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Posts posted by HereComesTheReignAgain

  1. Theres plenty of jobs that americans are doing, illegals are doing the work for less money and no benefits like health insurance, thats a big plus for buisness owners. So how do you compete in that enviroment, don't hire americans, unless they  accept less money and no benefits.




    Less money than what? If you are not working, you make no money...other than what the government gives you. Make it a requirement that to qualify for Medicaid or other welfare programs you must be working or have a hell of an excuse why you can't. Pick up trash in the park, sweep the streets, do something productive. The increase in prices that we may see would be offset to some extent by the savings in taxpayer funded benefits that illegal immigrants are currently receiving.

  2. So it's illegal, it's just not illegal enough0:)




    Evidently not illegal enough to actually deport anyone. Do you not understand the concept of varying degrees of crimes? If murder were a misdemeanor don't you think people would be offing each other at record numbers? You make something a felony so people think twice about committing the crime or aiding someone committing the crime.

  3. I bet before it's all over I'll suggest at least once that we should keep the illegal aliens and deport congress.


    I mean...a bill to make illegal immigration a felony and illegal aliens subject to deportation.  To make illegal immigration illegal.  It's ALREADY !@#$ing illegal, you idiots!!!


    Oh, well.  At least it'll keep them from doing stupid sh-- like naming the second Tuesday in April "National Tube Sock Day" for a while.  0:)




    It is not a felony right now. If it becomes a felony, maybe the police and courts will actually have to deport some of the illegals. hopefully they will pass some regulations that prohibit illegals from receiving government welfare.


    By the way, why do we have millions of people on welfare when we supposedly have "jobs that Americans won't do". Deport the illegal immigrants, spend some of the money America saves on streamlining the legal immigration process, and provide current welfare recipients with the jobs that the illegals were doing.

  4. Wing, go visit sometime, the conservatives own it now, the lefties are homeless on the street corners.  It by and large has turned into a shopping plaza with upscale coffee shops.  Oh sure there are closet liberals who have made money, but they keep their mouths shut.  Berkeley is conservative, look at Scott Peterson...in Shiite Iraq it would have been no problem doing what he did and he almost got away with it here.



    I'm not into fancy coffee, but it sounds like they may be headed in the right direction. I guess you can polish a turd!

  5. "The whiny kids tended to grow up conservative, and turned into rigid young adults who hewed closely to traditional gender roles and were uncomfortable with ambiguity.


    The confident kids turned out liberal and were still hanging loose, turning into bright, non-conforming adults with wide interests. The girls were still outgoing, but the young men tended to turn a little introspective."



    I guess if you are a conservative you are "whiny", but if you are liberal you are "non-conforming". Funny I always thought the "non-conforming" kids where always whining about conservative values. I think this guy may be more biased against conservatives than I am against liberals!


    Maybe I can get some government funding to write a paper about how the wierd dressing(non conforming), Obnoxious (confident), lazy (hanging loose), non-focused (wide interests) kids grew up to be liberals. While the disciplined (rigid), focused kids who were comfortable with widely accepted gender roles (uncomfortable with ambuguity) grew up to be conservatives.


    I am not a religious person, but if hell exists it must be a lot like Berkeley!

  6. You have no idea what you are talking about. I am no WGR fan. But they have treated the Bills with kid gloves this offseason.


    What do you expect from them? To get all fired up about signing a bunch of third stringers? Should they do an hour on the Bills latest signing? The Packers #3 QB?


    Jesus. You people are unfriggin real. GR has been more then fair. Don't get mad at them. Get mad at the Bills for not giving them anything to talk about.


    The people who say that Bills fans are some of the smartest and best in football I will guess don't read these posts.  :P



    Has anyone ever seen Jerry Sullivan and "is marv awake" together? I think they may be the same person! They are both miserable idiots who hate the Bills, and they both really annoy everyone around them. Coincidence...I think not.

  7. Has anyone considered that Levy is using this rumor as a way to manipulate the teams drafting after Buffalo. If someone really wants a QB and thinks Buffalo may draft one in the first round, they may move up to take a QB or even trade picks with Buffalo. This scenario keeps the other teams guessing as to what direction Buffalo may head in the draft.

