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Sketch Soland

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Everything posted by Sketch Soland

  1. Ah.... if one does not accept the three conditions you mentioned as the sum total of possible conditions, then said conditions do not apply to said person.
  2. Or, be none of the three options, because why should options be limited ever? SFOWNED
  3. I will say this twice, and only twice: Don't make me use my Nord Powers
  5. But I thought it's all the Oil Companies fault? That's why Congress is "grilling" them on Capitol Hill, right?
  6. I love the closing lines of the article: "As for Ventura's refusal to talk to the local media, he explained he felt he was treated unfairly when he was governor, and by not commenting now, "then it doesn't make you money." He added: "And by stopping you from making money, that makes my heart feel good.""
  7. I will say this once, and once only: Don't make me use my Nord Powers.
  8. Death.... Taxes.... and obie wan's glass half empty....
  9. Chronic Excessive Emoticoning is the path of the LSI. I dare not venture down that path, lest I devolve into trading Pujols for Konerko and a middle reliever
  10. Why many are not in favor, it seems, is because the cost of getting the oil out will not be worth the amount that seems to be available. Couple this questionable cost/benefit economic analysis with "environmental concerns" (whatever those are, specifically, I'm not sure) and you have a recipe for political DOA. As to the answer for reattaching the limb: there, of course, is not one magic cure-all answer. But the strategic thrust of developing energy independence must be in developing new energy sources that could eventually replace oil. Of course, even if one is developed overnight, that's not going to change things on the short term. But the reality is is that we are up sh-- creek without a paddle in the short term when it comes to oil prices. Nothing much is going to change that, other than an unexpected and sudden drastic reduction in demand.
  11. I do have a flare-up of excessive emoticon syndrome every now or then. Just need to get it out and clear the system, as it were. Canadien "intelligence" is often a good subject on which to excessively emoticonize, I've found. It's all about maintaining good posting health, imo.
  12. Oh.... really? Gee willigers.... how'd I miss that? :lol:
  13. So.... I destroy your logic (i.e., That 'The Senator' posts 'See? You can't even spell crayons' and you take that as confirmation that he is the poster 'I Eat Crayonz'), and your response to my specific reference to your illogic is "No it is Canadian, are all emericans really that stupid", and you expect me to believe I'm the stupid one? When you can't even figure out what I posted? I rest my case.
  14. Me, I'm a Nord. We don't have closets or libertars. We do play "kick the can towards eternity", however. Not sure if there's a similar game here.
  15. O RLY? That must be CANADIEN CONFIRMATION. Only CANADIENS would have such a piss poor grasp of logic!
  16. Yes, especially black pillows. I don't like throwing the white ones because for some reason the black ones make more noise on the way down.
  17. It does not logically follow that IF someone wants us out of Iraq, THEN they MUST support the drilling you speak of. One can be a proponent of either option without necessitating the other. No matter how much oil is down there domestically, the strategic vector that will lead us to greater energy independence will not flow through domestic drilling. That is obvious. Domestic drilling is a band-aid for a severed limb.
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