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Posts posted by HereComesTheReignAgain

  1. Then why did James the younger book? Doesn't make sense...Or he could have walked over to the neighbor laughing and said, "No, no we're just horsing around and sh*t...Dig?"


    I would have had more respect for the guy if he said, "You know what, I let my frustrations get the better of me. I let my fans and myself down. I am working with someone to get a handle on this and I hope to be a better person in the future."


    I just hope he doesn't go all Haynesworth on us...





    What makes you think he knew the cops were called? He may have left because he didn't want to stay and let the argument escalate further. I know I have walked away from arguments in order to avoid doing something stupid.

  2. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/05/14/navarrette/index.html


    "Meanwhile, some white Americans are turning themselves inside out to come up with excuses for why they're not supporting Obama. It seems like just yesterday that these folks were arguing there is no racism in the immigration debate, and now they're insisting there is no racism in the presidential election.


    Some want to know why it isn't racist when 70 percent of African-Americans vote for Obama but it is when 70 percent of whites vote against him.


    The answer has to do with history. Over the decades, black Americans have had plenty of opportunities to vote for white people for president. And they have done so. But this is the first time that white Americans have a chance to vote for an African-American with a shot at the presidency. And what are they doing?

    Many are responding quite well. Obama won the votes of many, to borrow a phrase, "hardworking white Americans," in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming. But, elsewhere, as Obama said in a recent interview, people may need to get their head around the concept of an African-American even seeking the presidency, let alone winning it.


    That's understandable. There are places in this country where white Americans are still raised to think of black Americans as inferior. And then comes someone like Obama who has performed off the charts -- from Harvard Law School to the U.S. Senate and now, possibly, on to the White House. It's going to take some time to get used to all that, especially for people who never thought they thought they'd see the day that an African-American would be elected president.


    But understand this: They had better hurry up. That day may soon be here."


    All this time I thought I was choosing not to vote for Obama because I don't like his political views. Turns out I'm a racist because this is my first chance to vote for a black President and I'm not doing it. The writer has a regular column on CNN.com.

  3. I don't think it will be changed. The comment was to point out the idiocy of your comment saying they should deny themselves security because they don't agree with unlimited gun ownership. In fact it leads to the exact opposite of your argument. That's all I was saying.


    It's not that the politicians I cited don't agree with "unlimited gun ownership", they have fought to eliminate the right to carry a concealed firearm. A good leader does not ask their people to do things that they are not willing to do themselves. If the right to carry a firearm is unnecesary, prove it by refusing armed protection for yourself first.

  4. The reason they need body guards is because people HAVE guns!! You twit!


    Actually they need guards because criminals have guns. That is the same reason I need one. That was the point, I thought you could have picked up on that. Guess not.

  5. Doesn't seem like anyone is willing to step up to the plate and have a discussion with you.


    Maybe they are all over at this site.



    It doesn't seem like the site is completed? Most of the links don't work. Perhaps the creator wore one of the "guns are for cowards" shirts and attracted a criminal to an easy mark. I'm all for anti-gun advocates advertising the fact that they do not believe in defending themselves with a firearm. I think anyone who speaks out against gun rights should have the guts to put a sign in front of their house or on their shirt indicating that a criminal will not be shot if they attack. Hillary, Kennedy, Obama, etc should all refuse armed protection since they don't believe an individual has the need to be protected by a firearm. Let them call the cops to clean up the bodies like the saps that they are attempting to disarm.

  6. Yes it does allow an individual the right to keep and bear arms, You just failed your paper son.



    How do I know? Because lots of people own guns and it's LEGAL that is how :rolleyes:



    You don't fail a class if you go along with the professor's left wing views.

  7. Please enlighten me! I am in law school and just did a 20page paper on the 2nd amendment. In the only case regarding the 2nd (U.S. v. Miller) the Suprem court concluded that the 2nd does not provide an individual right to keep and bear arms, merely a collective right of each state to arm and maintain its own militia. So once again, do you care to elaborate?



    Why are they wasting time in DC arguing this? They should have just asked the law student who did a paper on it.

  8. Because according to the law, he was not allowed to pull it out.


    Had this been someone other than his father who would have pressed charges, he could have been charged with brandishing a weapon even if he was pulling it out for his own safety. If the other guy felt threatened when he saw the gun, that's likely enough to get Hardy in trouble.


    It's a bad situation that Hardy didn't show enough good judgment to keep himself out of.


    Was Hardy on his family's private property? If he was I would think he could pull out his gun in the open without breaking any law.