  8. Says dude who misspelled "story" and "Medicaid" in his previous post, while running about three different paragraphs together.


    Nice job, "Norman" Einstein.




    Do you really want to compare mistakes? Let's look at this post.


    "Whoa is me. I'm sure you'll send a check to your local Planned Parenthood charity.


    Won't someone please lobby the government to provide me a new Z06, because I'd be a less of a boon to society if I had one."



    I think you meant, woe is me, not whoa. And a boon is a benefit, not something negative. My mistakes were typos, but at least I know what the words I use mean.


    Thanks for your two cents though!

  9. Wing, quoting Michael Savage et al, doesn't make the media liberal.  Those guys make Rush look liberal, so if you are that far right foget about it.  The media comes in all different stripes and currently slants to the right, look at the ownership.


    And while schools have many problems and money is not the answer to many of them, when locals put priority on good schools they usually very good.  Still your criticisms are simplistics and self-serving.  Most execs at non-profits, at least the ones that do the most work don't get paid a lot.  The ones that do are wasting money, but differentiating would take too much intellectual work for the kind of statements that you are making.




    Before questioning my intellect, please proofread your post.

  10. I think public health clinics should stock condoms.  Your translation of that point:


    "Helping crack-whores get condoms and drug treatment on you [sic] dime" 


    Crack whores is your example fella, not mine.  Just like your comment about the women at these clinics not being upstanding citizens or "not sweet women".  Again, your words.  If you don't believe that most of the women at these clinics are crack whores or simply loose and immoral, you have a funny way of showing it.  If you do, as your words suggest, then stop whining that you are being misunderstood. 


    If you believe that some women are condom worthy and others, the crack whores, aren't, then make that point and tell us how you would pick and choose between the condom worthy and the unworthy.  If you are against contraception at the clinics for all then say so and stop throwing in crap about how terrible people are who use these clinics because you are denying the service to all of them, the good the bad and the crack whores who so haunt you.


    As for your fascination with crack whores and women who are not sweet enough or upstanding citizens enough to be deserving of a condom, seems to me that those are the people we most want to be using condoms if we were at all concerned about controlling STD's.  Duh.  Any doctor will tell you that if you want to stop the spread of disease, the first people you give condoms to are the whores.


    Looking at the numbers of uninsured Americans I'm not surprised that you are out there solving the problem, that certainly explains why it is getting worse:


    "In a report released Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau, 45.8 million people were without medical coverage in 2004, an increase of 859,000 people from the year before. The percentage of uninsured people hovered at 15.7 percent in both 2003 and 2004."  Uninsured 8/30/05


    Keep up the good work.




    You may really be the most annoying, least inteligent person I have ever tried to comunicate with. This will be my last response to you because you obviously have no interest in actually reading what I write, but would rather rewrite it after twisting all my words around. I never said we should pick and choose who gets free service at a health clinic. I have no fascination with crack whores, it was simply an attempt at a humorous slogan. Government should not provide these services in most instances. If you would like to buy condoms for the poor, by all means buy them. Set up a privately funded clinic and save the world. In fact I hear Canada has a great helath care system, since the mean old government here doesn't care about people, move there. Wait 6 months to get an appointment for anything that is not life threatining and enjoy the benefits of universal medical coverage.


    As far as helping people get health insurance, how many people has your moronic babble helped. Stop bitching about all the poor victims and help them find jobs.


    If you really want to change minds, you should really start listening to what people say, not just hearing what you want to hear. Just my opinion, but if you would rather fill your time posting more "so your saying..." posts go ahead.

  11. :devil:  ;)


    You are better than Archie Bunker.  He was fictional, you are for real, I love it.


    And to think one poster got on my case for suggesting that there were those here whose real problem wasn't just with condoms at health clinics, they are against public health clinics to begin with.  That is what you are really against, not just condoms so stop beating around the bush and come out of your conservative closet.


    I take it then that you are against government support for treating any sick person whose illness can be traced to poor choices of their own?  Wonderful, that should pretty much end governmental support of all hospitals and medical research facilities from one end of the country to the other.


