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Posts posted by HereComesTheReignAgain

  1. She never said she was an avid or recent hunter, she just said she learned to shoot and hunted with her father when she was younger and shot a duck. And she has been consistant in advocating gun control such as the Brady bill, background checks, and trying to get handguns off the street. She hasn't advocated any bans on guns used for hunting. You can disagree with her call for gun control, but she has been consistant in her position.



    I could be mistaken, but I am almost positive she has fought to ban semi-auto guns, most of which are hunting guns. Many people hunt with handguns too.


    She has been consistant though...consistantly one of the biggest enemies to hunters and gun owners! Oh wait, she is now one of us, so I guess that blows your consistancy argument out of the sky (just like that poor innocent duck she shot)

  2. http://www.reuters.com/article/vcCandidate...663122020080217


    Apparently us redneck gun-owning hunters are OK when you need to win a primary. I wonder if the gun shops will be taking down all the anti-Hillary stuff now that she is a fellow hunter? She is one of biggest enemies of gun owners in the country and has been for years. Anyone who is concerned enough about gun rights to consider a candidate's stance when voting will not be swayed by her sudden change of heart. I can't wait to see how this blows up in her face. When a reporter asked her how long it has been since she shot a gun, her answer was "that's not relevant". Since she supposedly shot a banded duck, does that mean there is a record of that kill somewhere? She is truly a disgusting person and I can't wait to watch her nervous breakdown when she is defeated.


    It always amuses me when a staunch anti-gun politician accepts protection from people who carry concealed guns. The police are protection enough...unless you're talking about their lives. I would at least have a little respect for their view if they refused secret service protection due to their beliefs.

  3. I agree entirely. Unfortunately I don't know the answer to your question. College centers seem to be especially hard to project to the NFL. Perhaps because it is a very cerebral position, moreso than other line spots.



    According to Ross Tucker, center is the easiest position on the line.

  4. Man I knew this board was full of ignorant toolboxes but I had no idea. No wonder I very rarely post here. Obviously to the neanderthals here it is better to sit down and lap up answers than stand up and ask questions when making a major commitment of time and money. Besides totally misreading my post, which a majority of you twits somehow managed to do (did I ever refuse to buy the season tickets?), there seems to be a noticable lack of any sort of suss when it comes to Wilson and the Bills organization.



    It basically can be summed up like this: Football good, Ralph and Bills good, anybody who dare ask questions of above is "dik" (sic).


    Christ I could go into any sports oriented bar in WNY and most if not all would agree with everything I have said...but here?


    Sorry Darin, I guess you're not the only illiterate reactionary.



    Proving bishop is a conceited jerk is so easy a caveman could do it.

  5. Man I knew this board was full of ignorant toolboxes but I had no idea. No wonder I very rarely post here. Obviously to the neanderthals here it is better to sit down and lap up answers than stand up and ask questions when making a major commitment of time and money. Besides totally misreading my post, which a majority of you twits somehow managed to do (did I ever refuse to buy the season tickets?), there seems to be a noticable lack of any sort of suss when it comes to Wilson and the Bills organization.



    It basically can be summed up like this: Football good, Ralph and Bills good, anybody who dare ask questions of above is "dik" (sic).


    Christ I could go into any sports oriented bar in WNY and most if not all would agree with everything I have said...but here?


    Sorry Darin, I guess you're not the only illiterate reactionary.



    It must be easier to convince yourself that everyone else is an "ignorant toolbox, idiot, neanderthal, or tard" than accept the fact that you are wrong and people generally don't like you.

  6. if your recap of the conversation is accurate, give erik some credit. he probably makes next to nothing and works from a script, you threw him a couple of curveballs and he seemed to attempt to answer them very diplomatically and professionally, most would have stammered and simply repeated the original question.



    Maybe you don't understand....Erik called him on his cellphone!

  7. Okay guys. Big game tomorrow. No hookers or blow tonight before bed. Just focus up, read the game plan I prepared and kick some ass.


    I won't be on till later in the day tomorrow. But I expect a big upset!!! Wooohoo!



    Looks like your players don't react well to quiting hookers and blow cold turkey. Maybe just cut back a little next game?

