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Captain Hindsight

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Posts posted by Captain Hindsight

  1. ...So my question is...why keep him? If Chan has (correctly) decided that Trent isn't capable, why wouldn't we just release him and bring someone else in? Why would you keep a player on the team once you have determined that he's incapable of being successful?

    They could have him on trade wire...just to see for a bit...i doubt theyll get anything but its worth looking...plus Brohm is running the scout team right now, he hasnt been preparing yet for actual games. Fitzy is more ready to play anyway...no need to tank the season yet

  2. One thing i havent seen mentioned that really caught my attention yesterday. During Gaileys presser he said "you cant be ok with losing, if you are we dont want ya."


    In the preseason Trent said in a press conference "these press conferences get a little boring and i gotta learn to like my job more) (something to that effect)


    This move is being done because Trent is ok with losing and Gailey isnt. Fitzy and thats why hell start, he doesnt take his job for granted he wants to play and wants to be a starter in the NFL He will be a better leader than trent and might even make a play or two.


    Trent is the most talented QB on the roster. Hes accurate he can make all the throws and hes got a lot of expierence...thats why he started the season plan and simple he prolly does give us the best chance to win from a physical stand point. From a mental and leadership stand point he will not step up and take that role.


    Kudos to Gailey for not accepting the status quo fro Trent anymore. One thing i wanted to see was some accountability from our head coach. Someone willing to make a change and admit if something isnt working.


    This doesnt make our team better. I like Fitzy alot and respect him as a player but he isnt good enough to bring us to the promised land, but this move puts the whole team on notice, play hard for us every play or dont play for us

  3. I used to play QB in high school and it was tough to come in off the bench. I only did it a few times in actual passing situations but those were the ones i struggled most.... seeing a defense and the speed of the game from sidelines is different than being on the field. Practice reps just arent the same


    My coach whenever possible would run the ball a few plays so i could adjust to the speed of the game

  4. i Hate them both....alot like so much



    That said with all this talk of the jets being super bowl champs when they shouldnt have made the playoffs last year after their final two games laid down for them i hope the pats kick the **** out of them


    That would shut up all the jets fans around here

  5. Thanks for taking the time to do that.


    I never thought Trent was good...he was decent at times but never what i consider a good NFL QB. Trent has always seem to fallen apart when the pressure is on (except against the raider) and he either shows up or doesnt and more often doesnt.


    He hasnt had a 300 yard game in his career, he doesnt beat good teams and plays poorly against worse teams (the Browns) I just want someone to step up and win a game for us. Trent IMO has been given enough chances and just hasnt taken his chance to become a starter.... time to cut loose IMO

  6. 1.cut Green pick up Herman Johnson off Arizona's Practice squad

    2. Put Wang on IR, pick up Selvish Capers off Washington's practice squad

    3. cut Kelsey pick up Pierre Walters off KC's Practice squad

    4. Trade Fitz and Lynch to Green Bay for Flynn and a 3rd round pick

    5. Trade Hangartner and two 3rd round picks for Logan Mankins

    6. Move Bell from practice squad to team

    7. Cut Spenser Johnson and Pick up Al Woods from Pittsburgh's practice squad

    8. Trade Mcgee to San Diego for V Jackson

    I forgot it was still the offseason

  7. Now that Ryan Grant will be out for the year, the timing of our game with Green Bay couldn't be better. We need to put Marshawn on display against the Pack. Matt Flynn looks like a better prospect than Trent and I think GB would go for it.


    I like the idea, how about you?

    Im just wondering what your basing this on? Flynn has looked promising but trading a 1000yard back for a guy who has very little expierence seems foolish to me

  8. If you are familiar with my posts, this may shock you, but I'm willing to admit there is a chance that Trent Edwards is not the absolute worst starting quarterback in NFL.


    Sanchez and Moore both looked very bad, and stand to give Edwards a solid run for his money in the quest to be the NFL's worst.


    I still think there is a very good chance Trent will be the undisputed champion of bad quarterbacking by year's end, but if Sanchez or Moore takes home the title and Trent only gets a podium place it wouldn't really surprise me.

    We got it..you dont like Trent...GFY


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