    I love the thing about crack whores.  Your argument that every woman who gets treatment at a public health clinic is a crack whore is rock solid.  I encourage you to make it in every political forum you visit.  Really, its a sure-fire winner.  Don't listen to anyone who tells you that blue collar workers are increasingly joining the ranks of the uninsured as well as the lines outside public health clinics.  Don't listen to anyone who suggests that rural communities increasingly mired in poverty are some of the biggest beneficiaries of public health clinics.


    Dear God in Heaven let this man be in charge of the Republican Party.




    OK meathead. If you really think I said that every woman who goes to the clinic is a crack whore , you must not be too bright. Just like all the women at the clinic are not sweet women who just need some advice before considering kissing their boyfriend for the first time, some of the women are not upstanding citizens. Are you really that dense or just like the rest of the dopey Liberals who can turn any part of a sentence into whatever they want to hear? It's like dealing with a five year old!


    So you're saying that since the lines outside public health clinics are long that we should shut them all down? (A little Mickey logic for you there)



    I sell health insurance and securities for a living and speak to the people you claim to speak for. I am doing much more to help insure the uninsured and educate people on the need for health insurance than you could possibly wrap your cloudy little head around. Bush's HSA accounts are a great way to ease the cost of insurance and encourage retirement savings. Unlike you and most of the other Liberals I do something about the problems in America, instead of just throwing money at it and protesting.

  12. I see, so you think corporations would refuse to locate here, not because Spitzer is prosecuting those who committ crimes but because he does so flamboyantly?  So they don't care if they get nailed for breaking the law, just that the lawyer nailing them enjoys it?


    Okie doke.




    That's exactly what I mean. When the top politician in a state enjoys embarassing big business it tends to hurt the chances of reeling in companies that are being recruited by many other states. It's fine when you are the AG of the state, but not when you are Governor.

  13. Vaccines keep people from getting sick, uninsured ones too.  And that saves money.  Condoms also keep people form getting sick, uninsured people too.  And that saves money.  Do you want to spend pennies on condoms or millions on unwanted children and venereal disease?


    Why don't you go stand in a corner with some other wingnut and have a nice long debate about what people should and shouldn't do while the rest of us deal with the reality of what people actually do? 


    God, I so wish you were running the Republican Party.  Imagine the slogans:  "No sex for the Poor". "The poor: they deserve it!". "Eff the Poor".  I'd love for the democrats to run against that platform.




    Actually condoms only save money if you assume we should pay for the medical care of someone who is sick due to their own irresponsible act and also uninsured. If I don't have collision insurance on my car I'm not going to enter a demolition derby and expect you to pay for it. You really underestimate the number of people in this country who are truly fed up with Government handouts. A big reason the Democrats and liberals are losing ground in this country is because you want to make victims out of everyone. We all know people who take advantage of the handouts. We see the spoiled trust fund kids who travel the country protesting everything and we have grown tired of it. We don't want to be told what to do by a bunch of egotistical celebrities that wouldn't know morals if it kicked them in the @ss. The majority of Americans are hard working people that would only take a handout if it was a last resort. I guess the next step is labeling poorness as a disease so you can start suing people for discrimination. "you can't refuse to give me that Cadilac...I'm a pooraholic".


    I'd love for the Democrats to have a platform! maybe "eff the worker" or "Helping crack-whores get condoms and drug treatment on you dime" or "screw the job interview, stay home and have more sex with your free condoms, why work when a Conservative can do it for you."

  14. Look, if you want to argue that your desire for a beer fermenter is the same thing as providing poor women with birth control and family planning programs then this isn't even a reasonable discussion any more. 


    Just look at the "reasoning" in this thread.  "The poor deserve what they get because they've done something along the way that makes them poor". "The poor are lazy and should work two jobs to buy their birth control pills and condoms". "The poor shouldn't be having sex if they can't afford it". 


    bull sh--.


