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Posts posted by jms62

  1. Think about this.


    Has the Owners Ear. Sits with the Owner Every Game. You think he has to leak anything lol

    Awesome post dude. Absolute strawman though. You responded and earned your pay. WTF does Whaley sitting with the owners have to do with undermining the coach with the media. Answer absolutely nothing.
  2. And de-farted.

    I had no idea Doug Whaley has been the GM for 16 years.

    Great post bro. I had thought the majority Bills fans would be smart enough by Front office to understand I meant the entirety and Brandon and his cronies most of all. Alas I've been disappointed yet again. I'll be more specific next time for those that need things to be spelled out in detail. But by reading your detailed responses on other subjects I don't think I can ever get it down to that level without actually using a coloring book.

  3. Why would Lynn keep Tyrod? He's obviously okay with not starting him today. Why would Tyrod stay? Please refer to this post of mine:



    Because Lynn is getting the job due to his high powered offense and Tyrod is a vital cog in that offense. Your post is 100% predicated on the fact that the Bills want to renegotiate. If Lynn is the coach and want him there will be no renegotiation as he will be in the drivers seat. Also do we need to go into why he is not starting. This has already been discussed ad nauseam

    Absolutely nothing. This Jets team gave up weeks ago. They couldn't even get amped for a prime time game weeks ago, with players on defense saying "f*** this game, where the Hoes at" before the game on snapchat. The Jets are currently the worst team in the NFL and worse than the Browns, because the Browns were at least trying to win to avoid going winless.



    But this is a multiple !@#$ You game for Fitzpatrick... I think he wants to hang up a huge number.

  4. But it is, it's about avoiding being tied to the injury clause and then renegotiating because they didn't allow him to play. If they were cool with his contract, he would be playing sunday.


    and the new coach thing is strictly your opinion.


    I don't think they want to keep him.


    If "They" is Whaley I think you are correct. Reeks of Whaley using Tyrod as a scapegoat in absolving himself of the Rex Ryan failure. You know... Although I had my hands in the Rex hiring, Tyrod was Rex's QB and he caused the teams problems. Problem with this is anyone that knows anything sees this teams failure as DEFENSE.. This is why Bills organization getting absolutely pounded by local and National media.

  5. $15.5m roster bonus and $12m salary


    What do you renegotiate there?


    Do you go, yeah Tyrod were going to renegotiate your bonus from the $15.5m you already agreed to down to $7.75m for just being on the roster or do you renegotiate the very middling to low end $12m salary for a starting QB down to $6m? What's getting renegotiated?

    You do realize that Tyrod sitting out is not about renegotiation right? It is about not being 100% certain on who your new coach wants at QB and not taking a big financial risk of starting Tyrod in a game that is as meaningful as a 4th preseason game.

  6. Whaleys job security is going to be tied to the success and or failure of his first ever HC.


    Most GMs get two HC picks, Whaley will get one because hard to give him another with 3 HCs fired (eventhough he didnt hire 2).


    WRONG.. This is the 3rd Coach he had input on. Completely absolving him of the other 2 is just wrong. Secondly his guy was Hue Jackson anyway so that was a whiff. Whaley needed to go just as everyone in the media has been saying.. But in typical Bills fandom anyone writing anything negative is dismissed as a hack or idiot even while writing such has been CORRECT for many years now...

  7. I like him and think he will succeed in this league.


    However I am very skeptical of ANY player that is being dealt out of NE (because of the Ernie Adams value chart).


    However EVEN MORE skeptical of the willingness to move a QB within the divison.


    When was the last QB dealt out of NE that had success Bledsoe?


    If BB is Willing to deal you a QB inside the Division RUN AWAY


    You mean get Value for their Asset. (Ernie Adams value chart baby). I want to get my hands on it.


    Bledsoe had like 1/2 a season of success

  8. The Bills will have a new HC in place long before Tyrod's bonus is due (3rd day of new league year). So theoretically the new coach could want him retained, but I don't see that happening. The new coach is going to want his own guy, not the last coach's guy.


