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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. Thanks for the well thought out answer. I understand the majority of your points except for the one about accidental births. People need to understand that there is always going to be a chance to get pregnant when they have sex. If they absolutely do not want to have a child, they should not be having sex. Period. Also, blaiming getting pregnant on being drunk is amazingly irresponsible. I have no sympathy for people who are just careless. I hope you were simply giving examples of how some people get pregnant and not justifying their pregnancies.
  2. Is it possible that his knee injury actually strengthened his legs?? Not the injury itself, but all that rehab and those leg exercises may have made the power in his legs greater than it was at UM. Just a thought...
  3. Another reason I thought that was what happened is I say nate and freddie explaining to the officials that he didn't call a fair catch.
  4. On the play where fast freddy caught the punt.... It seemed to me that it was a designed play. It looked like they wanted Clements to call fair catch, and then fast freddy to catch it and run with it. Maybe they thought the other team would think it was a fair catch because clements called it, allowing smith to run off since he didn't call it. They were chatting before the play so i thought something might be up. What do you guys think happened on this play?
  5. I didn't say that they have the same brain functions as a newborn. I said they have underdeveloped brain function. Just like babies have underdeveloped (although more than a fetus) brain function. Under your reasoning, it's better to kill a baby than an adult because babies don't have as complex brains.
  6. I'm sure they have limited thinking and feel some amount of pain, just not as much as us. Just like babies are less developed than humans.
  7. There is quite a difference there Todd. One of those is innocent and cannot avoid being killed. The other one is guilty of a crime and knew very well the consequences of his/her actions. Comparing a convicted criminal to an unborn child is laughable.
  8. But I think the only reason there's a difference to people is because they can see a child at birth, but cannot necessarily look at a child when it is forming. From very early on, if you look at pictures, it is obvious that the unborn child is developing tiny hands and feet. If a child is born premature, does that mean it's ok to kill the child before 9 months are up just because it hasn't completely developed into a baby? I agree that you shouldn't impose your morals on other people, but at some point, you have to draw the line. There could be people that think beating their children is a good way to repremand them. Now this decision isn't affecting you, but don't you agree we should do what we can to protect the innocent, defenseless child? Some people say it may be extreme to compare abortion to child abuse, but I don't think so. What is worse, beating a child, or killing a baby before it even gets a chance to get to childhood?
  9. But if you do believe that an unborn child is still a living human being, which i do, what seperates abortion with killing your 2 month old son when you decide you just can't care for it?
  10. Could the people who are "pro-choice" please explain to me your reasons for wanting to keep abortions legal? Please try to leave out cases of rape or saving the mother's life because I can understand the thinking behind that. I am trying to understand why people thing killing an unborn child is ok. I'm not trying to attack you, I truly just want to see what your thoughts are on this issue and why you are "pro-choice". I feel that the woman has the choice to choose not to get pregnant in the first place, and she should make that choice before it even gets to pregnancy. After that, it is the woman's (and father's) responsibility to take care of the child they created. By the way, "Jane Roe" from Roe vs. Wade later admitted that she was not actually raped and has since tried to pass laws to abolish on demand abortion.
  11. Bledsoe should get one and hide in it to buy some time in the pocket.
  13. I go to school at Eastern University in St. David's about 20 minutes outside of Philly.
  14. Eagles Steelers is on fox. Bills game is on CBS. Usually the eagles are on fox and steelers on cbs but since they are playing eachother they only take up one station.
  15. Finally they put a Bills game on in the Philly area. I guess its cause the eagles are playing the steelers. I can't wait!! Is this a "look at me" post??
  16. Justin Bannon will play the nickeback position.
  17. Here come the "We aren't going to move to LA so quit talking about it" posts.
  18. I think if a Alaska Darin decides not to post on Sunday, my goal of less insults could be much more realistic. No offense AD.
  19. People are either going to love this idea or hate it. Due to the overwhelming amount of flaming and seperation between Bills fans, I propose a day of togetherness. I say that on Sunday we should all do our best to refrain from the heated arguments and mudslinging. I'm not saying we shouldn't critique the play of the Bills because that is unreasonable. I think we should all remember that we are all bills fans here, and regardless of who the qb or running back or lineman or whatever, we all want the bills to win! I propose that Sunday everyone should remember that we are all in this together and we all have a great time discussing how the bills beat the jets! What do you say??
  20. I slept in late and I went to the polls but they seem to be closed? Is there any way I could text message my vote to Washington?
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