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Posts posted by kenny3000

  1. You obviously think the QB situation is far and away our biggest problem. Can't say that I agree (lines as I see it), but OK. I can see some good thought and logic in your post.


    But this my friend almost made me pee myself from laughing ...



    Do you seriously think Nix needed a[nother] year to familiarize himself with these players? And as for Gailey, you don't think the film from the previous N years ... and particularly last year which was the same freaking players for the most part ... was not enough for him to know what he has got? He is an offensive genius after all. You can almost make a case for the defensive side of the ball, but not quite. It was painfully obviously to everyone here, in the media, and in the league that Buffalo did not have the players for a 3-4. Making lineman into linebackers to see how they would do? That's how they familiarize themselves with the players?


    You are rationalizing, in a monumental way, the lack of off season action by the Bills. The 2010 season should have been a rebuilding year. Instead it was a wasted year in my opinion.



    Yes for Nix and Gailey. Can't have one say 'just trust me, he's good'.


    3-4, see GB last year. 3-4 is a good switch going forward. Position switches come to see if they can hang. Stop your crying.


    The season is a rebuilding year but I can see your point that it's already 'a wasted year in my opinion' two weeks into the season.


    Actually, I'm just sorry that I even responded to you...

  2. First, Edwards gets named the starter, when the majority of the Bills fans knew he was a skirt wearing, brittle, checkdown Sally. For whatever reason, Chan has to know that first hand before he awards Edwards his rightful spot on the team, the pine. Then, last week, out of the blue, Chan starts Lynch at RB against the Packers. Either he wanted to see if Lynch really sucked that bad, or it was an obvious attempt to showcase him for trade bait.


    Now, Chan, a coach that is supposedly an offensive genius who would ride one back the overwhelming majority of the time, suddenly does a 180 and goes RB by committee. Is this Chan's doing for real? Do zebra's change their stripes to polka dots? Someone at OBD has to be pulling Chan's strings. It's clearly obvious that Fred Jackson is easily the best RB on this team. He runs the ball... it's 4.5, he catches the ball, it's 8.1. Why the "F" make this BS out to be so complicated?


    Fitzpatrick is clearly the best QB on the Bills roster. It's not even close. However, that ain't saying much because, in reality, Fitz is a career backup. That's how bad the other two QBs on the roster are, and Levi Brown must really suck if he couldn't at least make the PS with the Bills "rosterizing" the other 3 schleps.


    So Chan dicks around with Edwards at QB for the first two weeks when everyone else knew Edwards was a POS and Fitz should have started from day 1. Now he's dicking around with Lynch in hopes that the Bills can get a 4th rather than a 5th when they send him packing instead of starting Action Jackson. Is it about winning, or is it about figuring out if certain players (that we all know suck) can play? If it's the latter, the Bills will be in perpetual rebuilding.


    So, is the Edwards/Lynch crap Nix's or Wilson's idea? I certainly don't believe it's all Chan.



    On top of this, I see at least one other team is playing games too. In Philly Andy Reid tells everyone Kolb is the man, then does a 180 and annoints Vick. So, is he shopping Vick now?


    What the hell ever happened to starting and riding your best 22 players and let the chips fall where they fall instead of dicking around with all these useless possibilities that go nowhere?


    Um, of course it's about figuring out who can play. That's what a new coach does when he takes over a team that sucks. What do you want him to do - build a foundation around crap or see with your own eyes what a man can do after you've taught him what you want him to do and how you want him to do it? If you don't know who responds to your way and how they perform when you're coaching them then how do you know who to keep and develop in a rebuilding project?? News flash - we're not good. We better progress and get better throughout the season but this is about seeing who stays and who's good enough to stay. You can't build through the draft in one draft.

  3. Unfortunately, what you list as an afterthought - ACCURACY - is, in fact, the #1 qualification for NFL QB's, and largely what seperates them from the majority of NCAA QB's.


