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Posts posted by jms62

  1. So exactly like we see with another QB after a Mia game?


    So i will be getting yelled at by two chuches that they Are not good enough


    Ray it seems like people understood Tyrods roll in this high powered offense before the Miami game. That is people who know football.. Not the people harping on a single statistic without regard to the math behind it... R

  2. You really think that? He's being benched so he doesn't get hurt and the Bills will not be forced to keep him and pay him per contract and you think he is going to be here next year?


    1 - that screams the Bills are not satisfied and are going to look elsewhere for better QB play

    2 - if you are Tyrod, do you want to come back after this

    3 - Rex, his biggest supporter just got relieved


    Don't really think Tyrod is going to be back in Buffalo


    Nice try... You think they are benching him off of a 375 total offensive yard day because of performance to play a proven failure and worst QB the Bills have ever drafted in the first round.. Sure....

  3. Yeah, but I'll grant that point. 21 points were scored that were not by the offense. Take away those points from the Bills, and they're 13th in scoring overall. However, in doing that I didn't take away of the ST/defensive scores for the other teams on the list.


    Well to be fair it is only 18


    And that is the calculation i used to come up with 24 ppg


    Just like when EJ led this offense it was 23 ppg


    When did EJ lead the offense over the course of a season to average 23 points? I honestly don't remember that.

  4. Only if they keep Rex. Remember he only fit this scheme, he most likely won't fit the next coaches, of course unless it's Lynn.


    Seems like he is tied to Lynn. If Lynn stays I can not see him dramatically changing this offense. Only Rex would attempt to fix something that was firing on all cylinders and you see the results.. Having just said that what Bills fan in the world would even remotely think it is a good idea to replace important parts of this offense. The line I hear that someone wants "Proof that a new QB won't put up the same numbers" maybe the most ridiculous statement that anyone can utter. HOW DOES ONE PROVE IN ADVANCE THAT CHANGES WON'T HAVE A NEGATIVE IMPACT? The only reply for such an absurd statement would be the equally absurd "Prove that a new QB will put up the same numbers in the offense"



    The Polish guy calling me dumb. That's cute.


    Hey, dumbaski, if you're happy with a QB who is in the bottom third of every important stat, then good for you. I want better.


    And as far as your logic for why he's the most sacked? You're probably even more stupid than Tyrod Taylor is.


    Love ya, though!

    Too Funny... Should it not be clear to anyone on why you would crusade against the QB 24x7 this comment should have removed all doubts.

  6. Yeah how many attributed to Tyrod.

    Again Good thing we have Shady and Mike like we had Shady and Karlos last year

    Go into the QBR thread look at the weeks see how many weeks TT expected point contribution was negative

    This is not Rocket Science


    YPA * Attmpts = Passing Yardage


    We are DEAD LAST in attempts. With an average YPA you will be DEAD LAST in yardage. Your statistic is worthless in this scenario.

  7. The play was a bad call, but not because of the play itself. It was bad because he ran the play for Bush. Bush rarely plays, so even as a viewer I'm thinking something must be up if he's in the game. If I'm thinking that sitting at home, the D must recognize it. If he had run it to McCoy or Goodwin or Watkins, someone who is on the field a lot it might have worked better.


    A run by Shady or Gilly there was the play or even play action off that. What was called may go down as single worst call in the history of this team.

  8. Nah dont have to because i cant remember the site that shows that advanced stat. Just asked everyone that uses him to justify scoring to post the site because obviously they see it somewhere. Maybe not and just say things like Baltimore offered more money to TT to be a BU

    136 points get back to me when you prove otherwise and that is me being my usual ultra conserative self

  9. Yep you will continue to say it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

    Since you come here over and over I figure 136 points. 36 for the running TDs and 100 for extending drives with his legs and his avoiding sacks. PROVE OTHERWISE?

  10. So they DIDNT try and offer him more money as a BU like you said ok


    Why is there a trend of said OC that people want as a HC taking the ball out of TT hands when game on line?

    Shocking the guy with the "One game" mantra will take "One play" and extrapolate that the OC took the ball out of TT's hands. It was suren in his hands as he drove his team 90 yards for what should have been the game winner. That one play was Lynn wanting to look like the smartest guy in the room on Sports Center
  11. Yep i am because Shady will continue to make blah QBs look much better.

    And i can increase the production of my defense befause of the cap space i save.

    Because at the end of the day i am advocating letting the QB of the leagues worst passing attack walk. Cant get much worse than league worst (in a passing league mind you)

    You continue to focus on Yardage on a team not throwing the ball cause they are run first vs yardage for teams throwing 30+ times a game. Well yesterday we did and look what happened. Really is simple math the more passes you throw the more yards you have. POINTS Scored is the underlying goal of the game and I know you will excuse that away but we are close to being in Top 5 of the league and "Points scored is up" carries no weight when we are among the best of that group.

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