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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. All I can say is thank heavens Spring Football has started. Now my kid is spending most of his down time with his head in the playbook.
  2. Yeah I get that; my son sometimes makes what I consider pretty bizarre viewing choices, but I make a distinction between watching something for entertainment and actually being influenced by it. I mean, I enjoyed "Breaking Bad", but I don't play footsie with the Cartel.
  3. I don't get this whole recent "social influencer" trend. How much of an imbecile must one be to allow yourself to be influenced by Jackson Mahomes?
  4. Kind of like an Air Raid offense, except we only fly Warthogs!
  5. So a tight end room of DK, DK, Gronk & Ertz and we have none of them on the field? Sounds legit.
  6. https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/05/11/attack-bunny-moos-cprog-orig-bdk.cnn
  7. Yeah, the Bills had just awesome luck with QB injuries last season. I mean, having your UCL torn in half in game 8 is almost as good as a sponge bath from Margot Robbie.
  8. Yeah... think I'll be going with the Olive oil instead.
  9. I worked one summer at the Tops market on Bailey and you are 100% correct. Shagging carts was the best part of that job by far. As opposed to "clean-up call on Aisle 6" which always turned out to be toddler puke, or worse...
  10. I seem to remember the Bills had a OT named Mike Rockwood in camp like 25 years ago or something. He was around 6'10" if I'm not mistaken. His nickname was "Redwood" but I think he lost it because a real Redwood has more bend to it than Mike could manage.
  11. Aaron + Randall combined will be 73 years old in December.
  12. I had an Italian manager who I often overheard mumbling "Braccia rubate all’agricoltura." Never about me of course...
  13. Bryce looks like a slightly less buff Khalil Shakir.
  14. Here he is getting an "Illegal hands to the face" penalty:
  15. Being in a seated posture has never stopped me, nor even slowed me down much.... Oh wait, you mean while wearing pants?
  16. And Danny is currently the interim GM for the Flyers, auditioning for the non-interim gig. Amazing.
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