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Everything posted by jjsiepierski34

  1. I agree whole-heartedly. We're not good enough to be chalking up wins as "super easy." Too young. You avatar is picture perfect. I showed that youtube to my fiance who's from Europe and understands nothing about the Bills, Buffalonian's obsession with this team, or "American Football" in general, and she was in stitches...she then looked to me for explanation, and I had nothing to say... Hey, I trained her to stay outta my way on Sundays, so it's a beautiful thing...
  2. LOL. I am a bit of a conspiracy theorist myself, and I was really happy to notice this! I will admit it. Thank you Roger Goodell (Buffalonian, that has nothing to do with schedule making whatsoever, but I like to believe he did have something to do with squashing this particular conspiracy; even if he didn't at all...let me have my moment...).
  3. HAHA! Coming from someone as Polish as they come, good one! LOL.
  4. Now 10 minutes between 1st rounders, and 7 between each 2nd rounder. Should, without question, make the draft more enjoyable to watch than it already is, if possible! How do people think this is going to effect our draft, logistically? I think it's a valid concern with Brandon entering his 1st draft; also considering the Bills have had a good amount of draft-day activity in the past, other than just straight ahead draft picks. Peterson from the Chiefs seems to think a little more pre-draft preperation is all that is needed. I believe that it may require more than just doing more homework...less time to pull the trigger, with many variables going on around the pick may require more phone lines installed in, more employees on the phone swingin deals that may not be used to doing that...etc? The same amount of dealmaking, and research needs to be done in 1/3 less the time. Is our entire brain trust going to be in the same room; web conference, conference calls...etc? I think its a pretty major groundrule change to the whole process. Should be interesting to see who handles the time restrictions best, and then it'll be interesting to read the post draft analysis on what did or didn't happen, and if those deals that didnt come to fruition can be blamed on the time change? King's MMQB is what mentioned it and got me thinking: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/writ...ex.html?eref=T1 GO BILLS!
  5. A stud pass rusher off the edge makes every defensive back better. Even though DE may not be our top priority, if we can get a game changer at 11, I say we go for it. I remember the '02 draft when we picked a certain Off Tackle to fill a "need" while various draft guru's and fans were claiming Freeney was a reach at #4. Considering he was coming out of Syracuse during a push to regionalize the team, Freeney would have been an outstanding choice to bring some of the Syracuse faithful up I 90 for Bills games as well as give us a speed rusher; Polian nabs him at #11...we all know the rest from there. His speed rush helps validate a lot of what they do, and execute in that Indy Tampa 2 imo. Freeney's QB pressures do 1 of 2 things, or a combination of the following: 1) inflates the talent in the Indy D backfield, or 2) hides the weaknesses of those same defenders. Either way, pressuring the QB is paramount in any defense; in passing situations, the more we can get the opposing QB thinking of what's breathing down his neck from the back /blind side, the more he is likely to throw off his back foot, or release too early on deep drop passing routes to save his hide....see the Bruce Smith Buffalo Bills years...when the QB throws off his back foot from pressures, timing is thrown off, and zip is lost, so DB reactive "closing speed" isn't as critical and all of a sudden you have Larry Brown winning the Super Bowl MVP, yet not being resigned by the Cowboys the following year! Just an opinion, but I don't mind Harvey at 11 if he drops to us.
  6. I could not agree more with your point here. This guy ran bad forty times, and knew he would be able to inflate (or deflate in this case) the times on a faster surface; they put him on the more today-NFL surface, his times suffered, and the truth came out. He then goes and blasts the people that are busting their humps trying to make him a millionaire? His accountability factor is horrible, and this shows a serious lack of maturity....reminds me of Cleveland in '88 when Ronnie Harmon blames Jimbo for releasing the pass too late in the route, thus forcing him to have to concentrate too much on getting his feet in bounds, and eventually droppng the perfect pass and we don't advance....Does Oklahoma offer a Basket-Weaving degree like Iowa? Sometimes these athletes make me wanna barf.
  7. In my humble opinion, this is never a played out topic. I can read and write about Bills' Nation hating the Dolphins EVERY DAY...no joke, no exaggeration. Let's remember, we didn't beat those mother huggers one darn time for an entire decade. Hating the Dolphins must be integrated in to Buffalo drinking water, because it seems so natural, and I have never thought otherwise; while never questioning why I think this way. Bryan Cox running off the field after being tossed while flipping us fans the bird will always be one of my proudest moments as a Bills' fan...driving a man to that level of insanity is simply a beautiful thing! Bills for Liiiiiife!
  8. Come to Chicago, and watch a game at Delilah's...walk in and scream "Dan Marino" at the top of your lungs; everyone in the bar, in unison, will tell you what we think of the former Dolphin QB; regardless of who the Bills happen to be playing that day...
  9. Oh wow, I hope so. And if so, got me good. I am fired up over here! LOL.
  10. Couldnt help but notice the REMIX version. Ridiculous. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOwAtxDyvqM&NR=1
  11. This website follows the lead of our Nation's lenders I guess.
  12. I assume that we went through a time warp of sorts because of a website overhaul? Just curious. Thanks!
  13. I could not have said it better myself! I concur. If they don't want to be here, send them packing, or let them leave, and find someone that DOES want to play in front of the best fans in the NFL. GO BILLS, and GO MARV!