    We're talking about funding necessary heathcare programs for people who can't afford the cost of those programs themselves.  We're talking about birth control pills and family planning.  Not only is it short-sighted and stupid to propose that these are frivolous programs, it is dangerously negligent in the long run for society as a whole.  You are eliminating the singlemost effective way of preventing unwanted pregnancies in a segment of society that needs that prevention the most.  You are eliminating the very tools that that segment of society needs to practice the personal responsibility that you all preach about constantly.  Abstinence programs do not work.  Period.




    Here is all the family planning that someone too poor to buy birth control needs...Don't have kids! Not a whole lot of planning there huh? Lot's of people go extended periods of time without having sex. Just because it is not the easiest solution doesn't mean it's not the right solution.


    I know everyone is a victim in your world, but many poor people do deserve to be poor. You want to skip school to smoke and drink and hang out? Fine, but don't expect the workers of this country to support you when you parents kick you out. You want to dress and speak like you favorite rapper? fine, but don't complain when the only job you can get is fast food minimum wage.

  15. I think you are right, most corporations who committ fraud against their customers and shareholders would probably be more willing to locate in a state that turned a blind eye to that sort of thing.  Sounds like an economic plan to me.


    "Come to NY where Corporate fraud is not only legal, we'll subsidizie it."


    Hey, this could really work.




    Most corporations don't want to come to a state run by a guy who gets off on the publicity that comes with suing big bad corporations. He doesn't just press charges against the company, he does it in the most flamboyant, public, "look at me" manner possible. If he was a cop you would be crying about police brutality! When a union comits a crime that affects many more people than any corporate scandal, he has no interest in punishing them. There is no good press in punishing a conductor or ticket window attendant.


    "Come to New York where jobs and businesses are as rare as common sense!"

  16. One woman's condom is another man's war in Iraq, oli company handout or tax break for the top 1%...




    Tax breaks are not the same as welfare! With a tax break, you are allowing someone to keep more of their hard earned money. With welfare you are taking a workers money and giving it to someone else. Sex is not necessary to live, if you can't afford to do it safely, don't do it. This is just part of a much bigger problem with handouts in this country.

  17. We are not trying to fix the problems of the world.  We are trying to get a condom to woman who is going to have sex and who can't afford to raise the child that might result or pay for the medical treatment needed if she catches a disease.  Pennywise and pound foolish.


    Are you also against vaccines for the poor?  Let 'em get small pox I say.




    You are actually comparing vaccinating little kids with supplying free birth control and vd clinics for people who supposedly won't be able to afford condoms for themselves?! If you really can't afford the condom or the kid, don't have sex! You seem to forget that option. I know, you can't deny the poor anything just because they can't afford it...I can't afford to do a lot of the things that I enjoy, should you be forced to pay for that too?

  18. To the poster who suggested that the poor are lazy and enjoy being poor, that is one of the most ignorant things I have ever seen posted in this forum.




    Where exactly did I say they enjoy being poor? I said the choices they made in life led to them being poor in the vast majority of cases. How many times have you seen someone at the food store spend their cash on beer and cigarettes and their food stamps on food? Are you really telling me that anyone with even below average inteligence can't work hard enough to graduate from high school and find a job that pays above minimum wage? If education is not your thing, find a skill and work hard at it. It is certainly possible to distinguish yourself from the crowd with hard work and respect. Minimum wage was never intended to provide enough income to raise a family. Why do you deserve to make a good living just because you spend 30-40 hours a week doing a job a 15 year old kid can do? If you don't have any skills or education or cannot hold down a job long enough to get a raise, then work 2 jobs and buy what you want with your own money...not mine. Don't tell me minimum wage is too low when I can't get a correct order at mcdonalds let alone anything that resembles good, polite service. Ignorance would be thinking that increasing government handouts and forcing pay increases beyond what the market supports will help the economy or fix the poverty problem.

  19. Funny, preventing people from making the responsible choice, contraception & safe sex, is considered by this upside down crew to be promoting personal responsibility.


    It is a health clinic for people who have no insurance and can't afford medical care.  This is a health issue.  Banning contraceptives, even instruction on natural family planning from those clinics, has a very real effect. 


    For those of us who live in the real world, this will not result in any less sexual activity.  While some of you are pointing fingers or bewailing the lack of personal responsibility in the modern world, the rest of us will be trying to figure out what to do with the unwanted babies and increased spread of disease that will result. 


