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Catholic Guilt

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Everything posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. You make me laugh. Please drink your milk and goto bed! School comes early tomorrow.
  2. I see Trent progressing nicely. One thing you can't teach is smarts. Trent is a smart kid who doesn't make bad decisions with the ball. That was J.P.'s downfall, great arm but not too bright. I think the kid is something special and I look forward to watching him mature to a first rate quarterback.
  3. We need the Buffalo slug on the uni's to push them over the top.
  4. I like Jauron, but I think the biggest change that helped this year is losing Fairchild. The NFL is like an old boys club, especially with the coaches and they remain loyal to assistants. We have the same players, but look like a totally different team on offense.
  5. I mentioned this yesterday. How they can support the NFL is beyond me.
  6. Put the beer down and walk away from the keyboard son...
  7. And I'd love Tasker to explore all those empty tarp seats in Jacksonville.
  8. I love Tasker, but the original poster is correct in his unbiased look at the Bills. The zinger that stuck out during today's broadcast was his claim the Bills had the same problems tackling last week against the Seahawks. What game film did he watch? I don't remember the Bills with any defensive problems last week.
  9. How many sections of their stadium are tarped off? I was amazed at the number of empty seats during a long angle shot. Any Bills fans at the game care to comment?
  10. 2003 and our second win was against the Jags in Jacksonville.
  11. I lived through the Blizzard of 77 and Hurricane Hugo. I love living in the South, but I'll take a blizzard over a hurricane.
  12. Toast. The Pats are done. Look at what happened to a decent Carolina team last year when Delhomme was injuried. They imploded. The same will happen to our friends in New England.
  13. I can't believe I was watching a Bills defense today. They looked amazing. I love the blitzing and aggressive play.
  14. I know its been said fifty times in this thread but I am so impressed with the play calling. I'm just numb. This means I won't be yelling at the TV this year.
  15. Maybe I'm being too sensitive because he's a friend of mine.
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