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Tod Flanders

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Everything posted by Tod Flanders

  1. Nope, much like your attempt at humor I don't see it.
  2. What membership fees? And if pop-up ads paid the bills there wouldn't have been a dot.com bust....and speaking of pop-up ads, what pop-up ads?
  3. Were you being sarcastic? How exactly is this board making any money?
  4. Big deal, Santa Clara isn't that much further south than Candlestick/Monster park.
  5. I agree, if that horrible Patriots team had a decent offensive line Bledsoe would have been great but then he gets injured and Brady takes over and they win the superbowl with.....when did they change the lineman exactly? Then he goes to Buffalo and of course it's the line's fault there. Then Dallas and he gets benched again. Another bad offensive line? Face it he's been benched 3 times and Brady won the Superbowl with the exact same team, it's not the line it's Bledsoe.
  6. It still doesn't rank up there as anything special, you may like the song but the lyrics are far from profound, poignant, or meaningful.
  7. I have no idea who wrote that bumper sticker poetry but I will guess that he was neither great nor true. As for feeling sorry for everyone in the world who is younger than you did the people who lived in the time of the ice deliver man ever say that they feel sorry for you with your electricity and refridgeration? How about medieval surfs who were fortunate to live in the rollicking times of the black death and a life akin to slavery? Do you think they felt sorry for the poor saps who lived in the Renaissance?
  8. I agree, there are no bruises on his face and if he has a broken hand shouldn't he be wearing a cast instead of an ace bandage?
  9. They've moved the Party Zone? That's sacrilege! It belongs in that endzone corner. Is their no reverence for time honored traditions these days?
  10. Has anyone seen the Batavia Party Zone? I haven't caught it on TV, is it still there? Have they stopped partying in Batavia?
  11. I am also a transplanted Buffalonian and here's my take. The Sabres do not make me feel any better about the Bills, I feel great about the Sabres and numb about the Bills. I drag myself out of bed, head out to the sports bar every Sunday reisgned to the fact that the Bills suck. watch the game feeling much better if we win, slightly worse if/when we lose drink a few beers in the process and look forward to watching a few Sabres wins before the next Bills game. Here's a question, will the Sabres have fewer losses than the Bills have wins?
  12. What's wrong with Coy's Soldiers? When the wind is blowing the ball of the tee, who would you rater have holding it than Coy Wire?
  13. Nothing really to add except to say that I am sick of hearing "non-stop motor" we had nothing but "non-stop motor" guys under Gregggg, Mularkey and have plenty on the current Bills roster. I do miss the days where we had that "gets by on his athleticism, takes a few plays off, doesn't practice very hard" guy named Bruce Smith. I know we need more than a year to rebuild this team but they have to show some signs of improvement, I won't be happy with "at least Donahoe is gone" much longer. Last draft we focused on the defense...ok not much improvement there but we do have a lot of rookies. Next year's draft will be very revealing, if we draft more safeties or some running backs and WRs we're in trouble. If we draft some hard working offensive linemen with our top draft picks and don't describe them as non-stop motor types there may be hope for the future. Go Sabres!
  14. I know it doesn't have to be given for free, there is no federal law that requires this but the fact is that it is given for free, you don't have to ask. The story doesn't sound realistic.
  15. Ok so now he brought the peanuts on the plane you still never have to ask to have your alcohol comp'd.
  16. Still not buying it, you never have to ask for free alcohol and whoever mentioned the peanuts was right on, I've never seen peanuts in the shell on an airline.
  17. Alcohol is free in first class, this story doesn't quite add up.
  18. Right now JP is looking more and more like the son of Rob Johnson. I hope that he improves and I want us to stick with him the rest of the season but it's starting to look bad that fumble "caused by the ref" is inexcusable, did the ref really deliver a bone jarring hit? No he just brushed into the ref and out comes the ball. I don't fault his first fumble, being hit from behind with his arm beign swatted but it's time for him to figure out how to secure the ball. I realize he is improving but he definitely has regressed and makes the same mistakes over and over again. We'll find out where we are by the end of the season, hopefully JP takes some steps forward but I have gone from feeling optimistic to pessimistic about his viability as an NFL QB. Pleased JP, prove me wrong.
  19. One correction, Reyes is not solid and in fact he's being benched. The offensive line is a disaster, hopefully Peters can adjust to left tackle leaving us with Gandy who is worthless, Folwer, and aging Villarial and Pennington is a 7th round draft pick at right tackle. Being a 7th round pick doesn't automatically mean that he will be a failure but by being drafted so late it does mean he's a bit of a long shot. And then we need to address the defensive line, our tackles are a joke to go along with average defensive ends. Add to that the fact that it appears we will need help at both cornerback positions next year (assuming Clements to be gone and McGee to not improve his game). Maybe Youboty can step up and fill one of the CB roles next season. We are still a long way away from turning this around, we have two many holes to fill. PS: What happened to Everett? Just another bust of a draft pick by Donahoe?
  20. San Francisco, if you're ever up this way the Bill's Bar is the Northstar on Powell and Green
  21. They took it as such and time and money was wasted investgating this and I believe it was their stated goal to see who could create the biggest panic.
  22. No problem it's already out of my mind, ain't no problem that can't be solved over a beer but since your in SoCal and I'm in NoCal cheers and go Bills
  23. It's not the same as yelling "fire" in a crowded theater as that creates an environment of imminent danger however it could be considered equivalent as calling in a false alarm to the fire station. I know they they didn't call in bomb threats to authorities but it is also a long standing precedent that threatening speech is not protected speech.
  24. Actually I'm not...but didn't you just call m a wife-beating Raiders fan?
  25. Those idiots got it wrong they're supposed to threaten to blow up the Rainbow Bridge, or did that finally stop doing that?
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