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Bills Fan in MD

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Everything posted by Bills Fan in MD

  1. Thank goodness for lower case letters (cause he's sure not a GOAT).
  2. I'll admit it. And I'll take it one step further and say that I was 100% wrong.
  3. Not saying this game is over, but to have six losses and be hanging on by a thread BEFORE the calendar hits December is totally inconceivable. And I say that as a long time fan who should have known better. Not sure why I decided to drink the Kool-aid this time around.
  4. Call me crazy, but I'm thinking that Rex isn't turning this into the #1 ranked D in the league this year. . .
  5. I'd be a lot better if it weren't for that dumb loss in London to Jax. When all is said and done, that one could make the difference.
  6. You had me at "I just watched the game again." I'm just trying to spend the day pretending it didn't happen.
  7. Are you talking about Mularkey? I always thought that he quit because he didn't want to work for an 80 year old GM with no front office experience.
  8. Washington picked up his option for 2016, but it's only guaranteed for injury. As long as he stays healthy (i.e., he'll NEVER see the field this year), they can cut him in the offseason and owe him nothing for next year.
  9. If Kirk Cousins gets $17M a year, it's a sign that the world is coming to an end. In that case, does it really matter what we do with TT?
  10. Yes, we're screwed. Whether it's because of my reverse jinx or just because they will get outplayed by a FAR superior NE team, it's not even worth my time watching. Mark it down. They will lose.
  11. Why even bother? I 100% guarantee you all that the Bills will lose. Positive. No chance in hell. If they win, you can all make me eat crow and make fun of this post to no end. Seriously, they have no chance whatsoever. None. Zilch. Nada. They shouldn't event play the game. (Ok, was I making it too obvious?)
  12. We'll see. It all depends on whether Brandon Marshall and Jeremy Kurley play.
  13. I know that the best attitude is to view the Pats game as non-essential and a "nice if they can do it" kind of thing, but it's damn hard not to think about a win that could ultimately turn out to be a defining moment for this team . . . Seriously, a win on MNF changes everything, both in terms of expectations and how the team is viewed both inside and outside the fanbase.
  14. I'm going to start sending this team my medical bills. It's never easy.
  15. Anyone else hold their breath after the Decker drop until it was clear there wouldn't be a dumb penalty?
  16. At this exact moment, both the Bills and Sabres are at .500.
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