  8. You are and will pay a beer guzzler tax. In addition to that, you will have a tax for hating walking. And a "Who the !@#$ are you Erik calling me on my cell phone" tax. So there.



    < Bishop Hedd >


    You took my post out of context...I love walking and hate beer!

  9. A recent study found the average American walks about 900 miles per year.


    Another study found Americans drink, on average, 22 gallons of beer a year.


    That means, on average, Americans get about 41 miles to the gallon.


    Kind of makes you proud to be an American. :thumbsup::D



    I can assure you that I get much less than 41 miles per gallon (hate walking, love beer). Does that make me subject to a beer guzzler tax?

  10. One of these days I'm going to make my way to the WGR tent at a Bills game and attempt to discuss the condescending garbage that they call radio in an environment where they cannot hang up on me. I would love to hear an honest debate with Jerry Sullivan and Jeremy White when both sides are on a level playing field.

  11. We all are scared about the Bills moving to Toronto and a lot of us hate losing a home game, but if we want to make the case that the Bills should stay in WNY, refusing to renew our season tickets while the Toronto games sell out for a premium, is probably not the best way of showing how much the fans support the Bills.


    And you could have made your concerns about the Toronto games made to this "Erik" in a much more polite way. You don't need to be a jerk when you make a complaint to someone who has no decision-making power. He's much more likely to pass your beef about the Toronto games up to supervisors, etc. if he does not get pissed at you at the end of the phone call.



    You obviously don't know Bishop Hedd!

  12. I guess maybe you missed that part where I said he called me...on my cell yet.


    I guess we got the 'tards like eryn the ball-less wonder and chicken feathers from PPP here.


    I'm continually amazed how some people will swallow everything this franchise throws at them without question for the sole reason that we should feel so privileged to have a team.


    It's that kind of attitude that has allowed Wilson and company to chew up this area and spit us out.



    What nerve! The kid called you on a number they had on file from when you had season tickets. I take it back, he deserved the condescending lecture you gave him. After all, it is his fault the Bills haven't made the playoffs lately. Some of us "tards" get tired of hearing people brag about not buying season tickets while putting down those of us that do choose to buy seasons. We get it, you are better than us because you refuse to put up with the horrible owner/team/ticket vendors/division opponents etc.


    I do feel priveleged to have a team. And I look forward to every home game where I spend a day with my Dad grilling, having a few beers and enjoying a cigar. Then we go and cheer on our team.

  13. http://www.thetartan.org/2008/4/7/news/obama


    While the crowd was indeed diverse, some students at the event questioned the practices of Mrs. Obama’s event coordinators, who handpicked the crowd sitting behind Mrs. Obama. The Tartan’s correspondents observed one event coordinator say to another, “Get me more white people, we need more white people.” To an Asian girl sitting in the back row, one coordinator said, “We’re moving you, sorry. It’s going to look so pretty, though.”



    You are taking it out of context!

  14. I haven't been a season ticket holder since 04 but here is this gentleman (we'll call him "Erik") calling me this evening at my local downtown watering hole, wondering if I'm interested in purchasing season tickets.


    Normally I'd hang up the phone but I wondered what angle he would take in trying to push his moribund product on a fan base that is a tad bit skeptical so I hung on.




    I'll probably be hearing from Erik again in the not too distant future...and again..and again...and again



    You hassled a kid trying to drum up support for the Bills and brag about it on a Bills forum. Aren't you cool!

  15. As long as restricted free agancy and free agency are revamped, the lower budget teams may actually be fine. The uncapped year that everyone is going nuts about has a more restrictive set of rules for free agency. Players would need 6 years with a club before they are unrestricted instead of 4 I believe. Making it easier to keep a player for a longer time before competeing with free spending clubs would be huge.

  16. Yeah like "Bring 'em on", or ""we've seen the last throes of the insurgency" "Or I'm not gay, I never have been gay", or....



    Here's a good one: Cheney response when interviewed by ABC News about a vast majority of Americans opposing this idiotic conflict.






    Excuse me now I have to get back to watching that toolbox Betrayus being "grilled" by a decidedly passive Senate.



    You are funny...or sad. I can't seem to figure out which side of that fine line you reside on.

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