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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Anyone can make a claim. I'd need to see more people making this claim and from people who didn't totally botch the HC hiring process like the Giants did. As for Daboll, what was he unhappy about and where was he going to go as OC if he left the Bills? He was a failed OC until Josh developed, mostly thanks to his own efforts.
  2. What are you talking about? Like with Trump, the House can impeach via simple majority but the Senate won't convict.
  3. Again, it's plausible. Hall was well-regarded so to make a lateral move and not be promoted suggests it was something other than performance or a desire to be promoted. And remember that Mike Shanahan's wife didn't want to be in Buffalo. It was one person, whose team was looking to, and did, hire him. Not much credence can be placed in it. And I can't view the image you linked.
  4. We care about as much as you care that Joke stole classified documents as a Senator and kept them in his garage where any of his idiot son's cronies could have seen them. Again if your cult wants to go down that path, don't whine when Joke gets impeached.
  5. Well McD has gotten rid of 2 of the major players in that debacle. It's his show now mostly. And injuries will tell the tale, like last year.
  6. I never saw anything credible regarding that rumor and he only took Tierney, who was the QB coach here (and there) and Bobby Johnson, who everyone wanted gone. And there was nothing weird about moving on from Frazier as most everyone wanted him gone/wanted McD to call plays. Farwell screwed-up the KO, so he was basically fired. As for Hall, I have no idea what happened there, but I read his wife didn't want to live in Buffalo anymore. Sounds as plausible as anything else.
  7. It's not a guarantee, but it's apparent the final call wasn't for Bass to kick a TB.
  8. I remember that Dunne article. I think that 13 seconds was a combination of Farwell not getting the change in KO strategy to Bass and Frazier blowing the play-calls. He got rid of Farwell and now has taken over defensive play-calling. We'll see where that gets us this year.
  9. I didn't even read what Graham wrote, dude. I just read what Beck Water said and thought that sounded the most logical. If Diggs didn't intend to participate in minicamp, he wouldn't have shown up at all. Obviously something set him off and McD was surprised that he left before practice, thinking he wasn't going to return at all.
  10. I'm not sure who was involved in the meeting so I should have clarified that point. I think it involved the offense as a whole and McD was either there or had to be brought in to intervene.
  11. This. Now they need to address (in private) why things got heated. I still say it's Dorsey.
  12. We've had that law here in CT (a blue state) for 50+ years now. It's why we can't have a Tesla dealership.
  13. So Burisma hired idiot boy to get daddy to fire an honest prosecutor who was investigating their corruption. And Joke extorted Ukraine into firing him by withholding $1B. But yes, they impeached Trump who was trying to look into it and making sure the new regime wasn't as corrupt as the old one.
  14. He would get impeached in the House but won't be convicted in the Senate and thus not removed from Office.
  15. You can't care about something that has never happened...
  16. And those clowns impeached Trump over his phone call to Volod. Unbelievable and yet still not.
  17. That's why they need to impeach Joke next year.
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