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Everything posted by jjsiepierski34

  1. As I said, I was simply looking for an acknowledgement of the way the defense played. Yet, now my frustrations with the show have shifted to the fact that they didn't even show the f_cking Bills highlights; I have been under the impression since I was a young lad that the foundation of the show was to show highlights of EVERY game, and then at the end, pick the upcoming week's games winners....now they pick and choose on each front. TOTAL BS! I don't see your point about the Lions. I do know the Lions had a player gurantee victory and then get their a$$es whipped. But I know that because they showed the Lions highlights.
  2. I am never watching this foresaken show again. I started this thread at the beginning of the show as it started (here in Chicago, its replayed on HBO 1pm CST). I began my gripe with the aforementioned way they handled the opening roundtable. The show just ended, and they DIDN'T SHOW THE BILLS HIGHLIGHTS!?!?!?!?!!? WTF!?!?!?!?!!?!? I hate Inside The NFL.
  3. I'm not looking for respect from them or the national media. I simply want them to acknowledge the fact that the Bills defense had as much as an inkling involvement in Culpepper's bad game. Period. Just give it a windy mention. I don't need them to annoint the Bills as a Super Bowl contender. When a team has 7 sacks, and holds a team scoreless until 4 minutes left in the game, the D should get a mention as one of the reasons.
  4. I'm watching Inside the NFL because I love the Phillies announcer doing the commentary, and the highlights are the best. They open the show with their gay roundtable by speaking about QB's who are underachieving, and start out with 4 straight minutes on Culpepper. All four of these guys go round and round, and make excuse after excuse for Culpepper..."his knee, he came back to early, his O line sucks, his receivers can't get open, he is trying to grasp a new offense, he pees sitting down, my name's Marino and I love little boys, I'm Chris Carter and I love coke plates....blah, blah, blah...." How can these guys call themselves objective, and not give the defense playing vs said QB, or the coaching staff, and schematics ONE MENTION?????? I normally don't subscribe to the belief that there is a national media bias vs the Bills, but lately, things are getting out of hand. Not one mention of our D, and 7 sacks, and one unheralded D End had three of them...if Denney was Strahan, there would have been a shrine behind Bob Costas of the gap in his teeth, and then a 10 minute piece on how he brushes his teeth... WTF? Chime in.
  5. Can you imagine the JumboTron in HD.... WOW! That would be really cool!
  6. Esiason, although I commend for the work he has done (similarly to the Kelly family) after the loss of his son, as an analyst, he has a bias against the Bills. Its obvious. He's probably pissed at them, and us as fans because of the way we used to kick the snot out of him every time he came to Orchard Park. To this day, one my favorite interviews is of Bruce Smith when he describes Esiason as seeing Bruce coming from behind unblocked (how bad is your O line if you're leaving Bruce unblocked) and he sees him coming periperally and all he could come up with is "OH SH*T!%!%!%" Bruce then absolutely crushes Boomer from the blind side. Then Bruce let's out a huge smile in the interview. Amazing, when you think of it, the NFL's all-time sack leader asked to recall his favorite sack, and he chooses that one....I'll bet that really burns Esiason's A$$!! GO BILLS! And for this post: "BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCE!"
  7. ...as if the words to this song even need to be printed/typed out. Myself included, the words of this WONDERFUL song are imprinted in our brains as WNY'rs through osmosis... Go BILLS!
  8. Some people have way too much time on their hands. That's a ridiculous waste of three minutes, 48 seconds, that I will never get back in life.
  9. From your mouth to God's (or Marv's) ears BuffaloDenny! Still cleaning up Mularkey's messes around here; it so annoying. What a retard!
  10. I have posted on this topic numerous times in the past as I live in Chicago and hear about Rusty Jones as a gentle reminder daily! Its horrible. Mularkey should be shot for facillitating that change and hiring his buddy. DAMN!
  11. Lincoln Station is too nice of a place. Not enough cheering, and hardcore Bills fans in my mind....Delilah's is dark, dirty, rambunctious, and downright DIRTY....it's everything a Bills bar should be. We get nasty in there. Dan Marino s*cking is always a target whether we are playing the Dolphins or not. Simply walk in there during ANY GAME we are playing and scream "DAN MARINO" at the top of your lungs, and the ENTIRE bar in unison will reply "SUCKS!!!!" When we score, the Shout song blasts. Before kickoff, the "We're talkin proud" song blasts to get us feeling good about ourselves, and the "Sabre Dance" plays at halftime. Need I say more? Get your A$$ there for the aforementioned Jets' A$$ WHOOPIN!
