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Everything posted by colin

  1. nonsense. having such high EPA per drive means the tools are there for success, but the coaching is not delivering. having predictable play calls is a coaching problem. having players make the same preventable mistakes in the same situations is a coaching issue -- either coach the player to not make the mistake, or change what you are doing so that tendency isn't as glaring. spacing on routes is a scheme coaching issue. i'll make it simple if it wasn't before -- if you have capable players and get bad results, you have bad coaching. if you have less capable players and get good results, you have good coaching. we have plenty of capability on O, same roster even with more talent (Dalton) than the prior season. our results are much worse, so either all the players forgot how to play, or the coaches are being lame and predictable. the data points are quite obvious, high epa, same players killed it on o before, current o sucks, even vs weak ds. on d it's maybe even worse.
  2. i saw the RB open by a mile underneath, say 5 yards up the field. no shot he doesn't gain a first, and likely more on that. the conceit of this is, allen ignores the flat, and we have bad spacing, so the d just has to play zone vs the deeper routes and wait for a mistake. we make it too easy for them.
  3. we are just too stupid as a team. our offense is not run any any way that sets things up. we have a bunch of different player groupings and formations, but they just tip off what we want to do. we destroy people out of under center formations, but much prefer to use shotgun. we give up on the run as soon as we get stopped on two poorly run shotgun sprint draws. we have goofy spacing, guys literally tripping over each other near the line, and it seems like harty, davis, and sherf just don't get open or catch the ball well. the biggest fixable issue to me tho, is josh keeps making the same mistakes. partly that because our spacing and such aren't good, but his pick was a horrible decision and he could have just avoided it. it should be really easy for a coach who's worked w allen his entire career to point this out and get him to stop, but we just don't want to do that it seems.
  4. dude, this. collinsworthless was saying "they keep calling that the safety is coming, or (whatever else the cue they kept saying was). im not sure how they can always tell" which means they scouted the bills and saw how OBVIOUS what we are doing is. on the flip side, we seemed to have tremendous issues figuring out protections and and not having guys run into each other on O. mcd get the d a bit better after the first two drives, and they even had some solid outings, but we scored two flipping tds all day, so allowing them to have 2 lay ups to start the game is just not on. both our o and d are playing way below their abilities, but when our d has a weak player (dodson) or some kind of other issue (rushing 6 on 3rd and 10 with no one touching the qb at all) and can be read presnap like an open book, it's clear we don't have our head on straight as a defensive football team and that is what mcd makes millions for.
  5. while i find what you say initially offputting and pollyanna, as a fellow NJ bills fan, i must consider it. you are, mathematically, correct. as bad as we ahve looked, these are all one score losses where we left a ton on the table. if allen, for example, just pulls his head out and throws to the under guy instead of the guaranteed pick guy, we have a strong chance of winning this game. i doubt we get there, but boy would it be great to have a 2021 phoenix like rise form where we are
  6. the first contract was 3y 51mm, 17 a year, same as chandy jones got. the cap moves since really messed us up. so, we had a thread about how montez sweat cost a second and got 24mm per year. in all honestly, that was a much much better contract than what we did for von.
  7. von they stay with until they don't ahve to tre is gone knox has a chance to earn his spot back
  8. he cares and tries crazy hard on game day. im not sure what his off season and week to week stuff looks like, but ill bet he is not as dialed in as brady was, for exmpale. he keeps making the same friggen mistakes, and in the same situations. he makes terrible decisions leading to turnovers at least once a game. and i'm not talking about forcing the ball to win, i mean another guy was open and he just forces it out of frustration. at the end of the day, i blame coaches for that, but it isn't possible that josh is doing absolutely everything he can to prepare and these things keep happening.
  9. this is all coaching. if you want a player to make better pre snap reads, you coach him on that and call plays that support that. for some reason, our offense thinks we should throw deep balls. short, not fast, not strong handed guys running around with little separation is not a great recipe for low % throws. what really makes me want to run the front office out of town on rails is how just stupid this is. we spend money on harty, hines, sherf, a full back, knox, and aging vets on D, but we insist on running this o that has our qb dropping low % bombs on 3rd and long while trailing. if we are gonna do that, why did we not put some of the harty/hines/whatever money for players we might actually use? hopkins coulda been signed for some of these losers' salary, and him streaking outside the numbers is a scary sight for opponents. instead it's pizza finger davis and harty, the fastest kid in 4th grade, streaking while covered getting the bombs. there is no organization or reasoning to how this team is constructed, now how the plays are called or how the players are coached.
  10. We went heavy jumbo in the first half in 2nd and 2, cook took the ball quickly (no delay) to the left side and converted easily and honestly had a shot at gainer if he broke another tackle. Our runs after that were delays vs zone so the entire d had their eyes on the ball. Our problem is we are a stupid team
  11. Now we are laughing at that prediction because it sounds Pollyanna. Sad
  12. Coming into this game, they showed Allen lead the NFL in TDS, had the highest completion percentage, and top 5 passing yards and rating. After the game, we lead the NFL in epa per offensive drive, and point differential. The bad results and our barely 500 record points to coaching and coaching alone. This team lacks confidence, has no consistency, and makes the same predictable mistakes over and over. 3rd and 10 option routes outside the numbers to midget wrs is insane. We see our d get smoked by tempo and quick passing vs our zone, so we attack another team playing soft zone with delayed handoffs out of shotgun and slow developing plays. If we miss the playoffs, the whole front office has to go. If we are one and done in the playoffs, they whole front office has to go, Frankly, walking papers should have been mass printed after 13 seconds.
  13. This organization is just packed full of losers
  14. The holes on this team and the coaching is cheeks. Time for a new front office
  15. We are a soft and stupid team. Might go down 14 points with our o stinking again. If we lose this, the tv said we are more likely than not to miss the post season. Tbh, I'll take that over another sad bounce out in the post season. It might get our trash front office out
  16. That cascade of idiocy simply took time off and maybe banged up burrow. If Allen can get his head out and score a TD on this drive I'll consider it a gift from the gods of the game
  17. Bad rouging call to start this, but mcd needs to get his thumb out from deep in his bussy and make some moves on d
  18. Sick drive, tie game Allen is super. If they call that, they better call cinci for their dirt. Time for mcd to earn that extension
  19. if jones and milano come back for the playoffs, i think our d will get a supercharge like when sanders came back for the colts the year they won it all.
  20. that's a very interesting post and quite against the narrative (which i felt was true) that aje was a bad pick. for value purposes, he was a really good pick, but didn't come on as early as we'd like, and who knows if we can resign him?
  21. we need to win in the trenches. on D we are vulnerable, but if something clever gets schemed up we have a shot. on o, we can and should run lots of direct stuff, under center runs, and set up play action. if we hammer them w the run and extend drives they will fold.
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