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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. Ah the old moral relativism argument along with more incitement and a link that goes no where. Thanks.
  2. Some people never change. I can always count on you to put words into my mouth. Where in my post did I say he was a hawk and a hardliner?
  3. I'm more than a bit skeptical about your first paragraph. There are Christian Churches in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Indonesia and Turkey to name a few. There was also a synagogue in Baghdad before we invaded and practicing Jews in Yemen. I'm not saying that there aren't problems within the Islamic community, but all you seem to do is demonize them. Are you saying there is no hope for change in the muslim community? If there is no hope, what should we do, kill them all? I note you didn't address the protests in Jordan again.
  4. Hmmm, wasn't so long ago I was making the same observation about Arafat on the Palestinian side.
  5. O'Reilly is a conservative talk show host. I'm not sure I've heard many conservative talk show hosts where less than 60% of what they say is BS. I'd make the same observation about what little liberal talk show hosts I've heard.
  6. By failing to address Jordan, I think the failed to address the point.
  7. Sure he can do worse. I'd rather have TD than Matt Millen.
  8. No where in pdh1's post does he back up his assertion that the Lebanese protesters were mostly Christian. The original assertion was that muslims have never protested other muslims, which is clearly refuted by the Jordanian protests at the very least.
  9. Anyone know of any examples where coaches have become GM's and have been successful at scouting, contract negotiations, cap management and building champions? I don't see anything that disqualifies him. I also don't see anything that tells me he is highly qualified for the job.
  10. Read his post again. He was talking about protests in Jordan, not Lebanon.
  11. Which explains why he started another party and found Likud to be "insufferable"?
  12. If I'm not mistaken, Antwaan Randle-El was a 4th round pick. Weren't there more obvious needs on this team on both lines and at tight end than a fly weight wide receiver who might fill a hole a year from now.
  13. I thought he was both down and it was a forward lateral. Should have been called back on two accounts.
  14. I doubt Modrak will have the ability to buck Levy, Mularkey, or Wilson if for no other reason than he is staying in Florida. I have to seriously question how good a scouting/personel department can be when its leader is stationed 1100 miles away.
  15. Yeah, the only thing more frightening would be naming Matt Millen GM.
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  17. Thanks for agreeing that 3/5ths of the line is overpaid or under talented. Your admiration for Gandy has me picking my jaw off the keyboard.
  18. The Bills were 16 million over the 2001 cap before free agency started thanks to overpaying and restructuring stalwarts like Jerry Ostroski and John Fina. It was a very real problem, not something Donaho created. It might be argued that he cut to much but cuts had to be made. I think the Bills had $14 million tied up in the QB situation alone.
  19. Well if you don't give a rat's ass about the salary cap, you're ignorant. Washington gets under the cap each year the same way the Bills, 49ers and Cowboys did during the 1990s. They convert salary to bonus and lengthen contracts. That simply pushes the cap hit out to future years. Its almost like living high on the hog off of credit card debt. That will work for a period of time, but eventually you will have to take a huge cap hit on a player that you've restructured time after time. It happened to Buffalo, San Francisco and Dallas, it will happen to Washington to. If you bothered to learn about the cap you would know that, but ignorance in bliss. Butler knew that hit was coming.
  20. Yeah, 9 injuries to linemen over a 16 game season is unprecedented? C'mon Simon. Trey Teague has always impressed me as a highly paid, below average center. He's too tall, and to lite to match up against tackles and his snaps in the shotgun have always be erratic. Mike Williams is simply to fat and slow. He has been consistently beaten by speed rushers. Gandy was a cast off from another bad offensive line and Bennie Anderson didn't prove anything before he came here and has looked really really bad. Its not injuries, it bad talent.
  21. I think he is basing his opinions on emotions. TD failed on two Head Coach hirings and failed to put a decent offensive line in front of the likes of Rob Johnson, Drew Bledsoe and JP Losman. It wasn't just bad luck as Mortenson claims. It was piss poor evaluation of talent or outright neglect.
  22. Got any information on the salary cap situation for the team for those years? Fact is a GM isn't judged on win/loss ratio alone.
  23. Yah sure, it was Wilson's meddling. It had nothing to do with the collision course between the salary cap and all the bad contracts Butler had given.
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