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Dr. Trooth

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Everything posted by Dr. Trooth

  1. 1) Bucky is not even close to being an authority on this 2) Anyone who questions Nassib's arm strength is totally blind or just has not seen him throw. He consistently can throw it 45 yards on a rope. He has a very good arm... and yes, much stronger than fitz. Go look at his throws on youtube... not his highlights... both the completions, incompletions, interceptions, touchdowns. He has a gun. 3) He rarely threw deep at Syracuse, mainly because, 1, he did not have the offensive line to protect him... especially up the middle. 2 he did not have a receiver that had better than 4.65 40 speed to get down field. He basically puts too much air on his deep ball. 4) Tom Brady had problems huge problems throwing the deep ball his first two NFL seasons. Not necessarily because of arm strength, but gauging where that ball should be relative to the receiver. And, I'll add, Nassib's arm is stronger than Brady's and his athleticism is a lot better. He did run for a 45 yard td 2 years ago and had a couple of rushing tds this past year and moves well in the pocket. Nassib has a Bradyesque work ethic and grasp of the game... Now... Brooks concedes... 1) really smart 2) quick decisions 3) "well" suited for a spread offense What Bucky and the rest fail to own up to is that he is at the top of the class when it comes to mental and physical toughness,his great footwork, quick release, his total 'big picture' grasp of the game, and impeccable mechanics ... and this... as I posted this earlier. All the other pundits make excuses for guys like Tyler Wilson and Mike Glennon, saying that they lost their top receivers from a year ago and had a lot of dropped passes. Well, the fact is both of those guys had way more talent surrounding them than Nassib had at Syracuse... way more. Nassib put that team on his shoulders and carried the team by himself without a LT for half the season and injuries on and off to all of his receivers. He carried SU on his back and orchestrated several comeback wins. Barkley had Robert Woods, Geno Smith had Tavon Austin, but Batman (Nassib) did not have Robin, but he made the guys around him function better. There will be only one person from his Syracuse offense joining him to play in the NFL on Sundays... Justin Pugh... and he was injured half the year. The other guys might get to a training camp, but they aint gonna make a roster. If you want sexy... don't draft Nassib. If you want "W" s... you better grab him when you can. The kid is easily more engaged in the game than any of the others coming out. Not a diva or prima donna. You won't see him on youtube yucking it up, getting nailed for a dui, caght in some club shooting up the place because all he does is eat and sleep football. When he aint playing he'll be studying the play book, game film, or lifting wts. and working out. Some team is going to get lucky.
  2. No. He's one dimensional. He can rush the passer, but he's not elite at that. He's not a good run defender no matter if he's at DE or LB. And, as far as dropping back into pass coverage as a 3-4 type? It's not something he's done before so you don't know how he's gonna be. Bottom line... 1) an average pass rusher, 2) below avg. run defenser, 3) questionable in pass coverage. If the Bills want to get better they gotta go get better players. Kyle is not better players... but might be OK to keep around for training camp.
  3. He must be rating these guys based on their physical measureables... certainly not on their intangeables, ability to process information and react quickly , and leadership qualities.
  4. And he'll have a hell of a lot better supporting cast than at Cuse Of the top 6 Qbs coming out he had way less to work with at wr,te,rb than any of them. His oline sucked with a center that weighed 250 lbs. He, and he alone, was the difference maker at cuse. He made the players around him better. Except for Justin Pugh, his LT, who only played a handful of games this past season, none of his boys on offense will be playing on Sundays.
  5. Marty Morninweg is having dinner tonight with Ryan Nassib at Heids in Liverpool.
  6. I'll defer to the new coaching staff on this one LM is a better in man coverage than zone. He's been mostly in zone in the past. Pettine is going to use him in press coverage ... which is more to his strength. The proof will be in the pudding.
  7. As evidenced by? We all agree fitz sucks. We get that ad nauseum. But, as far as a better option, unless that qb is in the top 20 of the NFL, they're not a better option. The other options are bull s#it.... just flinging crap at a wall and hoping something is gonna stick. The best option is to draft a rookie and develop him. Teams and fans will have patience for 2-3 years.They realize he's not a finished product. But a vet that's been in the league for two or more years, the team and fans expect an immediate and positive result. That aint happening with Daniel or any other vet FA the Bills foolishly "chase"... and there's no evidence to suggest otherwise. No team is gonna offer Daniel starter money. That's fact that you can take to the bank.