    I'll still be pulling for him - but based on the number of 3 and outs he generated with wild throws last season, I don't hold out much hope.


    It actually is not the #1 qualification for NFL QBs. It is important but definitely not the most important above all other characteristics. Knowing how to read defenses/knowing where to go with the football and pocket awareness are the most important things. A QB can have a long career if he has those two.. ability to make all required NFL throws and then toughness probably come right after that. If you've got all those and then are fairly accurate on top of that, then you're probably one of the best. No QB completes every pass but as long as they can get hot and get in a rhythm and be accurate at times then you can win the superbowl (see Eli Manning).

  4. I'm not over the top, I'm just being fair and realistic. The cornerbacks played a great game and I have them an "A" rating.


    did you happen to take a gander at the 'diamond in the rough' tackle we found and traded for a pick that's turned into our best (arguably) lineman? go back and watch the philly game from yesterday and tell me that we would be any more successful offensively with that guy instead of someone who appears to actually want to play football??

  5. I kind of agree and would like to see Brohm get the reps with the 1s and have a chance to grow into the starting qb. Edwards is a little better right now but he just looks like such a pu$$y when he plays. He jumps out of the way instead of following through on his passes and generally looks like a polo player trying to play football and not get hit. That said he still is capable of doing some good things but I just feel like Brohm's the type of player who needs to get some time to gain some traction before he's really comfortable and can show what he's capable of. He stands tall in the pocket and steps into passes...like an nfl quarterback....

  6. I'm a Wayne State alum that watched Joique for 4 years here in Detroit...He's a keeper. He has a knack for the end zone and a heart the size of a Cadillac. He's also a great "team guy"... was a cadet on the Wayne State police Dept. and a leader on campus. Quality find for the Bills...He's gonna make a whole lot of teams regret passing him in the draft.


    Question, maybe a stupid one - how do you pronounce his first name?

  7. I have to say, most of the coaches who were known as winners, were tough guys.. They were motivated with fear, players responded.. There are a few like Marv who did get production by being easy, but he never won the big one.. Every player to a man said he loved Dick Jauron but we had 5 years of average or below.. I really hope Chan can work some magic with this club and motivation is the key... Fear Factor!!!!


    Hey - not to be a d!ck, but where did this phrase come from and what does it mean? 'every player to a man said...'

  8. So, it appears that our defense is far outperforming the offense in camp, and while that is not unusual, it might indicate that the defense is poised to make some leaps forward this year. From all reports, the secondary has been eating up the offensive passing game. That too is not a surprise, since the secondary is the strength of this team.


    Here is my question: Does it help or hurt a developing offense to be playing against such a dominant secondary in practice everyday?


    On the one hand, it arguably makes them stronger, since the O has to sharpen its play in the passing game.


    On the other hand, I suspect it hampers them from developing any confidence and impedes their development.


    Wouldn't it be better to have the O practice for a week against the second or third team--get some confidence and rhythm, and then gradually test them against a stronger and stronger defense?


    As it is now, it sounds like the passing game is in shambles, which bodes ill for the regular season.


    No, no, no. The offense needs all the quality competition it can handle. Do you really want to put training wheels on the offense again by babying them? If they can't perform against our 'dominant' (quotes used lightly) defense then they just might not be an nfl offense. There's still time though, let's wait to see how they do in preseason games

  9. My uncle took me on an epic trip up to Buffalo (from Long Island) when I was 13 or 14. I got to do a lot of things a 13/14 year old shouldn't have been doing and then I got to see the Bills beat a Joe Montana-led Kansas City team. Actually I believe Bruce or Cornelius knocked Mr. Montana out of the game, can't remember exactly who delivered the blow. After the game I got to drive his car and do donuts in a nearby parking lot because my uncle had a few pints at the Ralph. Since then it's been a steady decline though I have to admit. But for Tim Russert and the countless/nameless many other Bills fans of the past, I'll stay a Bills fan and carry this team on my back. There's no if they don't do this by then out clause, I'm stuck with them and they're stuck with me. I'm loyal like that.

