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Posts posted by jms62

  1. Well. It's very very rare to find a dog that's not incented by something. Sometimes "not incented by food" means not the right food. Sometimes the dog really doesn't care about food, but they're incented by praise, or by a chance to play with a special toy and have it tossed around for them. The trick is to find what the dog is inspired by.


    So by analogy, if you have a modern player who is in it only for the check, either they need to have their contract structured so that they can be deprived if they don't get with the program, or, one needs to explore if there is in fact anything else at all that motivates them. If they've truly 100% checked out and don't care about their teammates or winning, they are a cancer and they just need to GTFO even if it hurts the cap.

    Good post. You are a breath of fresh air on this board .

  2. I think the Jets are going to win this game. Fitz sucks but it's his last game (maybe ever as he says he's contemplating retirement) and they've managed to look even worse when Petty was playing. No idea what to expect from EJ but I'm guessing it's not going to be good enough to win.

    Jets 24, Bills 10

    Possible top 10 draft pick though

    Think Fitz may go off as it is his last game in NY. He only sucks when he is comfortable in his job.

  3. Yards given up per game between Schwartz's Philadelphia defense and the Bills defense this year through the last game.


    6 yards difference per game.


    Le us know when the game is no longer decide by Points scored

    On the contrary, its more of an unwillingness to adapt. When a player achieves success under a scheme that requires less thinking, they begin to think "why do I have to do this, the other way worked just fine." I understand this mentality...work smarter, not harder. However, even if it were more complex, I'm usually against the monday morning qb'ing when a coach leaves. One of the few times I'd prefer the pre-packaged cliche answers.


    I think this post nails it. If the Bills D before Rex wasnt as successful there may have been less resitance and a different result.

  4. And people should care about what Bart Scott says why? His biggest achievement is somehow getting a broadcasting job while barely being able to speak English.

    Dareus played well this year. Obviously he was a tool in the offseason. But I don't think he's necessarily speaking for himself here. Probably just being the voice for teammates of his who don't have his job security.

    Spot on. He most certainly is a "tool".

  5. It's an interesting idea. Remember John Butler stacked him with Ted Washington, Marcellus Wiley, Chris Spielman, Bryce Paup, amd so on. We had the #1 defense under his reign. We have good talent on defense, but need to be coached better. I think Anthony Lynn running his offense could be even better than this year, but would need to carry TT's contract, so we have him for two years, and we find in the first round this year or next a QB who is more game ready.

    The salary cap is going from the low 140's million to a projected $166 million. Big leap to keep whoever we want. Romo is one hit from retirement. Terrible decision to take him. As far as RT, I never until last week warmed up to the idea of moving Glenn to RT, because I know he would kil it there, but didn't trust CK until he repeatedly played as a top level LT against some top level talent. You hear the experts say now you're RT has to be as good as you're LT in the way teams are playing defense.

    There really is no other QB options out there as much as people try. The only option is if Washington was to completely lose their mind and let Cousins walk out. That is a great option, but will never happen. Wade, Lynn, a DC in Wades mold, and a top level ST coach. I know he has been ok in some places, but our best ST coach in a long time was April. Don't forget we had a top 10 scoring offense this year. This gets repeated and a top defense, and you are looking at a deep playoff team.

    In fantasy land, I'd love TT to take a reorg contract, but unlikely, and other teams would be frothing at the mouth for him like Denver, and SF.

    I still think the top candidates if they are willing to interview here are Kyle Shanahan, Matt Patricia, and Josh McDaniel. I have no interest in Mike Smith. Look what he squandered in Atlanta. He's doing a great job as a D.C. in Tampa, and needs another top year for teams to seriously consider him as a top HC. Coughlin in no way is coming to Buffalo. It's Jags or retirement working for the NFL.Sorry for the long post. I don't normally write long posts as most of us have a short attn span. Thanks for putting up with me today.

    I would not be opposed to drafting Watson and picking up TT's option while Watson is groomed. TT's style leads to a short shelf life IMO more like an RB and in 2 years he may be close to losing a step.

  6. Our dogs look for respect and affection. But they know when they have misbehaved. and honestly try to correct their actions. Unusual dogs perhaps.

    Tough t to talk about wealthy football players.

    But i thought LeSeans comments were spot on. He has lead by example all year, he is in position to call out Watkins or whomever.


    As team leader i am always accountable. If i make a mistake i admit it, even if there were mitigating circumstance. I will not blame others that i did not get my job done. I also motivate and reward. in and honest manner.

    Maybe the answer is peer pressure and the 2 best players on the team speaking out on it is a start. Hopefully we are seeing Sammy step up as a leader in the locker room. This team is close if they dont blow up the offense.

  7. And that is the sad state with Dareus. A player cannot decide (in a team sport) on when he choses to play and we continue to keep him and reward him. The Pegulas should be pulling him out and tell him to shut up and play.

    Not sure Dareus would view sitting down as a punishment while he cashes his obscene checks.

  8. Accountability would be for posters calling for EJ to still be a starter to come on board Monday after he turns in yet another disastrous performance and admit they were and have been total idiots or admit they were !@#$ing trolling us all along. Accountability would be for posters bashing Tyrod to show up after next season when the offense fails to be top 10 in points scored loses more games yet has more passing yards and admit that focusing solely on 1 stat without regard to the math behind that stat is idiotic. Either of these will not happen as these posters will simply forget it ever happened.