  8. His cap hit is $10,450,000 if the keep him under the current contract. If they cut him, the cap hit is $10,000,000. If they were to cut and resign him, they still take a 10M cap hit plus whatever they re-sign him for. That scenario aint likely to happen. If they cut him, he's done in Buffalo and they will move on. I will add, that if they cut him... the Jonny Football countdown is on. Even if the Bills fill the QB in the draft, there is no QB in the draft or left on the Bills roster after a Fitz cut that will be effective enough to win games. The QB will be under tight control in year one of the transition and the defense has a lot holes too. So if Fitz goes... the Bills are in full rebuild mode and this season is a write off.
  9. It already happened. Chuck Hughes, wr Detroit Lions on 10/24/71 against the Bears
  10. Really! As evidenced by? Lots of wallers complain about Fitz' noodle arm. Daniel's arm might not even be as good as Fitz. Why would the Saints give up on him when their starter is in his mid thirties and showing signs of decline?
  11. Let it go. Wooduhcooduhshooduh but didn't. You don't move forward by looking backward.
  12. Revis to niners aint happening. They've built quite well from within and have no need or desire to phuck up their salary cap.
  13. 1) his arm is no better than fitz 2) he does not want to play in a cold weather venue.
  14. Fitz aint going nowhere. What is the benefit? 450k savings on the cap? Doesn't make sense. Other than a rookie they would have to pay someone starter money... that's in addition. Oh, wait brad smith is the bills new read option qb. Everyone has been wondering why he hasn't been cut. Now we know why.
  15. Keep this in perspective. James Walker wrote this. The clown is sloppy and inept. He's got no cred.
  16. If that were to happen, it might indicate he is ok with fitz... at least for a season or two.
  17. Let me see. Break out season, young, and a s#it team like the Raiders doesn't want him and they don't have a viable option at TE? Man, something smells real bad. Better watch every offensive play he logged and get the PIs to find the dirt, of it's there.
  18. Me thinx it's utter bs. Doesn't make sense on two fronts. 1- A team with a new coach and new mgt. structure is gonna give up draft pix with all the holes to fill that they have? 2-adding smith puts the salary cap number at $17m at qb not counting Jax, Corp, and any other addition... and that's whether they keep Fitz this season or not. The only possible reason for contact between the two teams was probably only to blow smoke and shake Fitz up... either to be put him on notice or rework his contract. .
  19. Let me put this in terms that you can better understand. Put Barkley in Nassib's shoes and Nassib in Barkley's shoes. Barkley could never have taken the beating Nassib did, nor withstood the challenges Nassib did... we wouldn't even be talking about Barkley as an option right now. Nassib, on the other hand, surrounded by the cast of athletes and A list ballers Barkley was afforded, would have lit it up and be considered a can't miss prospect. As far as football and intelligence. Nassib is a known gym rat and game tape junky. He benches over 400 lbs... all fact. He's an academic all american with a 4.0 gpa and graduated a year ago. How does Barkley stack up agianst that? Now... a lot of folks think its all about passing. If that's the case, give Barkley or Smith an edge. But, if its about being a QB that understands the big picture, setting up a defense for big plays, into the mental aspects and chess playing of the game, Nassib is way more 'Bradyesque' than either of those two.
  20. You forgot one position... the single most important position of 3-4 defense...Nose Tackle. Without a bonafide one(Dareus is not one) this defense won't be much better.
  21. Well, NFL.com's Daniel Jeremiah's latest mock shows Lane Johnson to the Bills @ #8.
  22. That's my point. Senior Bowl isn't a good benchmark. It's all about physical skill set amd that's it. I know Barkely & smith didn't participate. Barkley was injured. But Smith hid from it like a girl.
  23. How'd Smith & Barkley look in the Senior Bowl? Nuff said.
  24. Some perspective. Both Barkley and Smith played for mature college programs who consistently reloaded with A list recruits. Compare that to Syra cuse, a college program that was in shambles and haven't recruited an A lister in years. Compare the supporting cast each QB had. Remove the qb from their respective teams. WV & USC don't miss a beat. With Nassib out of the Syracuse lineup they don't win a damn game. Nassib was the heart and soul of his team. Smith had Tavon Austin, one of the most electrifying players in college. Barkely threw to the most polished wr in college and an excellent offensive line. Nassib carried his team on his back. The supporting cast supplemented Barkley & Smith. Questioning Nassib's arm strength is ridiculous. He may not have the strongest arm in the draft, but he's the strongest, toughest, and smartest by a mile. On the engagement factor, he's off the charts and will put more time into the game than either Barkley or Smith.
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