  10. I'm gonna have to agree that it is a different situation. Jamon Meredith in my opinion is fully capable of manning the LT if Bell has a setback and then by week 5/6 Ed Wang can take over for Green if his age and Raiderness start showing. Having Meredith in there all pre-season and not being in a situation of being signed off a practice squad and then starting for a new team 3 weeks later is huge. He's got LT ability. However, if Bell is ready and able I'm of the opinion that sooner than later the line will look like: Bell, Levitre, Hangartner, Wood, Meredith. I think that line if healthy has a good chance to grow into something real respectable. Bell being mentally ready all off-season and hopefully physically ready is much different than being the starter by surprise a week before the season. True - the tackle depth is a little scary, but the amount of injuries we've gotten accustomed to is not the norm. I don't think it's as dire a situation as some do.

  11. Our offense isn't working because we don't have the personnel. The same personnel in a different offense isn't going to give them more talent. I just don't see us having enough quality receivers, an effective offensive line (in any formation) or a quarterback who is going to make much of a difference. Better the devil we have and go and get qualified offensive linemen, and possibly even a quarterback. Spread offense, wildcat or wishbone isn't going to change the fact that we got no talent there.


    Couldn't disagree with you more. The same personnel in a different offense will not give them more talent but certainly can yield a very different product. A different scheme can definitely change results and in some instances hide the fact that we don't have as much talent as you'd prefer. That's why some coaches are better than others.

  12. Let's explore people's thinking on this, in terms of the Spiller pick, and info from NGU.


    Buffalo has big needs at QB, OT and DT, also LB. By the time the Bills picked, the two highest graded OTs are gone, the best LB, and no DTor QB has a high first round grade. Spiller has by far the highest grade on you board when the Bills pick--what do you do?


    If you are trying to build a team by getting the best players, you take Spiller. If you draft for need, you take Bulaga or D. Williams or Claussen --which the remainder of the draft indicates that any of them would have been a tremendous reach.


    I don't see how a team with as many holes as the Bills ever gets better by taking lesser talent at positions they have a current need. Isn't that what the Bills have been doing for years? Maybe taking the best player available is something people only like in theory, but not in practice. That seems to be Sullivan's position, who yesterday wrote basically the Bills should draft talent, but today says Spiller is a bad pick because he does not fill a need.


    Perhaps people will say trade down, but let's leave that option off the table until the draft is complete, and we see what else we get. Trading down means getting quantity v quality, which is a legitimate strategy but we need to see how our other picks pan out to determine if more picks would have been a better way to go. We amy trade Lynch today a gain picks, for all I know


    So which is it? What should Nix do? What would you do?


    +1 Take talent every time. Jerry Sullivan is not all bad but he's being a little b!tch right now by going both ways. Cant make a whiny patriots fan happy with anything. Why doesn't he just go back to boston and write there?

  13. Perhaps this new regime possesses the necessary integrity to stick with what you believe is their approach. That said, as anyone in the league knows, it is a “win now” mentality that permits you to enjoy seasons 3, 4, 5, etc.. Unless they hit homers in the next 2 drafts, (three surefire starters in each draft), neither Nix, nor Gailey will be around to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Regardless, if they are sticking to their guns as you believe, they are not going to receive any media love unless they start to win. Frankly, I have not supported or spent $10 on this team over the last 2 seasons and see no reason to invest my time or money in the product at this time as there is no real cause for optimism.



    Understood. I'm hoping that they are up to the task as well.

  14. I'm of the opinion that Nix, Whaley and Gailey believe, as many others, that you build your team through the draft and use free agency to stop gap and add depth while you draft and build your team and work like he!! to keep your own guys. Green's the same as the Langston Walker signing, except this regime sees him as a stop gap while the last regime saw him as part of their answer to OL problem. Big difference.

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