    Maybe we should shut down drug and alcohol rehab facilities and refuse all health care treatment subsidized in anyway by the government for cancer patients who smoked or anyone whose unhealthy choices contribute to their illnesses.




    I can just imagine the scene at the clinic..."well Cletus, I would have used a condom, but the evil Government won't pay for my condoms, beer, and cigarettes so I guess I don't have a choice. I'm sure as hell not giving up my scratch offs or budwieser so I guess I'll have to have some more unwanted children. Hey at least the Government will give me $500 for each brat the wife pops out! Maybe I could sell my food stamps and WIC checks while collecting unemployment and welfare due to this horrible back injury that keeps me from working, but for some reason doesn't affect my softball prowess."


    If you really manage to screw up your life so bad that you can't afford contraceptives and basic necessities, you are either incredibly lazy or incredibly unfortunate. The vast majority fall into the lazy catagory. Everyone in this country gets a free High School education and the opportunity for college through scholarships or Government aid. Most people living in poverty chose that lifestyle at some point in their life. Whether it was in high school or in their 30's. Increasing the number of handouts doesn't solve the problem, it just perpetuates the victim mentallity so prevalent in this country.

  20. If by Appalachia he means that the areas are hurting for well-paying jobs and their downtowns look like ghost towns, then it was an appropriate comparison, and I'm glad that a potential governor is taking notice.  Utica, Rome, Syracuse, Buffalo, and Niagara Falls are all having tough times.  The exception may be Rochester.




    If you think New York is hurting for jobs now, wait until Spitzer is elected and tries to sue every big company out of existence. It is funny how the most blatant act of illegal business practice went virtually unpunished in NY. The transit workers strike was illegal and caused huge financial losses, much more so than many of the other businesses that Spitzer went after. Because he needs the Union votes, the whole debacle seemed to disappear and all was forgiven. I don't remember hearing that any of the fines were actually enforced and you certainly didn't hear Spitzer spewing his normal self rightous babble about protecting us from all that is wrong in corporate America. NY politicians always pretend to care about Upstate NY prior to elections. Hillary toured Upstate and made all kinds of promises. I know, all politicians pull ths stunt. We'll see what happens once he is elected.

  21. Think Progress points out the hypocrisy of Dubya's photo op.

    (Links via Think Progress.  The first link is, ironically, from the Autism Society of America, specifically linking to a letter urging the Senate Appropriations Committee to restore funding.)


    Nice photo op, though.




    Thank you for proving my point about the media turning a nice moment into a negative stroy. It's always funny to hear groups that rely on getting free $ from the government complaining that they don't get enough free $. I bet the top executives for many of these "not for profit" organizations are making a fortune (and taking $ away from Autistic children). Let's not forget that Mediciad is a welfare program. Be happy that you are recieving money from the hard working people of this country. Just because I work hard and plan ahead doesn't necessarily mean someone else deserves my $. If there are things that health insurance won't cover, then by all means use medicare and medicaid. If you had children without first having health insurance and the income to support them I don't feel much sympathy for you. I feel sympathy for the children. Nobody plans for Autism when having a child and I understand the need for things like special programs at schools. Let's hold the Schools accountable for the millions they waste already and the outrageous buyouts they give to incompetent administrators. ie: Greece and Rochester.

  22. Do you think that the latest rounds of violence and --don't anyone dare say civil war-- infighting are more newsworthy? The threat of that kind of fighting which cannot be said is certainly pretty newsworthy, especially given our confident rhetoric about the Iraq situation for the last two years.


    I'm glad they are going to school and had a democratic election, but I'm pretty effing worried that our half a trillion dollar nation-building project will be a complete bust.



    The point is that they can report both good and bad if they wanted to. How hard is it to understand that concept? Nobody is saying we should be shielded from any bad news, just give us the whole story. For every bit of "confident rhetoric" from the right there is just as much negative rhetoric from the left. I guess I would rather be confident than negative all the time, but that's the difference between Liberals and Conservatives.


    Annoy a Liberal...work hard, succeed, be happy.

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