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Little to the North

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Everything posted by Little to the North

  1. I served 14 years sir, don't try that secret service jazz with me. I'm as serious a person as you ever will find! Don't drinkl or smoke!
  2. I'll make a deal. You bring that kid over here to my place and I'll personally make him sorry he said that. I guarantee he won't have a mouth to spout sh-- like that again to anyone!
  3. Hyundais are a great investment! In the start people laughed at them, there not anymore.
  4. Good enough! You did just fine! I bet you'll get easily 30-40 mpg
  5. it's bad enough we have human waste running our country, we need to here this little B word's remark on who can and can't drive a freakin VW. !@#$ that guy!
  6. you tell me man! I've tried to figure that out the last 3 days here! And i'm very serious in the shooting remark because he deserves it for that sh-- he tried to pull.
  7. You have monkey as a username, I guess your a bitter black guy, or just take pride in acting like on to sound tough.
  8. and maybe if he was kept we'd of had a ring. Good job Buffalo!
  9. well if they like the Bills, it may be a safe assumption they like the Sabres. Outside Buff......who knows.
  10. Can't you tell the guys an !@#$! Screw rationalizing with a George Bush lover whose impervious to high prices. Send his ass to Iraq so it can be personally shot off..or better yet can I do it!
  11. Wow a ditzy woman moment. Plenty of those in this world we live in.. Big shocker!
  12. Idol sucks, but I like seeing the next retarded thing that comes out of Simons mouth. Someday someone is going to beech slap him sooo hard for his criticism..I'd love to see that!
  13. Carrucci doesn't know sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
  14. I think he should leave. Not like he's getting a ring here.
  15. IO know a french/Indian mix who works with me. So beautiful and friendly to. i appreciate beautiful stuff like that.
  16. Melrose has the intelligence much like Mel Kiper......NONE! F both of them!
  17. Like were suppose to expect much from you... No one cares if you like rome or not.
  18. They actually give advice here, heck I never knew they even talked here. Hard to trust any people who don't even promote courtesy chat...think about it..
  19. If you have the 10 year warranty or any warrany that traditionally comes with a new hyundai purchase you are in for a pleasant ownership experiense.
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