the system and the players....if Mario Williams didn't or couldn't learn the system Rex is responsible for either teaching it better or putting his a?? in the stands. not waiting for a year



    Rex brought in Jim Leonhard that year from Baltimore. Leonhard knew Rex's defense and did wonders getting everybody on the same page on the field for the Jets that first Ryan year. We didn't have anyone like that last year, and even before the season some people were wondering if we'd have problems getting Ryan's system to work or if it would be too complicated without anyone taking the Leonhard role.




    Who said it takes more than two years to learn the Ryan system? Can you provide a link to that? Because the Jets accomplished it in Year #1 back in 2009.


    I think someone else is full of Bulls...in this thread - and it ain't ole Rexy.

    The big excuse last year is the D was not on the same page as they could not learn the system...so they tried to simplify half way through the season.Duke Williams is playing better this year because Rex says he has had a year to absorb the system.

    The brought in Ed Reed to help because he played in the system

    They brought in Rob Ryan because he knows the system

    If I have to find one of the 200 times the system has been reported I will

    These recent signings are desperation moves to fill a slot with available (mediocre) NFL retreads. Our only chance at making this D something special was to have our 1,2,3 draft picks come in and play well....so much for that stragedy. OK, whaley and Monos are filling the slots......but, with what caliber of player? I am not expecting much of this D this season, despite all the Rex BS we have been getting. Who besides me finds everything Rex says lacks plausibility? And, calling this a veteran D is technically true....but, that doesn't mean these off street marginal journeymen will play well in Rex very complicated scheme. So, years of play, yes, that makes them vets....but experience in playing this D, not so much. You want to know why we keep getting Jets retreads? Because they have a year or 3 learning Rex super complicated D. They might be sub par athletically, but they know the scheme. (UGH)


    exactly...Rex is so full of himself and his fathers vaunted 46 D he makes the team suffer....I hope 2 years in that the players can handle the system.

  16. I do sacks can be misleading. It is all about pressure and making the qb uncomfortable.


    Well, we were dead last in hurries, 14 behind the second worst team. http://www.sportingcharts.com/nfl/stats/total-team-defensive-hurries/2015/


    Rex had his work cut out. Hopefully, he is not overthinking things and just having Kyle, Marcel, and Jerry go get the qb.

    Rex has such a complicated defence how ridiculous is it to hear it takes 2 years ( or more) to learn the language....and the fans eat that excuse up.

    There is no way an owner or GM should accept such a line of Bull.....

    What other endeavor on earth can you imagine you hire people to do a job and pay them $75,000,000 and let the manager prepare instructions so complicated they cannot do their job.

    Rex is full of Bulls...

    Everyone else is stupid and he is so smart they have to get their PHD before they can even listen to his theory.

  17. I posted this in the Ragland thread, but I suppose it belongs here...


    The rookie injuries are bad luck, but Whaley has been really short-sighted with a lot of moves and these types of injuries shouldn't be so crippling. We never seem to have a back-up plan and have been put in bad situations by a lack of depth. Jeff Tuel started a game at QB. When Kyle Williams and Aaron Williams went down with injury, it was the theme of the season. No one stepped up and dominated in those roles because we had no depth to fill those spots. Our current WR depth is questionable, and I don't know who Whaley could possibly blame for that.


    I'm still on the fence with Whaley, but I feel like he needs to be better prepared. Even though he is a great player, the decision to move up to get Watkins looks more like a Detroit Lions move every year. I don't know how a team with no depth can afford to be throwing 1st round picks out the window, and that is a prime example of the nearsightedness I'm referring to.

    I support these comments. When you trade up you lose the percentage of numbers....12 picks gives you are far bigger chance to find 5 players to help your team than picking 6 times.

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