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Posts posted by HereComesTheReignAgain

  1. Right you are! I also appreciate workmanship.


    Will any of the Leatherman tool (and knife) line fit the bill? You might have to use some discretion if you carry a belt yet encased knife, depending on where you reside. Here in OH, you can by law carry both a firearm or a blade if it is not concealed - but if another takes exception, you get charged with inducing panic. Go figure.


    Consider a 2" hammerless revolver. Reliability assured.


    .44 Special is a neglected cartridge - a controllable kick combined with wide bore, bullet heft, and modern bullet designs such as Winchester's OTC Silvertips.



    I'm leaning toward a Benchmade at this point. Leatherman really burned some bridges when the owner made some anti-gun remarks in an interview. I own one of their multi-tools, but would not buy from them again. Don't have a link, but read it on a gun forum.


    My father just bought a hammerless S&W snub nosed airwieght in 38 spcl. Very nice gun and not bad for pocket carry. I have a NAA .32 for times when I can't wear enough to conceal the H&K. It's underpowered, but better than nothing. Never shot a .44 Special, sounds like a good excuse to add to the collection.



    Update: found a link to the Leatherman issue. http://armsandthelaw.com/archives/2008/03/...big_solicit.php

  2. Your the only one who misses out on the fun. You are punishing yourself. No one in Toronto will miss you !



    How is choosing not to spend $200 on a game you cannot tailgate at "punishing yourself"? The Toronto game will be the first "home" game in 6 years that I will not attend simply due to the price and lack of festivities. I don't think BillsPride12 or I care if the people of Toronto will miss us.

  3. Yes...far superior to a folding knife... :devil:


    My cane is an old one of hefty laminated maple construction. You can still buy them for ten bucks or so.

    There is no doubt that when well swung, it will shatter collarbones, knees, ribs, skulls and the like. It's a 3rd class lever same as your golf club...no mechanical advantage, but delivers deadly, concentrated force.


    Be sure to arm yourself with one of these babies when you start to creak. :blink:



    Until I develop a limp or get me some ho's, a cane is probably out of the question. I've actually seen canes that fire a bullet out the end and ones that are swords. Probably not legal though.

  4. A folding knife is IMO a weapon to brandish against human threats. That can be needed, but for that, any piece of steel with a point on the end fills that bill...



    You could say that any $5 watch will tell time too, but sometimes it is nice to have something better even if it is not really necessary. I appreciate the quality metals and workmanship. I am looking for something that can be used for any misc task that requires a knife along with personal defense if need be. I have a .40 H&K for anything serious, but sometimes you can't carry a firearm discretely.

  5. "Buyer beware? It's more like buyer take cover. No, wait. It's buyer is either very wealthy or fairly desperate (OK, stupid) to spend that kind of money to watch J.P. Losman miss receivers or Jorge Posada not throw out guys at second base.


    Me? I've forever been amazed, generally, by the crowd sizes at our games . . . and that was before buying a ticket to them wasn't roughly equivalent to the financial trauma of purchasing a Caribbean island. Ducats . . . parking . . . concessions . . . traffic flow . . . drunks in the next seat? This all makes for a pretty steep price to watch people drop passes or fail to lay down bunts. When one considers that so many games are on television, mostly for free, the mystery grows even more.


    And now, specifically, we have the Bills and the Yankees, who don't go in for any of that hooey about their fans being part of the extended family. Nah, they see those poor saps for what they've become: Sheep in need of shearing. And they, the Bills and Yankees, have some very sharp clippers in hand."





    Does this idiot realize that Buffalo has had the lowest ticket prices in the NFL for many years? Way to stick it to your fans Buffalo! He apparently still thinks JP is the starting QB too.

  6. I'm looking at buying a relatively nice pocket folder (<$300) and have started to narrow things down. I like the reputation and looks of Benchmade and have found a couple models that look nice (Kulgera and Rift). Any suggestions from those of you who carry/collect knives?

  7. Awesome flick....I need to rent this again now that you mention it....it's been a long time since my last viewing.


    By the way, just as a side note...anyone with a good HT system needs to rent Cloverfield. I just upgraded my subwoofer, and holy CRAP was this movie intense. :)



    Just watched Cloverfield and gave my sub quite a workout. Not very impressed with the movie, but lots of explosions! Luckily there were thunderstorms in the area or I might have had a noise complaint from a neighbor.

  8. You say my argument is "beyond stupid" yet you don't say why, or offer any counter-point. I realize from your previous post that I am arguing with someone who thinks the police acted properly (God help us all) but that's not an argument ... Less name-calling and a counter-point, please. For now, I am assuming you're calling my statement "beyond stupid" simply because it doesn't agree with your point of view.


    You stated:

    "I am partially deaf. And I find it very hard to tell what someone is saying if I can't see their lips while they're speaking. The way things are now, a cop standing behind me could say "Freeze. Hands up, now." When I did not comply in .0000045 seconds, he can then shoot me 167 times and ... get off? I think not. Oh, don't take that the wrong way... He probably WOULD get off."


    You are beyond stupid if you think a cop will walk up behind you in a non-threatening situation and shoot you in the back because you didn't hear him say stop. You then go on to claim that he would be exonerated. Now if you are fighting at a known drug and prostitution house, tell your friend to go get your gun, drive your car at a cop and don't hear him say stop, he will rightfully shoot you and be exonerated.