  9. "Police then arrested Hardy's father for an outstanding warrant in Kosciusko County, where he's wanted for failing to appear on a violation of driving with a suspended license. He was booked into Allen County Lockup but was no longer at the facility this morning."


    Sounds like he was making a citizens arrest?

  10. A little sensitive about owning guns? I grouped Hardy who wielded a gun at his dad, with Harrison who is being investigated in a shooting outside his restaurant.



    You equated owning multiple guns with criminal behavior. So yes, I am sensitive when ignorant blanket statements attempt to paint gun owners as criminals. The huge majority of guns in this country are owned by law abiding citizens who will never commit a crime with them.


    Harrison is being investigated because he may have committed a crime, not because he owned a lot of legal guns.

  11. Hopefully the baby boy won't be too much like daddy.


    Otherwise one day, our long awaited jumbo sized receiver, will he will be staring down the barrel of a gun held by his son.



    At least the rampant speculation has subsided.

  12. I'm not sure the rest of the story matters. It is never, ever, ever OK to pull a gun on someone.



    You should never draw a gun on someone unless you feel your life is in danger and you intend to kill that person. Did Hardy feel this way? None of us really know for sure.

  13. Guns are for puzzies. Anyone who stands behind a document written hundreds of years ago as justification for owning a gun is a moron and a coward. Guns a re a vicious circle of problems. People like you love them for some odd reason (I have my suspicions, such as it's instant balls or guts or someone makes you feel confident, which you aren't without it) and say "they're for protection." To which I respond: protection from what? And you and the others respond "from other people with guns" and always fail to see the idiocy, hypocrisy and irony of that argument.


    The next time I hear a ration pro-gun argument will be the first.


    You were looking for a fight here by insinuating that the guy's use of thw word piece was a shot your fifth amendment rights. Typical gun-owner, anything not pro-gun is anti-gun so rally the retards.



    You make a statement like this and call gun owners retards? Can you defend yourself and your family from a knife or gun wielding criminal with your abundance of confidence? What does the fifth amendment have to do with this argument? You don't even know the correct amendment but yet I'm an irational ( or iration according to your word) idiot? I would be willing to bet that you would not call me or many of my gun owning friends "puzzies, cowards and idiots" if you were not nestled safely behind a keyboard.

  14. If you really justify arming yourself to go to a family get together than I wonder what part of Alaska you are from South Central?


    Cmon, I grew up in South Florida its no pic nic.



    Most of the people I know with concealed carry permits carry all the time as long as they are not going somewhere that guns are prohibited. If you only carried when you expected to have your life threatened, why would you go to those places in the first place.

  15. 5) Who brings a gun to a family get together on Mother's Day? If you need a gun for a situation like this, then I might suggest you call your mother, and go to see her another time without the rest of the family.


    Why don't you ask the families of any murder victim if they felt like they were going to be shot or robbed at the mall, school, park, etc. If you could predict where robberies and crimes would be committed, we would have no innocent victims. You don't carry a gun because you think you will need it, you carry it in case you do.

  16. 1) maybe he'll end up like Marvin Harrison - HOF - who has what, 26 guns registered?? Dont you think after # 20, the state would be like, 'ok Marvin, honestly, why do you need a 21st gun registered?'


    2) WR's are a different breed, and think character (more so than other positions) should play a HUGE role in drafting/siging someone. Until I'm proven wrong (which I hope I am), i still would be much happier with Limas Sweed who was proclaimed the hardest worker and highest character WR of the upper tier.



    Great point! the more handguns you have LEGALLY REGISTERED the bigger thug you are. All the people I know who have many LEGAL HANDGUNS including myself have never committed any crimes, but let's group them with criminals because you feel that nobody needs a bunch of LEGAL guns.

  17. OK- I watched the second part of the video. I don't give a damn about the cost's associated with recycling. That is not why I support recycling. What is plastic made of? Why should we waste oil? That is retarded. How long does a tree take to grow in a tree farm? How long does it take to grow a potato? No comparison- that is a stretch. Instead of hating on recycling because it takes energy to transport the paper, break it down and manufacture it- how about we take those process's and make them green? That makes a helluva lot more sense to me. There is a flotsam in the north Pacific and that is where plastic tends to accumulate. Somehow it ends up here. They estimate there is upwards of 46,000 pieces of plastic floating in each square mile in that part of the ocean. Plastic is made to last forever theoretically- it is not biodegradable. Environmentally doesn't it make sense to recycle plastic instead of filling up land fills or letting it accumulate in the Pacific? Albatross fly up to 12,000 miles in search of food for their young. Well they mistake pieces of plastic for fish eggs and their numbers are in steep decline. When they cut up their stomachs- they are filled with plastic. The blood is on our hands. What is the impact with dwindling albatross numbers? I have yet to see a good point in the first two parts of bull sh--. Do they make a point in the third part? Nature is as close to perfection as there is on this planet and it is remarkably efficient. We are !@#$ing up this planet and Earth would be better off if man never existed


