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Everything posted by BuffaloDynamite

  1. But, he did it for his family and God!
  2. THANK GOD! WGR is so boring now that I can't stand listening too long. Training camp is in full swing yet they barely talk about it when I do listen. Mike and the other guy are boring and safe.
  3. The way the kid was talkin, I didn't think he'd do that.
  4. Why would a 6th round pick hold out??
  5. Please, refer to him by his correct name: Ken "Toast" Irvin. I'll hang up and listen.
  6. Take a trip to Travis Henry's house before he leaves- he loves the youngsters
  7. It's Travis Henry's going away party. All High School girls are VIPS
  8. I think Brian Holzinger would be a great LT- not great strenght though.
  9. I think he should have worn bigger shoulder pads-the ones he wore didn't fully protect his entire body!
  10. You know, those original movies like Dawn of the Dead are the ones that got me into the genre, but after rewatching them, they just don't seem as good as I once thought. Must be the age difference. Still like them though.
  11. I hope so- i need something good to watch- i can't stand all those "reality" shows!
  12. He wil then require one million...no one BILLION DOLLARS for our stockpile of guards!
  13. What ever happened with this guy? I thought the Bills were about to bring him in? Now they are looking at that Langon dude. This Payne guys seemed to have potential.
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