  12. Bears fans are bad fans. I live in Chicago as well, they're are all Johnny Come Lately Fairweather fans regarding the Bears. They actually believe that a coach can go from Coach Of The Year, to an idiot overnight. DJ did not manage the QB situation well when he was here, yet he will be the 1st to admit that. The Bear fans have never forgiven him for that. He also battled with the GM at the time over persoannel issues. There is an underground belief here in town that the GM at the time actually made horrible personnel decisions to undermine DJ and get him axed...but that is strictly a conspiracy theory...one that I happen to believe as well, but there's no factual evidence to that. That's my take from being here in Chicago since 2002. Delilah's on Lincoln is the best Bills Backers bar in the country. Be there on Sunday for a Jets' A$$ WHOOPIN!!
  13. Berman picked us in his "Swami Sez" portion of Sportscenter this week. Sorry if I am restating a post...I love that man! Bought him a shot of Crown at Brunners' one time; one of the greatest days of my life; dude bleeds Bills Blue and Red!
  14. ENJOY A WIN for God's sake. What the hell's the matter with you? OMG BILLS RULE!!!
  15. How in the world can you look back at a game that we lost (ESPECIALLY A SUPER BOWL) as positive? Halftime or not. You're a moron. Or a glutton, but either way, steer clear of me my man.
  16. I LOVE THE BILLS RIGHT NOW, AND ALWAYS, BUT ESPECIALLY RIGHT NOW!!!! Never, ever, ever, have they made me happier than they made me today! Well, the Oakland game when we went to the Bowl for the 1st time, and we crushed them 51-3, I was happier then, but otherwise....I was in the Bills bar here in Chicago gettin wasted with my beautiful wife (also from Buff) with low, but hopeful expectatios; well my friends, the Bills "out-kicked their coverage" because very rarely have I been this happy about a win! Congrats to Levy # II Dick Jauron!!! LOVE HIM!!!! GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!
  17. Not proud to admit this, but it was out of my control. I was sitting next to the individual man, who single-handedly drove Bryan Cox clinically insane during the Bills/Dolphins game when he eventually got tossed, and then sued the NFL for putting him in a hostile work environment. Our seats were behind the Phins bench, about 15 rows up, 50 yard line. Best seats in the house, just over the crest of the bench players helmets, so you could see eveything. The man next to my buddy and I was a racist, and CLEARLY HATED Bryan Cox. This man also had a bag of about 250 "fun size," frozen Snickers bars in a garbage bag (no idea how he got them through security), he was sh*t-faced, and he had a plan! Amidst screaming at the top of his lungs, "hey Cox, you're an N word this, N word that....." (it was bad!!! and remember, we are 15 rows from these guys so they can hear EVERYTHING), he had his Snickers ammo, and as if Bryan Cox had a target on him, he was lambasting him with these things....and they were frozen! This goes on throughout the 1st half. And the racist drunk (no idea how he got the tickets from a profiling standpoint) had impeccable timing. Everytime Cox was around, this guy was pelting him. Quite an arm on this guy as well! Halftime comes, Cox grabs security officials, they can't between the few of them determine who exactly is the cause of all this, but they do narrow it down to our section. Well, 2nd half begins, the Dolphins at halftime, had implemented a rule that none of them could take their helmets off, AT ANY TIME, on the sidelines because of all of this. There is a security guard implored by Rich Stadium security to do NOTHING but stare at our section. Yet, as I recall, this was a playoff game, and the security guard was (obviously from Buffalo, hence a Bills fan himself), so when the crowd would go nuts, and the Bills D would make a play, naturally, he'd turn to look at what was going on....BOOM, Cox being pelted by frozen Snickers bars! 1 bam, 2 plow...guy would sit down real fast, security guard turns back around to watch the section....drunk, racist on best behavior....Bruce Smith sacks Marino, security guard turns around....BOOM, BOOM....1 Snickers, 2 Snickers to the head like a Roy Jones Jr combination. Throw in a bunch of inappropriate racial slurs, and you've got yourself the fixins for a Bryan Cox eruption! Sure enough, Cox goes back on the field, the Bills convert a crucial 4th and 1 to run the clock out, Cox LOSES IT, tosses his helmet, earpads go flying, and runs off the field with each middle finger extended to the Best Bills Crowd I have ever witnessed! He then processed the aformentioned lawsuit vs. the NFL. LOL. Not proud I sat next to this man, but it wasn't my fault he had the ticket, and no one needs to kill the messenger here. But this story had/has to be told, because its classic! Go BILLS!
