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buffalo mike2

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Everything posted by buffalo mike2

  1. Boom Boom Out Go The Lights- Rock Song.
  2. It is hard not to like this guy...
  3. I don't think Gregg Williams or Mike Malarkey were the next big thing. Donahoe was scared of the big thing, that's why we got these non-play calling idiots.
  4. This is good- steal him from the Jets. He is actually the hottest candidate out there. The Jets would kill for him. This also weakens the Patriots staff further.
  5. I like Al Saunders- the Chiefs would be nuts to let him walk.
  6. Yes I did- but I also heard that Grey had resigned, and according to this article he has not. Wilson also stated that Malarkey's status was still being reviewed, and two hours later he was staying. Everything is up in the air, but I think they have already thrown the asst. coaches under the bus , except for the conditioning coach who I expect will be gone.
  7. It is a stupid rule- and the most abused. He will not get a Head Coaching this year. Apparently he is still employed by the Bills. I think he stays, but gets alot of help with personnel and Asst. Coaches. http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20060...?tbd2045085.asp
  8. Just get rid of those God awful circus road uniforms and I'd be happy. Just the plain white ones were so much better.
  9. YES-for about 8 years now. DT and O-line via free agency.
  10. Will the Steeler rejects be gone? I am sick of the Pittsburgh ties with this organization. The Steelers, whom are a very successful organization didn't want either one and we get stuck with both. BBYE...
  11. This is the beginning of a long list of On Golden Pond jokes. Hopefully we can laugh all the way to the playoffs....
  12. How do you know " she was hanging around with people that shoot guns in the air" It was a stray bullet!! If we can give the local local yoda a corner store and set him up with great life in the good ole USA, we can make sure this lady is at least cared for in some capacity. Everyone is entitled to their opinion... And my apology, I did not notice that she is not a U.S. citizen, but still...
  13. http://www.floridatoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/...NGNEWS/60104006 Forced to leave the hospital- what a country.
  14. Yes- If Modrak is not going to be the GM, and niether is Levy- then who is??? Still hope that Malarkey goes down.....
  15. There is a cabbie in that has worked wonders for years...
  16. Merry Christmas to all of our friends!
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