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Tod Flanders

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Everything posted by Tod Flanders

  1. Actually I never jump on anyone for misspelling a word or having a typo or saying that they like this player or dislike that player. And then you went off on a completely different topic. Are you a psychoanalyst? If so you need to go back to school, stating that you think the Bills are a bad team does not mean that you're unhappy why can't you understand this? As for the insult, you're the one calling me immature?
  2. We're not all in 1st grade that aphorism of "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all" really isn't applicable.
  3. I have no problem with your assesment of the Bill's but why close out your post telling people that it's not Ok to post their opinion? If you don't like reading negative posts then you can stop reading them or make your own message board where you can delete posts from people of different opinions. Whether you're always down on the Bills or always up on the Bills can't we just accept that people will have different opinions and different things to say? Why are so many people posting things along the lines of stop being a fan if you're negative, stop posting if you're negative, etc? Personally I think the Bill's stink we are 2-4, probably 2-5 after Sunday the facts are that that is not a good record. And no I can't GM, coach or play in the NFL big deal I can read the scoresheet and when the Bills have less points that means they lose. Are you saying that I can't point out that they are not a good team unless I can coach, GM and play better myself? Of course I can.
  4. Agreee but I don't take much solace by being "in every game" most losing teams are in most of their games with a few blowouts in between. It's not so much a matter of bad team playing well it's the good team playing down to the bad team. We had plenty of close losses during the 2-14 years and we've had plenty of close losses during the Gregg Williams and Mularkey years as well. The Bills are just a bad team, coming close to the Patriots doesn't prove anything.
  5. I've been through the rebuilding of back to back 2-14 seasons (and then I think a 4-12 season) but at least through those seasons we saw signs of hope, (Jim Kelly, Bruce Smith, etc). I'm not seeing much here. Are we supposed to get all exicted by Larry Triplett, any of our offensive linemen, Digorgio, Ellison? I don't see much reason so see any improvement next year either. We got rid of marginal players drafted by Donahoe and replaced them with equally mariginal players. Add to that the fact that we've been rebuilding since Kelly retired the fan's patience is understandably at its limit. Until the Bill's give us some glimmer of hope (more than JP's slight improvement) stating that this is just a rebuilding year doesn't cut it, you have to have something to build on and this looks like the same 'ole lousy Bill's of the Donahoe era, we still need a brand new offensive and defensive line (assuming that JP works out).
  6. I will still drag myself out of bed and make it out to the bar at 10am (it's tough out west to be an NFL fan) probably hungover and wearing the same Guinness stained clothes from last night and I will still cheer for the Bills. If/when we get killed at least I have Brady and Maroney on my fantasy team and then there is the Sabres who will quickly erase the sting of the Bills losses (like that 9-1 drubbing of the Flyers). Here's to the Bills pulling off an upset, like me getting that hot girl's number the nigth before, it could happen but not likely. And here's to the Sabres skating circles around Le Bruin Saturday night. Thank you Bill from NYC for your perpetual optimism.
  7. Smith had a good game against the worst team in the league, where was he against KC?
  8. Buffalo would win there is a reason Bears don't prey on Bison they are too big and powerful.
  9. Who's going to put up $700 in cash? You put down a fraction and finance the rest usually with the help of a low interest loan from the NFL which you then don't pay back if you're Robert Kraft.
  10. Was that what was going on? I thought it was just some big fight. That was right by where we were tailgating but I didn't bother to check it out.
  11. Or tailgate after the game for 2 or more hours, by then the roads will be clear.
  12. It's amazing that we were able to contain a Mike Mularkey coached offense! Great hire by Saban. And now I get to make the 3,000 mile trip for the home opener, can't wait!
  13. Ok so we need to trade Takeo, McGahee and now who else? We should probably get rid of Lee Evans, I don't like his attitude when he said he needs to work harder to beat the double team. He sounds lazy to me he should've worked that hard in the first game. We should probably dump Morman as well he shanked a couple punts. Any other nominees on who to dump next?
  14. He doesn't have to stay around he asked to. He could just go home and collect his full pay for the season.
  15. Whatever you may think about the move to place Vincent on IR and effectively end his career in Buffalo (if not his career) and whatever you may think about Vincent's skill level and quality of play there is one fact that is unassailable: Troy Vincent is a class act. The fact that he asked to stay around a few weeks just to help tutor our rookie safeties says it all.
  16. What about Linus Van Pelt? Is he available?
  17. Or they figured that in 3-4 weeks Ko would be a better option anyway and they're keepinp Vincent around to help teach Ko and Donte? Vincent didn't exactly have a great season last year either.
  18. And Tampa wasn't exactly undersized up the middle they did have Warren Sapp
  19. They were so much better than the old ESPN Sunday night crew that actually made it difficult to enjoy the game and so much better than ESPN's number 1 crew on Monday night. Tony Kornheiser has to be the most unfunny human being on the planet - in truth he's no more annoying than McQuire he's equally annoying but in a different way.
  20. No this guy is not me, I have a girlfriend.
  21. Thank you! I think giving up 183 yards rushing might have factored into the loss along with all the pressure the Pats put on JP especially in the second half. We lost, move on and try to do better. I will be extremely upset if we lose to the Dolphins and that moronic offensive coordinator next week. And if we do lose, please don't let on of MM's stupid gadget plays be the reason.
  22. Ok so please tell me where pushing someone in the back is legal? Really I need to know becuase if you don't take me seriously I don't know what I will do with myself. Whiners blame the refs. The Sabres never blamed anyone or anything (Carolina had an excuse after every loss) which was refreshing. So far I haven't heard the Bills players blaming the refs which is also refreshing. Just learn to accept this loss without complaining on how the refs cost us the game.
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