  9. Rooney Rule - plan and simple. I'm beginning to think Lynn will get the interview for HC but the Bills have someone in mind and possibly have him ready to ink a deal.

    Could it be Coughlin? Maybe, maybe not.

    I'm not really a DW fan anymore but I don't believe he's stupid enough to retool the team with a HC that has 1 game ever under his belt as a HC.

    But he is stupid enough to roll the dice on potentally wrecking this offense like the last coach did with the defense by bringing in a new coach that may want to make this offense its own.

  10. Guys stop we are all fans of the bills, we are family, you all are a little right about what you are saying


    Familys fight all the time. This board would be a wasteland if everyone had the same opinions. I do agree with you on this subject everyone posting is right to a degree but can't see that in posts other than their own.

  11. The Patriots haven't fired a coach in 17 years, so it's a bit hypothetical. As far as I know, Bill runs the ship and it's a taut ship, so no, I don't. Any leakers would be shot into space, spacesuit optional.

    The Packers have a very linear organization: Executive committee->CEO->GM->HC. All the sales and marketing and finance guys are off in another room. So No, I think if the GM had a quiet discussion with the CEO about his intentions, it would likely stay between them.

    I know nothing about the Steelers, but as far as I can tell, they haven't fired a head coach since before many on this board were born (1969) so that's even more hypothetical than Belichick.


    Did you read Kirby Jackson's posts on another thread, about how small market teams are organized? It read very true to me. The problem is that the Bills historically have a very collaborative organization, with responsibility spread throughout all aspects of the organization. The GM, Coach, and CEO/president report in parallel to the Owner. The salary and contract negotiation functions reside in the CEO/president's reporting line. If the GM wants to lobby for a change, he has to go up to the Owner, the Owner has to come down through the CEO/president to discuss contract implications; if they're having the sort of weekly meetings Kirby described, each person has 3-4 people reporting to them who are getting some sort of gouge on possible developments so they can plan how it affects their part of the business. That sort of organizational model lends itself to being a leaky sieve, especially if you have "lifers" who are mourning the "good old days" and deeply resent any attempt to change the organizational culture or structure (I believe the "Whaley's gone rogue" Fredex cut was an example of changed structure causing resentment in people left out of the loop)


    Yes, it's dysfunctional, and I would personally, were I Pegs, say this has to stop, heads will roll.


    On the other hand, when the Bills D was observed to have not improved from last year despite all the draft picks and signings and extra coaching assistants, when stupid penalties and fundamental coaching mistakes like 12 men or 10 men on field were still seen to occur, I believe there would have been speculation and media reports of Rex's imminent firing with or without the leakage.


    Dude, it's really pretty practically impossible to prove a negative. The burden of proof properly rests with the person making a claim.

    Great post. Now if I came out and said do you have proof that is how things went down what would your reaction be Dude? My point was/is asking for proof on a !@#$ing message board to shut down coversation is a joke. All we are doing is speculating we aren't in a court room.

  12. EJ is much better than Trent Edwards. ;) EJ hasn't been very good but he has a chance to be a decent backup in this league for ten years. Edwards has nowhere near the talent that EJ does. Edwards did one thing pretty good, which fans insanely thought was a sign of a potentially good NFL quarterback. And he was immediately exposed by anyone that knew what they were talking about to be incapable of being an NFL quarterback.

    Edwards could pre-snap read a defense, decide where he was going to throw and then throw a very accurate short pass dart for a completion. That is what he could do. He could never react well when there was a rush. He wasn't any good under pressure. He couldn't read a defense after the snap. He wasn't a leader. He couldn't run well or scramble well. He was never ever going to be good under a rush.

    In training camp and pre-season, when there is no rush he can look terrific. Because there is no real pressure. He sucked before Gailey got here. But Gailey, because all offensive coaches think they can coach guys up, saw Edwards as a potential star. In practice and even in preseason he looked like a star. He could even look like a star in real games if he got no rush. So Gailey thought he struck gold.

    Immediately, in game one, with real bullets, Edwards couldn't handle the rush. Within three games IIRC, Gailey, who is a brilliant offensive mind for the most part, had seen enough and knew that Edwards sucked. Then he did what no one ever does. He just not only benched Edwards for the journeyman Fitz, he just cut him. He knew. Edwards could never be an NFL QB because he could never handle the rush. That's an amazing thing Gailey did. He cut his starter. And Edwards fooled a few more coaches because he was spectacular in practice. And whenever he got into games he sucked.

    Recency bias here for sure. EJ way worse than Edwards.
  13. So you have established that Whaley leaked to the media to the point you can demand proof from someone that he didn't?

    Listen it is absurd for someone to ask for proof on such a discussion,. That is Bobby's Modus Operandi asking for proof of something that no one can prove. If he is to go to that absurdity I figured give him a dose of equal absurdity.

  14. Want a strawman argument. Fine.

    Every person pinning this to Whaley. PROOF

    Ooo yeah conspiracy never have em.

    Again answer this question If Whaley and Pegula already decided to fire Ryan why does Whaley have to leak anything.

    But hey logic is hard

    To undermine the coach he didnt like and !@#$ with his head. Prove that he didnt do it.

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