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Everything posted by Willis990

  1. Adam Shefter just reported on a Boston sports station that the a deal will be done w/ Adalius Thomas within 24 hous. This sucks!!!!
  2. Thats all you have. I actually didn't realize it took Montana and the Niners 8 years to win 3.
  3. They won 3 Super Bowls in six years and I believe they will get their fourth in the next two years. The Niners w/ Montana took 9 years to win 4. Yes Weis and Crennel are probably very good coordinators but teams can't win every year, again look at Montana it actually took him 8 years to get 3 SB's and Brady had 3 in 4 years which is remarkable. Also stop w/ the refs.. The Colts changed the rules after their 03 game and in 04 w/ the rule cha nges The Patriots still kicked their ass.
  4. I don't hate him but he is average and he is not smart.
  5. This is a half billion dollar corporation.
  6. If I were Irsay I would make it very clear how you act and what you say in public. Regarding Willis, I think he is an average running back and a complete moron.
  7. Nice. He is the President/GM representing a half billion dollar franchise. I would more from a President/GM.
  8. All I am trying to say is that it's embarrassing to have him as the President/GM of an NFL franchise where the market value is probably half a billion and the President/GM acts like a thug. It's a shame because Dungy and Manning are the ultimate professionals. Also I believe Belichick's behavior after losses is embarrassing to the Patriots organization. Although a coach gets a little more leeway because of the nature of the job i.e. managing and motivating Football players as opposed to being outfront like President/GM of any professional sports team and dealing with sponsors, business development, etc..
  9. I really hate to say this but in the eyes of the NFL and the public this guy is an embarassment. I can't believe what he said in the press box about Doug Flutie when Colts kicks the Pats butts in 2005. This is a quote from a former Providence Journal writer (Tom E. Curran) who was in the press box "Polian screamed out in the waning moments of the game "break his Fukking legs" Now this year pushing a Jets employee against a wall and countless other issues. How can a GM of a $400-700 million dollar franchise act so unprofessionally. Look at some great GM's in all sports i.e. Joe Banner- Philly Eagles, Marv Levy (Pure class and professional), Jerry Angelo (Bears), Scott Pioli (Pats), Rich McKay (Falcons) in the running for NFL commisioner Baseball (Walt Jockety- Cards, Cashman- Yankees, Epstein- Red Sox- Went to Yale, John Schuerholz (Braves). It's difficult for me to believe that Irsay would let this go on when he has so much invested. In closing Polian is truly an embarassment.
  10. Are you serious about holding. Why don't try watching the whole game i.e. individual matchups.
  11. The guy played half the year at LT. I will tell you this Light played better against Merriman than the great Peters. Why don't you watch both games and tell me what you think. I thought for sure they would chip Merriman w/ Graham but Light handled him solo on 95% of the plays. Peters gave up 2 sacks to Merriman and Light gave up none. Merriman switched to Kaczur's side to get the only sack he had.
  12. How is it you can make the statement that Peters is that much better than Light. Did you watch all the game film? Where do you come up with this. Show me he is better. I know you can't. BTW who cares!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Dungy is too smart, what a farce. This guy is the new version of Marty. Look at his Playoff record w/ Tampa and Indy.. I bet Belichick loves the prospect of coaching against Dungy just like he loves coaching against Cowher, Herm and the like. On the other hand if this a Shanahan team that is a huge challenge because he is a great coach.
  14. There was an online poll setup on their ESPNRadio Webpage. It was not them making the judgement it was fan based.
  15. You must be young as he is referring to the beating the Bears put on the Patriots in 1986 by the score of 46-10.
  16. All things being equal I would prefer the taller QB (6,5 as opposed to 6,1 for JP. I knows that seems like an innocuous detail but it means less passes knocked down.
  17. Hey OC, I don't think GM's see it the same, as Vick will be traded by next season and they are going w. Schaub (Pure pocket passer).
  18. Bill Polian is a classless loser. Last year it was reported from the Press box by several sources in New England that when Flutie went in at the end of the game (Colts were killing the Pats) and Polian yelled out "break his Fukkiing leg and then this year he pushes a Jets employee up against the wall. This guy surely exudes CLASS!!!!!!!!!!
  19. How about week 2 SD at home against Pitt.. All the Chargers did was mock Joey Porter's dance. Not that's hypocrisy
  20. Exactly right. That dance is very direspectful to his opponents. Also during the week he talked about giving Tom Brady a LIGHTS OUT tee shirt implying he will need one. This guy is a loser of epic proportion.
  21. I heard Mike Greenberg on Mike and Mike this AM say he would take Brady over Montana in a big game. What do you guys think? I would take Montana now but if Brady wins one more then I would go with Brady.
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