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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. there is a weird rule stating that if the returner first touches the ball when he is out of bounds than the kickoff is ruled out of bounds. seems pretty cheap but thats the rule.
  2. outshined willis?? how do you figure? willis had more yards and more importantly had more yards when it mattered. sammy started getting stuffed when the game was on the line.
  3. I believe the rule states that if the returner touches the ball while he is out of bounds the ball is ruled out of bounds too....so that was the correct call based on the rule.
  4. start buying the plane tickets to the superbowl!!!
  5. if you think thats bad, check out #2 on this list
  6. Look at this But I guess a guy needs to have big WMD laying around his country to be a bad person.
  7. It's scary to think people are going to vote for a guy who doesn't even know what he wants or supports.
  8. I was just jokng with you Indy. I enjoy watching other teams just like you. GO BILLS!
  9. Shouldn't you be more concerned about what the colts are doing during their bye week? Traitor!!
  10. I hope he does get the start. I can't wait to see what he can do when he gets a whole game's worth of action. I like how the article tries to make it seem like willis wants to be traded to the dolphins and the only thing they base it on is that he wants more playing time and he misses southern florida. Of course he is going to miss his home at least a little bit. Leave it to the media to start rumors.
  11. pick any play this year where we are trying to defend a third and long.
  12. Hey, look at it this way. Even if we don't get the draft pick, the worse we do, the worse Miami's draft pick. So if we go 0-16, don't say "oh no we could have had the first pick in the draft." say "well atleast miami didn't get the first pick"
  13. I can see us finishing out the year 9-3 with a wild-card birth. It's not like they don't have the talent. Here's to an exciting rest of the season. GO BILLS!!!!!
  14. keep up the optimism real t, it's refreshing. go BILLS and real t.
  15. block field goal..........and we win!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. whats the point of watching if you have no hope of winning??? GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. willis is like flutie....HE JUST WINS!!
  18. we've got them right where we want them. i think we lost the first 3 games on purpose just to set the jets up for a suprise 4th quarter attack
  19. its not like we didn't get anything for it. we would have needed to draft a qb anyway, and we got jp for the pick. we didn't lose a draft pick, we just took it early.
  20. if he was reading tbd he would have cut the whole team by now
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