  9. FBI trains 3 shot bursts and 3 shots everytime if subject is still moving and potential for harm to agent or others is still present. In fact it's two the body one to the head, is the expected targeting. When I trained with them years ago, I got the impression this is what they were also tarining police forces they worked with for hostile situations. So whenevr you hear of a shooting you should see the number of shots by the good guys is usually divisible by 3. :w00t:



    Good to know. If I ever have to shoot someone in self defense and it only takes 2 shots to put them down, I will fire once more...or 4 times...or 7. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right. :D

  10. A typical car weights about 2,800 -4,000 pounds. A shell - or even fifty shells - from a Sig 9mm isn't going to stop it or change its course ...



    It will if you hit the driver with a good shot. It may take a lot more shots than normal due to the difficulty in piercing sheet metal or safety glass and continuing with enough force to kill.

  11. And yet ... Oddly enough, if you did "drive a car AT me" ... despite being a decent shot ... I would find it difficult to fire 31 rounds into the front side and rear-side windows.


    Do you know where the other cops were when he was firing into the side of the car? I don't, but would need to know that before catagorizing a cop as a murderer.


    Let me throw a hypothetical at you - using myself as an example. I am partially deaf. And I find it very hard to tell what someone is saying if I can't see their lips while they're speaking. The way things are now, a cop standing behind me could say "Freeze. Hands up, now." When I did not comply in .0000045 seconds, he can then shoot me 167 times and ... get off? I think not. Oh, don't take that the wrong way... He probably WOULD get off. But I wouldn't consider it 'justified." The cops have too much leeway. Way too much. As long as they're never held accountable, it's BOUND to happen again. Maybe not next week ... maybe not even next month. But it WILL happen again.


    Are you kidding me? That is beyond stupid. Whatever you do, please do not call the cops that you have so much contempt for and expect them to risk their lives for any emergency situation you may find yourself in.

  12. I've heard some draftniks say that Ellis will be a good player when he understands he's not as good as he thinks he is.


    Plus his motivation isn't necessarily on "playing a game that he loves" (which may just be a cliche anyway for these millionaires-to-be.)


    Virginia paper


    Here are some interesting comments from a local newspaper article:


    Even as a senior, a football paycheck was never far from his mind. He sometimes wore a T-shirt depicting an X-ray of a man's head with dollar bills floating around inside it -- a visual representation of the phrase "money on my mind."


    Ellis was surprised the Bills picked him because they didn't seem to show much more interest than the 20 or so other teams he met with at the combine. When the Bills called his cell phone yesterday to tell him they wanted to select him, it marked his official transition from a college career in which Tech's coaches sometimes hoped he would change his attitude, something the unapologetic Ellis resisted.


    "It's not that I don't want to change, because I plan on changing," he said in the fall. "I plan on changing my bank account." <_<


    If ever there was a case for an incentive laden contract...$100,000 per sack. $300,000 per sack on Brady. $400,000 per broken bone on a Brady sack! (probably violates the bounty rule)

  13. ... As opposed to the well-thought-out, carefully reasoned act of firing two full clips into a car full of unarmed people? Hmmm...



    Let me drive a car at you and see if you still don't understand how a car is a weapon in that situation. How many times does it need to be stated that you are not an "innocent unarmed" victim if you are trying to kill someone with your vehicle!

  14. Highly unlikely... Big what if...


    FACT: One UNARMED guy is dead because of poor judgement.


    IMO, overagression... If the one fires what the others did, it is a slam dunk for an aquittal.


    Hypothetical situation...Both of us happen to be walking down a street when 2 drugged up criminals aproach with knives drawn and threaten to slice us up. They start to advance and you drop to the ground in the fetal position and whimper. I decide to draw my licensed firearm and put 4 rounds into each guy killing them and saving our lives.


    Did I commit a crime because you chose not to fight back with the same response as me? I mean after all, Exiled didn't feel the need to pump 4 shots into these guys (one of which was going to his adorable son's birthday party in the morning, complete with sad picture in the paper) so why should I have felt the need for such "excessive force".


    And again, a vehicle is considered a weapon if being driven at someone so the guy was NOT UNARMED. There was a case in Rochester recently where a 14 year old criminal was killed by Police while he was attempting to run them over. We heard the same BS about how the kid was "unarmed" and they should have just shot out the tires. When you feel your life is in danger, you either defend yourself with whatever force is necessary, flee, or die. I'm not a fast guy and I like being alive.

  15. Awesome flick....I need to rent this again now that you mention it....it's been a long time since my last viewing.


    By the way, just as a side note...anyone with a good HT system needs to rent Cloverfield. I just upgraded my subwoofer, and holy CRAP was this movie intense. :unsure:



    What Sub did you get? I recently upgraded to a Paradigm PW2200. I'll watch some pretty crappy movies now if they have good sound!

  16. And this applied to the other two dicks?




    Why did they fire 4 and 2?


    I understand that these cops are fighting for their freedom, so they can't exactly come clean... Especially the one that unloaded his weapon.



    So how many shots are you allowed to fire in self defense? If the guy trying to run you over lives through the first few shots does he win the right to kill you?


    Again, I don't pretend to know the situation (unlike you and others calling the cops "dicks") but the amount of shots has nothing to do with the validity of a self defense shooting.

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