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East Brady

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Everything posted by East Brady

  1. There is a BIG difference between paycut and restructure!!!! He has never taken a paycut!
  2. I have a hunch that you may be surprised at the qb ratings the past month and the names below jp on that list!
  3. From the Roch. D&C ..............Paybacks are a B----------CH!!!! "I'm sure he has good reason," Losman said. "Ever since I've been here, he hasn't lied to us or told us things that we as players don't want to hear or we don't agree with. "As long as I've known him, he's been doing the right thing. If that's the decision he's going to make, we as a team collectively have to agree with that and back him. Hopefully we as a team all learn from why he's doing something or why he feels he needs to do something." To a man, the Bills claimed their focus is solely on Sunday's game against the two-time defending Super Bowl champion Patriots (7-5), who can clinch the AFC East for the fourth time in five years. "We're preparing to play the Patriots this weekend, and it was business as usual today," linebacker London Fletcher said. "Naturally as a friend you're concerned for your fellow teammates, but it's something the coach is going to handle. "Mike Mularkey is the head coach of this football team, and any decision he makes you support it and you concern yourself first and foremost with doing your job as a player."
  4. In hind sight that was the smartest thing he ever did, MLB is a money losing black hole for small markets and if you don't like losing with the bills you certainly wouldn't like losing for 20 or thirty years straight in MLB....
  5. I would have to say that they are taking control of the locker room from the likes of sam adams and eric moulds, there are alot of young players in there that don't need to follow their path if playing in the nfl is a career goal.......Hopfully the young guys will come out and seize the chance to play and kick the crap out of n.e ............we'll find out sunday.......
  6. I didn't say that is the reason he should be gone, I just don't buy the PR that he is a great stand up guy, thats all... As far as the majority of players in the nfl do the same thing, I highly doubt it,,, after the second mistake its time to grow up......Last night I watched cowher call out the duce on the evening news responding to a question that a reporter asked....In bills land that would be considered a major mistake......I haven't seen the duce crying about it, or anyone else for that matter........Actually I could care less what moulds does just don't sell me the snake oil that he's a great stand up MAN..........I guess thats why alll 53 members of the vikings were on the love boat last time I checked maybe 15 of them were there!!! I'm not a big fan of mularkey but his nfl career is already much longer than that of EM..........Just a hunch but I would guess that some of the real men in the locker room would totally disagree with your belief that all MEN mess around...How many coaches is mouldy going to undermine maybe he should be calling out ol'whitey for the lack of talent that would make them a better team or maybe call out some of his buddy's......EM a great wideout ........never was, never will be!!!!!! Great is something reserved for guys like Andre Reed,,,Lofton,,ect. ect. Hell tasker was a better rec. than the great EM at least he hustled EVERY play.........
  7. How would they be playing basketball if they where busy having kids???And as far as the TO comment I didn't say he was TO,,,,but the realty is TO did most of his damage behind closed doors in the locker room,, the same place that moulds has done his damage ....as with TO we have only heard the tip of the iceberg....Moulds is the one who brought up the TO comparison not mularkey......there's a big difference between taking a paycut and restructuring a contract.....I could be wrong but paycut after paycut isn't something I would assciate with EM,,,,,If he so great why would his agent let him take a paycut????? I guess I just don't have an oversized poster of moulds hanging in the den!!!!
  8. Bring up his multiple children off the field with multiple women???,,,, if he was a women you would be calling him alot of other names that don't include the word selfless, team player ect ect...........What he does off the field speaks alot more of his inner manhood then anything he has done on the field.....He is a pig ,,,, period!!!! He's a real character alright , boy what a man he is!!
  9. Great is a pretty strong term to use when discribing moulds or adams, get real.
  10. Give me 53 guys with the determination of these 3 and we'll kick your butt week after week after week!!!!!!
  11. Like I said he doesn't run out his route if he isn't the primary rec. Or as mm said he took himself out of a few plays.....
  12. Which head coach are you talking about , moulds or adams????
  13. My feelings exactly!!! That was the worst thing that happened last year, and it was one of our veteran leaders that delivered the blow!
  14. I read that as EM doesn't run out his routes......
  15. He's a class act alright............we can send up your way in minn.......next year he'll rent the boat during the bye week!!!!!!!!
  16. The problem is this has been happening week after week , not just yesterday????
  17. Sounds like they think they can sell a few more local ads with the better game, they are in business to sell ads......
  18. You forgot to mention that great onside kick they called to open the second half!!
  19. Maybe sammy wammy should go all out and be the big assed 2 gap guy that we need and let somebody become the penetrater...I just think we have to many veteran coaches and they don't have to be named.....coach says play 2 gap then play allout 2 gap...many people keep giving these vets the benefit of the doubt,, they're the all knowing all seeing vets,, they know who should play when , where , and why....well then maybe they should follow mario lemeuix and buy themselves a team and they can make alll the calls......neg. all contracts and decide when and if they'll play or practice today....All these great vet. players got spanked buy a bunch of back ups last year,,IMO that says it all!!!! They have not shown up to play solid consistent winning football this season,,,that is their fault not the coaches,,,like marv used to say if you need me to motivate you at this level then you need to find another job!!!!!
  20. Then I guess the coaches should just send him in on 3rd and long passing downs??Or better yet maybe sammy wammy should become a player coach,,, then he could do whatever he wants on each and every play!!!!
  21. Didn't see the news last night but I seem to recall Big Sammy Wammy not practicing much lately because of ankle and knee injuries??
  22. Notre dame is too nice, while Louisville likes to kill people just for the fun of it!!! Louisville will punch it in with a 30 point lead and 5 seconds on the clock just for the hell of it!!!
  23. Just take Louisville -35.5 over syracuse .............the lock of the week!!!!!!!!!!
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