    Just saw I screwed up my post it should have said Tyrod will almost certainly not be QB next year unless Lynn gets the job

  9. Lynn checks off all the boxes for me. Nearly two decades of NFL coaching experience. He was put in stressful situations this season and met the challenge. His units have not only performed but have been among the best in the NFL last season with the rushing game and this season with the entire offense. Players apparently respect him. They know him. They perform.


    If Lynn was on another team we would be drooling over him more probably. There are always questions about coordinators who havent been HC's but no coordinator is more deserving right now imo. Bring in a DC like Gus Bradley and lets make the playoffs next season.


    Lynn and Bradley would make this team instantly better this very moment.



    This topic has been beaten to death in other threads, but since it's been brought up ... this is a different era of football.


    Also, Kelly was the last Super Bowl winning QB with a score under 22.


    I don't know why this is met with such resistance. When is the last time you saw a bumbling idiot QB go deep into the playoffs?


    It is met with such resistance because they are destroying you with facts. And then you defend yourself with the above underlined and have the unmitigated audacity to call anyone a bumbling idiot. Thing is you can't even grasp how absurd you appear to all on this thread... :worthy:

  11. Just to clarify, the game you're talking about is the one they needed to win, but lost. Sorry, no bonus points for "essentially" winning anything. No way does a team undermine their starting QB by sitting him unless he's injured or they're resting him in week 17 to protect him for the playoffs. Neither is the case here. His benching is to protect the team from the injury guarantee in his contract. There is no other logical reason.


    And with the new Head Coach up in the air sitting him and not taking the risk is really the only sane option. Tyrod will almost certainly not be QB next year if Lynn gets the job. He fits Lynns offense

  12. Yea conmect the two tin foil.

    Has Whaley ever picked his coach

    Is this team talented

    This is the 3rd coach he is involved in the process. Lest we forget his guy was Hue Jackson so lets see what his guy is this time. No this team overall is as talented as its record. We has Bills fans have been overvaluing the talent and blaming Head Coach and QB for 17 years now. Easier to hold out hope replacing 1 or 2 people will solve the problem than admiting you just have mediocre talent. Some guys have lots of talent but you dont win with a handful of talented guys on the roster in the NFL. NOt rocket science .
  13. EJ would need to play the game of his life, like 20-24 with 300 yards a couple TD's and no picks. More importantly, he'd need to stand tall in the pocket, not look skittish at all, no balls in the dirt, use all parts of the field, not miss wide open guys, look off safeties, etc etc.

    Basically, look like Tom Brady. Otherwise, bye.

    And since we are looking at one game the above still would not beat what Tyrod put up last week vs a better team.

  14. Thanks i actually do know what I think i know at times. Appreciate it. Not always the bad guy.

    Well this one is at the Bills Media not the Bills

    You and Whaley seem to have the same vision in Tyrod and now you are defending Whaley with almost the same fervor you bashed Tyrod. Are you Doug Whaley or do you work for a PR firm handling Social Media for the Bills?

  15. Why would you tank a team that was .500 for the last 3 seasons and is a mediocre defense away from the playoffs? Tanking is no guarantee that you will get your Unicorn of a franchise QB. And while you are tanking the good parts of the team will be falling apart due to age and star players wanting to get off a tanking ship. What are your chances of resigning Sammy in the midst of a tank?

  16. Yep. the stats I use for Qb are typically completion percentage and YP/A


    Tyrod is ranked 21 for both this year. And remember he had crappy receivers for a good chunk of the year.


    Last year Bills ranked 14th in comp% and 6th in yp/a


    I think with healthy receivers in a well designed offense Tyrod is going to be close to those 14th and 6th ratings consistently.

    Exactly and INT % for me also...
  17. Efficiency is so much more important than total yards. As to those who continue using total yardage, I don't know if that's due to laziness, ignorance, or stupidity.


    Passer Rating - 17th

    Yards per Attempt - 21st

    ANY/A - 20th

    Interception Percentage - 7th

    Touchdown Percentage - 20th

    DVOA - 14th

    Efficiency is so much more important than total yards. As to those who continue using total yardage, I don't know if that's due to laziness, ignorance, or stupidity.


    Passer Rating - 17th

    Yards per Attempt - 21st

    ANY/A - 20th

    Interception Percentage - 7th

    Touchdown Percentage - 20th

    DVOA - 14th

    Willful Ignorance

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