  18. Yup, I would LOVE to ignore every, single thing that went on last year while we went 5-11, and happened to be a national embarassment; I would prefer to act as if none of it ever happened; while also allowing a washed up, 15 year veteran with hamstring problems to go as opposed to building the foundation of a new defense with said Defensive Back. DB's who can't run, and have perpetual hamstring problems go on my cut list, but what do I know? Call it revisionist history, I prefer to call it ignorance is bliss, but either way, your idea (or maybe it was subconsciously mine) to "ignore last season" is a terrific one! TROY VINCENT FOR PRESIDENT! Oops, he already is. TROY VINCENT IN THE HALL OF FAME. TROY VINCENT IS SANTA CLAUSE! Good riddance. Did we forget that on top of all of this, Troy Vincent was one of the better "Bill Killers" during his time in Miami? If any of us believe in karma, this signing was doomed from the beginning. Similar to having your mascot be a Bison, and then name your team after "Buffalo Bill" Cody, known worldwide as the individual who has slaughtered the most bison in the history of planet Earth. But why digress? Troy Vincent is, and should be a distant memory.
  19. Why are we so concerned about Troy Vincent? He has totally sucked since he has arrived, and has not stayed healthy. Part of being a productive player is the ability to stay healthy. He hasn't done it. Although he is classy, and says all of the "right" things, he has been made of glass since his arrival. Let's move on. Ko Simpson is our guy now. Out with the old, in with the new. TKO should shut up as well. Troy Vincent being in the lineup on Sunday was not going to win us the game vs. the Dolphins. I have never watched a Bills game the past three seasons and said, "boy, if we had Troy Vincent in the lineup, we'd have won that game..." and none of us are certainly going to be saying that come Sunday. He's entirely washed up. I wish him luck, but he doesn't need luck in what he's going to be doing. He heads the Players' Assn, has a financial services firm in Trenton, and probably has 20-25 Million in the bank. Let's stop feeling sorry for Troy Vincent, and concentrate on Ko Simpson, and beating Miami. This article is retarded. The Bills can't cut him bc he's hurt. They put him on mini IR with plans to cut him. I laughed when I saw him in qtr 1 with a hammy ice pack. It was par for the course for his career as a Bill. Pittsburgh (the rumor I am hearing) would be stupid to pick him up in 6 weeks. Who cares anyway.
  20. Dan Marino....SUCKS!!! He is fat and I hate him. Dan Marino.....SUCKS!!!
  21. And from a biased fans' perspective like my own, I say that we're better than the 4 ahead of us as well...especially with Green out in KC. We belong at #22 (this week). With a win in Miami, we we may crack the top 20. GO BILLS!
  22. I assume he is questionable? Haven't seen anything, but saw Big Ben was listed by Pitt today, so curious to see if anyone has heard anything on our end regarding TKO? Thanks. GO BILLS!
  23. Isn't that amazing?!?!? When i read all of the post-game interviews, this was the one that REALLY jumped out at me, and put salt in my wounds. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?!? !@#$ING MORON! I have no emotion left to give this team...especially with S%$T like this. They don't even know what freakin down it is. And that isn't coaching....I mean, the coaching staff can't be expected to wipe these guys for them...knowing what down it is????? OMG! Jauron has to have some hilarious stories about the sh&t these guys must say, or do during film studies, and positional breakdown meetings....oh to be a fly on the wall of some of those meetings.... "Aw, snap coach, I thought that sh%t was 3rd mutha f&ckin down, so I didn't hit that hole like I normally do when I'm hittin up tha bitchez down on chippewas street....damn, othawize I woulda scored and sh&t!" DJ: "Wait, Willis, I'm sorry, I did not quite understand you there, son, you say you didn't know what down it was, and because you didn't know the down and distance, you didn't run as hard as you normally do? Well that's not how we play football around here son, and that is unacceptable Buffalo Bills football son....what do you have to say for yourself?" WM: "Shiiiiiit......I ain't got sh-- to say coach, damn. They used to scream the mutha f*ckin down out fo us at the U...." UGH! Marv, do something please. Your cerebral fans are dying over here.
  24. LOL...."Did your cat jump on the keyboard?" Hahahahahaha!
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