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Everything posted by Willis990

  1. I can't believe the national media is not making a big deal out of this. That shove was completely uncalled for. The guy had his back to Bill and he just shoved him out of the way.
  2. My point is he has virtually no talent at WR and he gets it done. He has no one as talented as Lee Evans.
  3. Brady was average. His team scored 30 points on offense against a Playoff team w/ Jabar Gaffney as his leading receiver. Gaffney was sitting on his couch 9 weeks ago.
  4. I guess you missed the 77 yard play to Cotchery (sp). The JETS were beaten by the Patriots and best QB in the league and there is no shame in that. Do you honestly believe that JP and the Bills will ever beat out the Patriots for the Division, not if Brady is healthy. I believe that Pennington is far more intelligent than JP as evidenced by the way he plays and he actually was a Rhodes Scholar finalist and JP received a 12 on his Wonderlic. Losman is one of the guys whose Wonderlic saw a dramatic rise from one season to the next, prompting speculation in some circles that he had access to the test before he took it the second time. Word is that the Bills privately are saying that Losman's initial score (which was somewhere in the teens) resulted from the fact that (egads!) he really had to pee. Supposedly, Losman left the testing room so that he could relieve himself, and he didn't get back in time to generate a respectable score. The hole in all of this, as we see it, is that the Wonderlic test is only 12 minutes long. Twelve minutes! Unless J.P. was in danger of getting uromycsotisis poisoning a la Jerry Seinfeld in the garage of the shopping mall, there's no reason why he couldn't have held it in for 12 minutes. If the excuse is true (and we doubt that it is), it's further evidence of Losman's stupidity. Smart guys would have pissed before the 12-minute test began. Alternatively, they would have realized that leaving the test room for a pit stop might have affected adversely their ability to answer all 50 questions within the 12-minute span, which without a visit to the pee-pee palace requires players to progress through the page at a rate of more than four problems per minute. We're also hearing that Losman's apparent cognitive limitations already have surfaced in team practices. Though it's normal for a rookie quarterback to be overwhelmed by NFL playbooks and terminologies, Losman got so discombobulated in his drills with the Bills that he started calling out his high school cadences. Then again, maybe he just had to pee.
  5. What exactly happened against Tenn.?????? If were so good, why did we lose?????
  6. The Patriots are by far the better team with better talent and they had a built a good lead and the Jets were running short on time so hence Pennington had to take more chances. I will tell you this for the first three quarters the Jets looked like Patriots i.e. making them earn every yard, toughness and determination on Offense, not giving up the big play, etc.. The Jets really scare me. I see them overtaking the Patriots for the division in the coming years.
  7. Chad Pennington is smart, tough and he is a true leader. Far better than our QB who has the physical talent but not the determination of Pennigton or Brady. I am so sick of hearing about arm strength. Penningto is a winner and he always will be. I bet he will a Super Bowl before JP w/ his determination, toughness and his coach.
  8. I honestly think he is a better coach than Jauron. He learned from the best and he puts in the same crazy hours as Belichick. I am dissappointed the Bill's didn't get him. I think the Bills had far more offensive talent than the Jets. The Jets have basically no threat of the run and they won 10 games regardless of who they played.
  9. Obviously there are exceptions. My point is you don't need to waist a first round pick on receivers and we already have a good solid one anyway. The Patriots went 12-4 w/ their pedestrian crew of WR's.
  10. Wide Receivers picked in the first round have not worked out well for many teams i.e. David Terrell, Mike Williams, Koren Robinson etc... I say build like the Patriots at Defensive Line. They have arguably the best line in the NFL. Seymour (perrenial All Pro), Ty Warren (Dec. Def. player of the month), Vince Wilfork. Look at the Patriots subpar receivers Reche Caldwell (#1 on the team) he would be a 2nd or maybe a 3rd on others, Pats #2 Troy Brown 35 years old, no speed, Pats 3rd receiver Gaffney- He was not on NFL team until Pats picked hime up in Nov.. My point is the Pats finished @ 12-4 and most people on this board thought they were not that good. The keys for the Patriots are the Dline and the depth at other positions because they do not overpay WR's (see Deion Branch and Givens) and now they have tons of cap space and a extra 1st round pick in 07 for Branch.
  11. I would like to see Andy Reid get his due as a coach.
  12. I personally want SD to win. Does anyone want NE to win?
  13. The Patriots will win it again unfortunately. They have that swagger again and with Brady and Bleichick they will be tough to beat. Their defense allowed the second least amount of points in the NFL and they were the best road team in football this year (7-1). They will have no problem with Baltimore and they will make Rivers implode and NFC is just pitiful. You heard it here first.
  14. Are you kidding. The offense scored 31. Anytime you can score 31 on O your doing your job. JP played liked junk against Detroit.
  15. Because all he can do is rush the passer. Watch on run plays when he gets blown off the ball every single time.
  16. Like I said before Dick Jauron is a retread and Mangini is a coach that will only get better. There is a reason Dick Jauron hasn't been coaching in the NFL the last three years.
  17. I agree w/ a lot of what you say but it's so frustrating that the Jets are probably going to make the Playoffs w/ a first year coach. Last week some posters were writing about the Playoffs and how we would beat the Jets and the Titans easily and now we are obviously not making the Playoffs. I hope we beat Jets but I personally think their coach is purely better than ours. Look what he's done w/ that team e.g. beating the Patriots at home, 7 wins, etc.. They seem like the Patriots at the beginning of their run, playing tough and winning games and not beating themselves. I am honestly worried that they are going to dominate the division for the next five years assuming a Patriots dropoff.
  18. You can't compare the two. Chicago's passing offense is built around Grossman taking chances down the field. Buffalo offense is very conservative which is fine w/ me.
  19. Respect back to Buffalo?! What, are Jim and Thurman coming out of retirement? Now, we have the mental midget, JP Losman (high wonderlic!!!!) and that genius McGahee who didn't even score on the Wonderlic since he failed to write his name on the exam.
  20. Elways arm was legendary. He through the ball so fast that his receivers had to practice with the JUGS machines. Elway did (mentioned above) with equal distance (make throws 60 yards across his body). His receivers often complained of jammed/broken fingers both at the HS and collegiate level. JP's arm is not that strong. Vick is said to have the strongest arm in the NFL.
  21. JP was very much overated to be selected in this first round. He is not first round material. Yes he is mobile and has a good arm but he lacks in Football intelligence. Read the scouting reports about him and you will see that were concerns about his Football intelligence i.e. processing info., looking off defenders, relying on his quickness and arm strength.
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