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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. I dunno, having two Diggs out there at once sounds pretty good to me. Sign me up!
  2. Coach, next time we play the Patriots can I play on Defense? Pleeeeeze? -- Deshaun Watson
  3. I literally just turned on the game as Burrow took the snap, and I yelled "throw a pick" ... and he did!😁
  4. Garbage PF call on Bears defender trying to keep KC out of the endzone.
  5. Bernard: Coach, what could I do to make Bills Mafia like me? McDermott: Well, you could go out and win DPOW... Bernard: OK!
  6. Pretty sure it was the veldt, not the tundra. Unless those lions took a really wrong turn somewhere... Actually, come to think of it, I'm pretty sure the title of that story is "The Veldt" !
  7. This. I'd much rather spend my free time watching/listening to real football insight than fake-ass media turds. Another one on YouTube that I've been enjoying is The DB Room with Glover Quin.
  8. Out of all the liquors in the world, that is the one that kills me the deadest.
  9. I planned my conceptions perfectly so that my kids ended up with the same birthday (several years apart). That way I only had to pay for one birthday party/year. Yes, I'm a cheap Bastard. 😁
  10. That is *exactly* what my brother would say to divert attention from himself and try to get me in trouble. (If I had a brother)
  11. The GIF that will launch a thousand memes..
  12. Agreed, but there's this quote from Tua himself regarding his JJ training: "So I mean, with jiu-jitsu, I've been thrown airborne, I've been put in many uncomfortable positions for me to learn how to fall and try to react throughout those positions that I'm getting thrown around in." So maybe he's not getting choked out, or joint-locked, but sounds like he's being flung through the air which always has the possibility of falling on his head.
  13. Some might consider it insane to play NFL football with his concussion history....
  14. Just riffing on Tua's off-season jiu-jitsu regime. Hard to make plays if you (un-)intentionally down yourself.
  15. Problem with modern jiu-jitsu is they teach you to go to the ground and win the fight there... not so great for football...
  16. Pretty creative play-calling so far. Miami looks confused.
  17. The show iteself was not renewed by Omaha productions. Nothing to do with Josh.
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