    How much energy does the entire plastic recycling process including transportation take? Make sure you include all the oil that the employees use to drive to work at the plant, the energy involved in running the recycling plant, etc. I would bet you are not saving nearly as much oil as you think.


    I guess you should only harvest plants that grow quickly? Great logic. I have some asparagus in my garden that grows much faster than any of the other vegetables. Am I hurting the environment by eating the other vegetables? After all, some of them take a whole summer to grow! When a parcel of land is logged, it is replanted with new trees that will go to the end of the logging rotation. It doesn't matter how long it takes, because you have parts of the forest at all different levels of maturity. Logging companies and land owners in this country are probably much more concerned about the viability of the land than any militant recycler.


    Nobody is saying we should dump plastic into the ocean, simply properly dispose of it. Has the albatross story replaced the "dolphin with a six pack plastic ring around it's mouth" story?


    Man is part of nature and so is extinction of species. Of course I hate seeing animals die due to pollutants, but pretending that recycling is always the most efficient answer to the world's waste issues is naive. Sometimes you waste more energy and cause more pollutants in the recycling process than you would if we just disposed of the products in a proper landfill.


    You talk a big game about the world being "better off if man never existed", but yet you continue to exist and drain precious resources. Do you really need to be wasting energy typing on a plastic computer? Wasting time and electricity that could be spent helping the albatross? Don't be part of the "Al Gore do as I say not as I do" environmental police.


    Recycling some products makes sense. Blindly recycling everything just because it makes you feel like you are saving the environment is great for your conscience, but not worth much to the environment.

  18. Also, wasting paper is NOT bad. In fact, the vast majority of paper is made from trees that were grown to make paper.



    Try explaining that trees are a crop like any other plant to some ranting hippie. For a while it seemed like loggers were worse than baby seal clubbers to some activists.

  19. Right you are! I also appreciate workmanship.


    Will any of the Leatherman tool (and knife) line fit the bill? You might have to use some discretion if you carry a belt yet encased knife, depending on where you reside. Here in OH, you can by law carry both a firearm or a blade if it is not concealed - but if another takes exception, you get charged with inducing panic. Go figure.


    Consider a 2" hammerless revolver. Reliability assured.


    .44 Special is a neglected cartridge - a controllable kick combined with wide bore, bullet heft, and modern bullet designs such as Winchester's OTC Silvertips.



    I'm leaning toward a Benchmade at this point. Leatherman really burned some bridges when the owner made some anti-gun remarks in an interview. I own one of their multi-tools, but would not buy from them again. Don't have a link, but read it on a gun forum.


    My father just bought a hammerless S&W snub nosed airwieght in 38 spcl. Very nice gun and not bad for pocket carry. I have a NAA .32 for times when I can't wear enough to conceal the H&K. It's underpowered, but better than nothing. Never shot a .44 Special, sounds like a good excuse to add to the collection.



    Update: found a link to the Leatherman issue. http://armsandthelaw.com/archives/2008/03/...big_solicit.php

  20. Your the only one who misses out on the fun. You are punishing yourself. No one in Toronto will miss you !



    How is choosing not to spend $200 on a game you cannot tailgate at "punishing yourself"? The Toronto game will be the first "home" game in 6 years that I will not attend simply due to the price and lack of festivities. I don't think BillsPride12 or I care if the people of Toronto will miss us.

  21. Yes...far superior to a folding knife... :devil:


    My cane is an old one of hefty laminated maple construction. You can still buy them for ten bucks or so.

    There is no doubt that when well swung, it will shatter collarbones, knees, ribs, skulls and the like. It's a 3rd class lever same as your golf club...no mechanical advantage, but delivers deadly, concentrated force.


    Be sure to arm yourself with one of these babies when you start to creak. :blink:



    Until I develop a limp or get me some ho's, a cane is probably out of the question. I've actually seen canes that fire a bullet out the end and ones that are swords. Probably not legal though.

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