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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. I don't buy into this logic. Killing him shows that we can do what we set out to do and sends a message not to f*ck with us. I don't see him attaining martyr status and quite frankly believe he is more inspirational to those who would attack us by constantly thumbing his nose at us. He is hardly marginalized. Terrorism has increased every year since 2001. We are bogged down in open ended commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is his turf. If anything, we've made it easier for his ilk to kill Americans simply by availability. BTW, do you realize that you are agreeing with Pasta Joe?
  2. The DOW, comprised of 30 stocks, isn't necessarily indicative of the market. Do you honestly believe that the President is responsible for the behavior of the stock market? Hint, you may want to look at Federal Reserve Board interest rate moves.
  3. Do you realize that the Bills would have to take an additional 2+ million hit to trade Losman? Do you realize that Brees won't be under contract to San Diego after Feb 21 because he was a "Franchise Player"? Do you realize that the Bills problems are on the offensive and defensive lines? No QB is going to play well behind the Bills O line.
  4. Yeah right. Isn't Brees a free agent with a bum shoulder? Do you really think San Diego is going to trade for JP Losman when they already have Philip Rivers waiting in the wings.
  5. That server is having problems with the load.
  6. Actually, it's there. It sounds like a propeller driven plane and immediately after it crashes, the dove flies by.
  7. Really? I googled Muhammed and cartoons and the first link had it. http://www.newspaperindex.com/blog/2005/12...-posten-racism/
  8. Mr Butler? Is that you Mr. Butler? So there is such a thing as reincarnation after all.
  9. What's with these statues filled with heroin? Has anyone else noticed that the only way anyone has gotten to these drugs is to break the statue? How did the drugs get into that statues? The statues were already made before the drugs were put in them. Another thing I noticed is that Charlie had 6 statues before he broke one open, leaving 5. I was careful to count them because I was curious if the number of statues Charlie had was one of the numbers. When Locke was puting them in the safe, he locked up 7 statues? Where did Locke get the extra 2 statues?
  10. Locke is coming across as a manipulator leading people towards destructive behaviour. He manipulated Boone, and wasn't terribly concerned about his death. He seems to purposely push Charlie's buttons with his attention to Claire and the baby. I can't imagine he had a good reason for keeping the statues. He had an encounter with the security system early in season 1 where we heard it but didn't see the black cloud. I'm wondering if that has been somehow controlling him ever since.
  11. One of the issues I have with the P2P process is that I'm a bit concerned I might end up creating some vulnerability in my computer. I'm rather confident that won't happen with i-tunes.
  12. Wouldn't work. You can't build anything in this country any more without hiring illegals. [/sarcasm] Wouldn't they just tunnel under it? I think they do that in the San Diego area.
  13. Getting to the point, I missed Lost last night and would like to see it before the next episode. I've found plenty of P2P sights that will let me download this stuff but the legality struck me a sketchy and I really don't want a call from the FBI.
  14. Does anyone know if it is legal to download TV shows off the internet using peer to peer file sharing services? Which service is best? Or is there a better way to accomplish this?
  15. Might be a conditioned response. Months ago I'd be hitting the remote as soon as I heard the words "Cindy Shee" click. I may not even be conscious of it any more. Here she's just constantly in your face.
  16. What's wrong with that? If you get rid of the foreigners, you don't need a policy.
  17. The question with Riemersma is, what did he do after he left?
  18. What about the hardware collecting the data?
  19. If it weren't for conservatives here or on talk radio, I wouldn't know what this woman was doing.
  20. So now you're arguing that we should act as World Cop?
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