  14. Maybe a bit off topic, but I am just curious, if Okoye AND Willis happen to be taken by the time we pick, would anyone want to reach a bit for Posluzny? He just seems high characther and in that Conlan, Spielman mold out of the Big Ten....couldn't we draft him and move him inside? Why has he slipped to the bottom of the 1st round, did he have bad 40 times, or something? If he gets drafted by Chicago, their LB'ing corp would be ridiculous.
  15. Well aren't you assuming the same thing by saying they ARE going to sign him bc no other team has cap space? You are what you despise here. No one can predict the future and we all feel as though we captain the debate team...That's all we're doing is having a debate. You want to defend cap room. I say cap room doesn't mean a darn thing, bc despite that cap room, some team will give our boy Nate big bucks...a la Denver and Champ Bailey....overpay him, and the Bills will run away from the bargaining table with their hair on fire....AS THEY SHOULD!!!! I assume because you are ready to throw around "real cap numbers" that makes your argument more valid? I give you know evidence whatsoever to the contrary. I am just saying that your optimism will fall on deaf ears because we ALL KNOW here as Bills fans with half a brain that Nate Clements is as good as gone...I look forward to you sending me this chat one day and shoving it in my face with the title "I told you so..." but, I honestly belive that a month from now I will be sending it to you with that same title...sorry bro.
  16. I don't know how long you've been a Bills fan for, and I don't know that it even matters...but as long as you haven't been sleeping under a rock for the last 25 years or so, you'll know that the Bills don't get in to free market bidding wars AND WIN regarding free agents...even their own. Even when they should...they simply don't; its not in their business model... Having a degree in "Salary-capanomics" does not even matter in the Nate Clements situation. He is going to the highest bidder, and that will not be Buffalo...what is left to be said? Its a no-brainer. It is a waste of time to examine the scope of all of the other NFL teams, and their individual salary cap situation, and their individual need for a shut-down corner...it all doesn't matter...some team, and some GM out there will overpay for NC, and the Bills will not match, and/or even come close to the offer...its that simple. He's done in Buffalo.
  17. This is a great post. To both of your points...was Nate all that good in 05? And, do we need him to be who he is, WHILE EATING UP ALL OUR CAP ROOM, in a Tampa 2? I say, absolutely not. Safeties are the key in the Tampa 2...not corners.... Let him go, sure up both lines, get another LB or two, and create a team atmosphere where each of the guys want to fight for one another. Is Coy Wire all that good? Hell no he isn't but that's a Mark Pike-type signing right there...he's a character guy and he plays his a** off....I'll take it! Marv's the man, and he has a plan....The Bills are back, whether people want to admit it or not...a couple more pieces, and we're scary...Jaws sees it.
  18. Sorry bro, Nate Clements is gone. His Agent Todd France, is a d*ck, but a realist, and obviously understands the law of supply and demand... in that he has said "it is in Nate's best interest to test the market...." Duh....but a point often overlooked by sub-par agents...he is on top of his game. He is pushing Nate to the free market, and to the free market Nate shall go...see the quotes from this mornings Buffalo News article on Jaro Spacek.... Also, as I scanned through our own twobillsdrive articles, I came across the one on Kiwaukee Thomas a few days back, and at the end of the article...the following: "As for the 2007 season, Thomas becomes a free agent on March 1. He said he’s already been contacted by Bills general manager Marv Levy about returning to Buffalo." Why else would Marv be contacting him (a sub par corner who can be considered only a stop-gap) OTHER than damage control for the loss of Nate? Writings on the wall my friend...Nate be gone...but good riddance I say. He doesn't want to be here anyway....like Moulds last year...get the cancerous cells out of here, and replace them with O, and D lineman! I only want Bills uni's to be occupied by Bills that want to be Bills!!!! Through and through! If you don't think you want to be here, there's the door my man!
  19. He is a geek, indeed, yet everything he says is dead on. What's not to agree here?
  20. I heard someone at the Bears/Bills game give me the quote of all quotes...I'm at the ATM in my McGahee jersey, standing next to my wife in her McGahee jersey, and this random sneaks up behind me at halftime...and goes: "The only thing worse than the Bills is your haircut...." I could do nothing. I was speechless and motionless....had to laugh it off like a man. Then some other guy goes screaming by looking at my wife, and screams, "I never knew I wanted to bang Willis McGahee....!!!" LOL. What are ya gonna do, start a brawl intermingled with 68,000 Bears' fans while wearing a Bills' jersey? Not a chance. Like water off a duck... Bears fans are very similar to Bills fans...passionate, and knowledgeable. I've been in Chi-town 4 years...and they are a lot of fun in my mind, so I will cheer for them this coming Super Bowl. Bills 4 life.
  21. Your grammar skills are not exactly up to par my main man. LOL!
  22. Must be my uncle, not many of us out there, certainly not two from WNY with the same name being Dennis! LOL!
  23. Anyone just see the BK commercial where the King is actually playing FOR the Bills? I believe he is acting as TKO in a sack made vs. Hasselbeck during the Seattle game last season...well, now 2 seasons ago... Sorry if this has been in production previous to this, but this is the 1st I saw of it. I remember when the King was playing AGAINST the Bills acting as Deion Sanders when he took a horrible screen pass made by Bledsoe 2 seasons ago (now 3 seasons) to the house, but never saw him playing FOR the Bills. Love it. Yet extremely disturbing costume. GO BILLS!
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