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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. From what I understand, satellites in polar orbits are at a altitude of 1000 Kilometers. Do the geometry and you'll find that you do not have line of sight from a pole to a point 1000 km above the equator. Even if your sensor was at the same altitude (1000 km) you'd still be looking through quite a bit of earth.
  2. All other things being equal, the range over which you can track a target is going to depend on the elevation of your tracking sensor above the earths surface and the altitude of the target. I see no advantages to either pole over any other point on the globe. I could see advantages to putting the tracking sensor on high mountain peaks. And no, for a human, line of sight is not to the equator. Do some basic geometry on that one.
  3. Talking about getting your basice timeline straight, the S&P 500 peaked on March 24 2000. That's 9 months before Bush took office. The primaries weren't over yet, let alone the general election. By the time Bush was sworn in, the S&P had dropped over 12%. Oh, so you actually believe the President is responsible for stock market performance? Did you get all that from the DNC home page?
  4. What do you think had a greater effect? Tax cuts or the Fed Fund rates dropping to 1%?
  5. Depending on which index you're looking at, the markets peaked either last Monday or Wednesday. Do you really think that 2-4 days really constitutes a trend? One things for sure, you truly are speculating. Everyone knew Greenspan was retiring for years now. Everyone knew the date he was retiring but they just started reacting on the eve of his retirement? Might the slide have to do with Google's disappointing earnings? How about the price of oil and the nutbag running Iran? Maybe the inverted yield curve? Maybe stocks just need a breather after the juggernaught they've been on since late October?
  6. What most recent downward trend are you talking about? The one that started last week?
  7. No, that number is right. Mike Williams counts 10.8 million against the cap. If he is cut, there is a 4.9 million savings.
  8. Odd that the link you provided actually makes, rather than refutes, their point.
  9. The benefit of cutting him early is that you can commit his $5 million salary to people you believe can help you. Keeping him to or through training camp takes up takes away flexibility to sign free agents.
  10. Yeah, but I don't see any video. All I get is stills with voice over. That is why I asked "what kind of connection do you need?" as in how fast must you be able to download to get a video? Or is there no video?
  11. See if this link helps you DC Area Bars
  12. The Dunn Loring Metro station isn't terribly far from Greavey's. Were you going to McFadden's earlier in the year? Bailey's in Balston is a Steelers bar. They cook wings in an assortment of fashions that are good.
  13. What kind of connection do you need? All I saw was a series of still photos with voice over.
  14. People did it routinely when Flutie was throwing the ball.
  15. In a 3-4, the DT is the cornerstone of the defense. Do you really think it is wise to commit this team to a defense, and 5 million in salary, to a guy who has never played to position and has shown little, if any, heart? Besides, Williams is tall and slow off the ball, even when he knows the snap count. I think opposing guards/centers will find it relatively easy to get under him, get leverage and move him just enough to create holes. Thats not to mention that our DEs and LBs are small for the 3-4.
  16. Dave Throughout this thread I believe I have been putting the horse back in front of the cart. I've been saying that our problems have been on offensive and defensive lines and it is too early to give up on Losman. Just because I'm not sold on the guy doesn't mean I don't recognize the problems on this team. BTW, I think Losman got extremely lucky in the first half of the Miami game. He lofted long balls that receivers had to slow down to catch. If Miami's DB's hadn't been so soundly beaten by Evans, I think two of those would have been picked off.
  17. Unfortunately, I think much of the country remembers him for losing his helmet.
  18. What drugs do you do before games? From what I've seen, he is horribly innaccurate. I have no faith in his long ball. When he has thrown long, he has generally lofted it. Granted he was set up to fail, given the offensive line he was forced to play behind. He was essentially a rookie. I'm all for giving him time to develop, but I must admit, I lost confidence in him as the season wore on.
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